PaSe 20___________________ ;_______________ ®l?t Fortiani» (Dbsmier_________________ December 8, 2010 recipes by Martha Stewart SAFEWAY your schedule, Ingredients for life.» Preparing for Holiday Celebrations Panko-Crusted Chicken Bites Ingredients • • • • —— — N onstick cooking spray 1/2 cup(s) all-purpose flour 1/4 cup(s) D ijon m ustard 2 large eggs Each tim e you spend* S50 or m ore in a single tran sactio n . S afeway * ► J ga»' • 1 l/2 c u p (s)p a n k o breadcrum bs • pinch(s) cayenne pepper y SAFEWÄYcont STORE e n te r P ro m o * * t • 1 cu p (s)ap rico tjam o rp re se rv e s • 4 large (about 2 pounds) bone- le ss, s k in le s s c h ic k e n b re a st halves, cut into 1-inch cubes • C oarse salt and freshly ground pepper • 2 tablespoon(s) extra-virgin olive oil • 1/2 cup(s) freshly grated Parm esan cheese • 1 teaspoon(s) chopped fresh thym e leaves delivered! ' / . / f FRIDAY SATURDAY « • SUNDAY Ä MONDAY ONLY! Rancher's Reserve® Boneless Beef Chuck Pot or Cross Rib Roast Pork Shoulder Blade Roast EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Club Price Hi MEAT SALE! Directions 1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Line a baking sheet w ith parchm ent paper and fit w ith a w ire rack. Sp'ray w ith cooking spray; set aside. 2. Place flour in a large bowl and season very generously with salt and pepper. W hisk eggs in another large bow l w ith 2 tablespoons w ater until well com bined. Place the breadcrum bs in a third large bow l, and drizzle w ith olive oil; toss to coat. Stir in cheese and cayenne and mix well. Bone-In 0» Country Style B is Extreme Value Pick ihiday satvm « SUNDAY A MONDAY 0N1T Oscar Mayer ■. m 'Ä I M V Safeway Chicken Thighs, Drumsticks or Leg Quarters BUY 1 Sliced Bacon | c n C UtoiSor ■■ f i t MBM J 80% Lean Ground Beef Extreme Value Pack Of Split Breasts 3. Place chicken pieces in the seasoned flour and toss to coat. W orking in 3 batches, shake o ff any excess flour from chicken pieces and transfer to egg m ixture; stir to com bine. T ransfer coated chicken pieces with a slotted spoon to the breadcrum b m ixture and toss until com pletely coated. Place the breaded chicken pieces on a rack-lined baking sheet, spacing them evenly apart. R epeat process until all the chicken is breaded. B ake until golden brow n and chicken is cooked through, 18 to 20 m inutes. Fresh Whole Cooked Dungeness Crab FOWC OH LESSER VALUT Club Price WS 5-lb. Box Satsuma Mandarins W eather permitting SAVE up to $ 6 9 9 on 2 Club Price H I Good source of Vitamin C' SAVE up to $4 00 ea LtANPtHWlS 4. In a sm all bow l, stir the apricot ja m , m ustard, and thym e together until com bined. A llow chicken to cool 10 m inutes Hot Spinach Dip Club Price U Ingredients • • • • • • • • • • • 2 teaspoon(s) olive oil, plus m ore for baking dish 1 m edium onion, diced 2 clove(s) g a rlic , m inced 2 pound(s) spinach, cleaned, trim m ed, and coarsely chopped l/2 c u p (s )m ilk 6 ounce(s) reduced-fat bar cream cheese 3 dash(es) W orcestershire sauce 3 dash(es) hot sauce, such as T abasco 3/4 cup(s) shredded m ozzarella C oarse salt and ground pepper B aguette slices, breadsticks, o r crackers , for serving Franz White Bread or Thinwiches Fresh Express Complete Salads Selected sizes and varieties, Club Price $2 00 ea SAVE up to $4 38 on 2 7.25 to 14-oz Selected varieties Club Price $2 00 ea SAVE up to S3.38 on 2 medium thoddor S^ÎLÎWÎ ftiiiTjlW 4» CIO« RRICt - a A* Lucerne* Shredded or Chunk Cheese Progresso Traditional or Rich & Hearty Soup 32-oz Medium only SAVEupto50< 12-Pack Pepsi Fridge Mates 12 or cans Selected varieties Plus deposit m Oregon 18 5 to 19 or Selected varieties SAVE us to 88« SAVE up to $13 98 on 4 DURACELL roP^”'nP^4.w Directions 1. Preheat oven to 425 de- w p grees. In a D utch oven or ft*. ” large pot, heat oil over m e- VW m k M B ' If dium. Add onion and garlic; B p , cook until lightly browned, 5 to 8 m inutes. I l , 2. Add spinach in two addi- ft? w lions. Idling the first batch 1 f t \ W . • ¿ - 'a ; Single ( o tt t e Six Feck Sale Price C arrier M ice Doritos or Ruffles 799 Duracell 11 5 to 13 or homos or 9 to 10 or Rutiles Selected varieties SAVE up Io $150 AA or AAA 8 td 10 -Ct, C o r 0 4 cl 9Vott2 ct SAVE up to $6 99 on 2 72O f »«rboWe F5O«I or largar | Jr \WL* Horin Maid F Y w fl £ wilt before adding the next; cook until com pletely w ilted, 5 to 8 m inutes. T ran sfer to a colander; drain, pressing to release all excess liquid. 3. In the sam e pot, w arm m ilk over high heat. W hisk in cream c h e e s e u n til m e lte d , a b o u t 3 m in u te s . A d d s p in a c h , W orcestershire sauce, hot sauce, and 1 /4 cup m ozzarella; stir to com bine. Season w ith salt and pepper. Pour into a lightly oiled 1 1/2-quart shallow baking dish; sprinkle with rem aining l/2 c u p mozzarella. 4. B ake until bubbly and golden brow n, 20 to 25 m inutes. Serve hot w ith accom panim ents, as desired. Mix and Match! C Buy m y 5 participating NABtSCOKRAFT Cracker items with your Sateway Club Card, in a single transaction, between 12A08/10 -12/22/1 0 * K* Sava $5 instantly at checkout! ~ SUMMT k MOMMY «NUT Post Honey £ Bunches of O afs-^ ms « ?««« ” <>«**»• «4. »MwawWtuOwWwaMl OwBwr r.aSMMU«ME«eto I.SouM M M C Always great MIM* Club Card 0 Specials That's o u r p ro m is e ... O fo r C lub f th a t's In g r e d ie n ts f o r life. lffl R i R I R I WS I I I U l |£| laJ I Itil ’ wî fri sat I S * S ^ A v i^ r RF a t« r sun mon ruts Prices on are effective Wednesday, December 8 thru Tuesday, December 14, 2010. ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY. Selection varies by store. ^ ali Sa,ewa) ^tOre,S in 9r^ ° n ,'except Milton-Freewater) and S W Washington stores serving Wahkiakum products containing ephedrine, pseudoephedrine or phenytpropanotemine N AU STORES Some advertised prices may be even lower in some stores On Buy One Get One Free ("BOGO'I tom S r T ? ‘XTLSateS ? S*’0b! l,enl pu'chasert ,('9lllar P'1“ «UP»« Manufacturers' coupons may be 11 Coston^r X ' 'e5°?"s" )ie ,or anfl deposits as required by law on the purchased and free items No liquor les at licensed Sateway stores only © 2 0 ,0 Sateway inc Availability ot Items may vary by store