jßortlanh (Dhsertier Page 4 ^ o rtla n h (Observer December I, 2010 j Sustainability / C ,, k c z. r i h a ! 503-288-ÓÒ33 □ U U d V llU C ' Fill Out & Send To: JJartknnb (Dhseruer Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 $60.00 for 6 months • $110.00 for 1 year • $200.00 for 2 years (please include check with this subscription forni) N ame : ___ ___________________________ T elephone : __ ________________________ A ddress : ____ ________________________ or email subscriptions@portlandobserver.com Metro Council President Carlotta Collette being interviewed about the Portland metro area’s reputation as one o f the world's most livable regions during an international awards conference in Chicago. Metro Area Rates Most Livable Planning efforts earn recognition PORT-LAMB CLIMATE ACTION NOW! TO6£TUfR b J f CAM M AItf A M W R f M C f TAKT ACTION T0bH\ Find in s p ira tio n and resources at: www.portlandclimateaction.org C ity o f P ortland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability Sam Adam j, Mayor I Susan Anderson, Director Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 (503) 284-7838 Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for nearly 20 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 Parking .Area E 2sr a. H I R O P R A C T I C Russell St I Communities scored points for their work in six areas: enhancement of the natural and built landscapes; arts, culture and heritage; environ­ mental best practices; community participation and empowerment; healthy lifestyle; and strategic plan­ ning. Judges awarded the region the top prize among all community sizes for strategic planning, citing the collaboration of many cities and counties to shape the future. Metro highlighted six strategic outcomes that regional leaders use to make policy decisions, such as economic competitiveness and prosperity and vibrant, walkable communities. “Planning for the future can be complex, especially when you do not have direct control but have to coordinate the planning of several cities and counties together,” wrote judge Rob Small of New Zealand. He praised Metro leaders for, “cre­ ating a long term view for their re­ gion that is inspiring and uplifting in its vision.” Rose Quarter Future Eyed We are located on the com er ofM LK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. 333 NE Russell #200 The Portland metropolitan area has been named one of the world’s most innovative and sustainable communities, winning top honors for strategic planning and second place overall at last m onth’s Inter­ national Awards for Liveable Com­ munities in Chicago. Metro Council President Carlotta Collette, Sustainability Center Di­ rector Jim Desmond and Planning and Development Director Robin McArthur represented the region at the competition, which recognizes local work to improve environmen­ tal health and quality of life. “W e’re very proud to be here rep­ resenting our region,” Collette said. “Sometimes we take for granted how clean and green and vibrant our en­ vironment and our community is.” Based on written entries, final­ ists were selected from five popula­ tion categories to present their cases last weekend to a panel of judges. Metro competed in the largest divi­ sion, for communities with a day­ time population of more than400,000. lo t Blazers have more time for forming details attract jobs and generate business developm ent,” said M ayor Sam Adams. Adams said the current thinking is “to harness the energy of the Rose Quarter as an amateur and The Portland City Council has professional athletic destination to approved a six-month extension of create a living, breathing forum for development rights for Portland ideas and innovation anchored by a Arena Management for the Rose signature Portland industry, the ath­ Quarter area in the vicinity of the letic and outdoor cluster.” Rose Garden and Memorial Coli­ The vision to capitalize on the seum in north Portland. athletic and outdoor brand - and “We have a six-month window to develop the Rose Quarter district make significant progress with the as an em ploym ent hub is buoyed Trailblazers, the Winterhawks, the by the collaboration o f Portland’s community and key business part­ “big three” sports industry play­ ners to build a structure - both ers: Nike, Adidas, and Colum bia physical and economic - that will Sportswear.