jporthnth (Obstruer December 8. 2010 IN S ID E el O bservador This page Sponsored by: Page 3 FredMeyer What's on your list today?, pages 4-5 H ealth Civil Rights Leader Picked pages 6-7 New judge will bring diversity to appeals court Lynn Nakamoto, a civil rights and employment law attorney from Portland, was named a judge on the Oregon Court of Appeals Monday. Her appointment by Gov. Ted Kulongoski will fill the vacancy that will be created when Judge Jack Landau is sworn in as a Justice of the Oregon Supreme Court on Jan. 3. Nakamoto is the managing shareholder at the Portland law firm o f M arkowitz, Herbold, Glade & Mehlhaf. While most recently specializing in em ploy­ ment and business related litiga­ tion, she previously practiced with Legal Aid for Marion and Polk counties and had been a staff attorney with Bronx Legal NAACP Portland Chapter Elections pages 10-13 C alendar page 15 55 •iufi'ÌToWT&iP V O pinion J Services in New York. She re­ ceived her law degree from New Y ork U n iv e rsity and h er b a c h e lo r ’s d e g re e from Wellesley College. She has prac­ ticed in Oregon since 1988. Nakamoto was a founding M M M M M M M HM M M M M aM M M M M M HNM IM nM M M M M BM aNM M M i IMIIIAISMIM s & Lynn Nakamoto member of the Oregon Minority Lawyers Association and is a past board member of the Q Center, a GLBT community cen­ ter in north Portland. She has been a long time advocate for equality, serving on the Oregon State Bar’s Affirmative Action Committee and perforrrflng pro bono work for the Senior Law Project and the ACLU of O r­ egon, including preparing an a m icu s b rie f on the g ro u n d b re a k in g T a n n e r v. OHSU decision that helped se­ cure equal benefits for same sex domestic partners and their fami­ lies in Oregon. She will be the first Asian American from Oregon to serve as a judge on any state or federal appellate court within Oregon. With her joining the 10-member Court of Appeals, the Court will be more reflective of the state’s population, including four female jurists and two ethnic minorities. An election for officers of the NAACP Port­ land chapter will be held Saturday, Dec. 11 at the Cascade Campus of Portland Community Col­ lege, 705 N. Killingsworth, Technology Building, Room 222. All general membership is requested to partici­ pate in this selection process with voting taking place between 12:30 p.m. and 4 p.m. S à M s U r f a -' * 1 /• > ft This holiday season, Portlanders are finding new ways to get what they need while spending their time, money and energy on what matters most. pages 16-17 g ET more of the 7>0IS C lassifieds F ood pa«e2° i $«3r- ; pages 19 good stuff "My children look forward to our annual family outing to see the holiday lights at the zoo. It is a great way for us to spend time together and build lifelong memories." Liliana, NE Portland Share your story and find local resources at City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability Sam Adams. Mayor | Susan Andersor D-'etior