Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 08, 2010, Page 18, Image 18

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    Page 18
»*• Fortiani, ©bseruer
Patrick John Sweeney, P.C.
December 8, 2010
Championship Showdown
By the time he gets to Ari­ points. James leads the nation in
zona, Newton will most likely rushing in an offense that is
H eism an T ro p h y h o p efu l have the Heisman Trophy to simple yet breathtaking.
Jeremiah Masoli was kicked off prove it.
Kelly, who five years ago was
the team.
"There were several moments offensive coordinator at New
The Tigers were even further (this season) where we said this Hampshire, has taken high-speed
back, second in their own state guy is going to be different from football to a new level. In their
to Nick Saban's defending na­ m ost," seco n d -y ear A uburn season-ending, 37-20 victory
tional champions at Alabama and coach Gene Chizik said.
against Oregon State on Satur­
No. 22 in the nation. Plus, they
It's just as likely unanswered day, none of the Ducks' six scor­
were breaking in ajuniorcollege questions about an NCAA in­ ing drives lasted longer than 2
transfer at quarterback.
vestigation into Newton's recruit­ minutes, 43 seconds.
Oregon never missed Masoli ment will be following the Tigers
Newton and the Tigers like to
as coach Chip Kelly sim ply to Glendale, too.
play fast, too.
plugged Darron Thomas into his
T he N C A A d e te rm in e d
"We're different but I think
fast-paced spread offense and Newton's father, Cecil, tried to we have some similar philoso­
watched his team lead the nation peddle his son to Mississippi State phies," Kelly said. "They obvi­
in scoring.
for cash, but said there was no ously run their quarterback a
The fashion plates of college evidence Cam or Auburn knew whole heck of lot more than we
football, thanks to the ever- about it.
changing uniforms provided by
So when the ruling came down
Auburn's spread averages 498
alum and Nike founder Phil last week, Cam Newton avoided yards per game and the Tigers
Knight, Oregon reached No. 1 in punishment and the sports gov­ are averaging 43 points.
the rankings for the first time this erning body let the QB play on.
They were never better than
season and emphatically replaced He denied any wrongdoing after Saturday at the Georgia Dome.
USC as the Pac-10's team to the SEC cham pionship game Newton threw four touchdown
beat with its second straight con­ Saturday.
passes and ran for two more
ference title.
While the NCAA will keepon scores in a 56-17 demolition of
As for Auburn, that JUCO looking into the pay-to-play South Carolina to win the South­
transfer turned out to be the scheme, there's no reason to eastern Conference champion­
story of the year on and off the believe his status will change ship.
between now and the champi­
As has become customary,
Cam Newton has been peer­ onship game.
the SEC champion moves on to
less as a player, the nation's top-
With Newton on one side and play for the national title. The
rated passer and its 15th-best Ducks tailback LaMichael James, Tigers will try to make it five
another Heisman hopeful, on the stra ig h t BCS title s for the
"1 think cam Newton can play other, this has the makings of one country's best conference.
for anybody, including the NFL," wild championship.
The Ducks will try to become
Kelly said. "He can throw it and
Who says defense wins?
the first Pac-10 team other than
he can run it. He's the top foot­
The D ucks are averaging USC to finish the season No. 1 in
ball player in the country."
537.5 yards per game and 49 both the AP and coaches' polls.
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 8
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