December 8, 2010 ®l?e Jïnrtlanh QDbserucr 4L >. f ' Sb. ■äÄ. Q Page II NEW N.E. LOCATION! NEAR NE M.L.K. & FREMONT ENTERT A*R LOAN - SERVING PORTLAND SINCE 1 9 7 9 - 503.542.2251 3609 NE MLK BLVD. PORTLAND, OR A.U//, -I* N o rtte tfc !fjl'C h ris t ’.Ministries "An Interdenominational Church- The adventurous, original string trio ‘Terracoustic’ will bring music from American and Irish dance traditions during a free family concert on Friday, Dec. 10 at the Community Music Center, 3 3 5 0 S.E. Francis St. Concert for Parents and Kids The Com m unity M usic Center in southeast Portland will co n ­ tinue its popular fam ily concert series with ‘T erracoustic,’ an ad­ venturous original string trio with music from A m erican and Irish Dance traditions, The performance will take place on Friday, Dec. 10 at 7:15 p.m. The Community Music Center is a Port­ land Parks and Recreation facility that is located at 3350 S.E. Francis St. The Family Friday Concert Se­ ries, the second Friday of each month is something fun for parents and kids to attend together. Perfor­ mances end by 8:30 p.m. and are free with a suggested donation of $5 or $ 15 for a family of any size. Tickets available at the door only. Fresh popcorn, snacks and refresh­ ments are sold at the door for a minimal price. Ihalwi DiaAcp 91. JE.& Elut £ady. Zarttan 9t 9lodgt 9^twliTuuh^l9lufiuatiat Sundays: Worship Service — 12:00-2:00 P.M. Bible Study— Wednesdays— 6:00— 8:30P.M. Bible Themes: “God The Father”; “God The Son”; and “God The Holy Spirit” Location: Concordia University Campus Polaris Theatre Fall Concert Though the recession may have roughed up resources for many arts organizations, Artistic Direc­ tor Robert Guitron o f Portland’s Polaris Dance Theatre recog­ nized the interlude as opportu­ nity for creative reflection. After re-thinking and re-possessing past works, Guitron will return to Lincoln Hall on the Portland State University campus with "Repo," a retrospective o f Po­ laris works that inspires individu­ als to look inward, re-examine and rethink themselves. The Fall Concert runs Thursday, Dec. 9 through Saturday, Dec. 11 with 7:30 p.m. shows. Lincoln Hall is located at 1620 S.W. Park Ave. Order tickets at 2800 N E l i b e r t y (T h e G R W l i b r a r y , R oom 3 0 3 ) P o rtla n d , O R . 97211 To inquire about our Church plcaae call: (5 0 3 ) 8 6 3 -6 5 4 5 or hodgehsp w w w .nw volceforchrlat The Vi 'V • • / (I Candy Korner has what you NEED! jk Orniate.) * * ndies O a r v 'd / C j 1 K a r t i e r 4606 NE MLK Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 503.281.7000 ww w.candy komer. net