Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 01, 2010, Page 18, Image 18

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^Kurtiani» (ribscruer
Patrick John Sweeney, P.C.
A Brush with Terror
c o n t i n u e d f r o m fr o n t
Patrick John Sweeney
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tivities. T h e re ’s no real cause to do
d ifferent.”
Investigators are looking into the
likelihood that the early Sunday
m orning fire w as in retaliation to the
bom b plot, as M oham ud o ccasio n ­
ally atten d ed the m osque w hile he
w as enrolled at O regon State U ni­
Since the fire, police have stepped
up patrols around m osques.
N o one w as injured in the blaze,
though 80 percent o f the Islam ic
cen ter's office w as burned.
T he FBI has jo in e d the arson
in v estig atio n , and has o ffered a
$ 10,000rew ard for inform ation lead-
ing to an arrest.
"We have m ade it quite clear that
the FBI will not tolerate any kind o f
retribution or attack on the M uslim
com m u n ity ," said A rthur B alizan,
Special A gent in C harge o f the FBI
in O regon, in a prepared statem ent.
"W e are w orking very closely w ith
the leadership at the m osque. W e
w ill find the person responsible for
this attack and bring the full force o f
the federal ju stic e system to bear. In
the m eantim e, the FBI rem ains abso­
lutely co m m itted to protecting each
and every A m erican's right to live,
w ork and w orship in a free and safe
so ciety ."
In reaction to the arson fire, one
Portland resident rem em bered that
“ During the Iran hostage affair, Leba­
nese restaurant ow ners were attacked
(because) people couldn’t tell — or
bother to find out — the different
betw een A rabs and Iranians. N ever
mind that Iranians who came to United
States to escape the political regim e
had nothing to do with it anyw ay,”
she said. “People feeling pow erless
lash out thoughtlessly.”
In response to questions about
fear o f further reprisals. M ay o r Sam
A dam s said, “ I trust in P o rtlan d ers’
sense o f fairness; that bad actions
by one m em b er o f any group does
not and should not be g eneralized
o r applied m ore w idely to o th er
m em bers o f that sam e group. O th er­
w ise, as part o f the biggest racial
group in Portland, European-A m eri­
cans, producing m any crim es daily,
w ould be in deep tro u b le.”
He added that City C om m issioner
A m anda Fritz and Portland Police
C h ie f M ike R eese are doing o u t­
reach to leadership w ithin the So­
mali com m unity.
O n Sunday, A dam s and Fritz m et
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Just m inutes after M o h am u d ’s
5:40 p.m . arrest, the tree lighting
cerem o n y co ntinued w ithout fur­
ther incident.
In response to the thw arted bom b
plot. C o m m issio n er D an S altzm an
on M onday called for the C ity C o u n ­
cil to rejoin the federal Portland Joint
T errorism T ask Force, w hich fo­
c u se s on c o u n te ra c tin g in te rn a ­
tional terrorism through increased
C reated in 1997, the JT T F fo ­
cused prim arily on dom estic terro r­
ism , though that changed follow ing
the Sept. 11,2001 terrorists attacks.
Saltzm an said P ortland should
com m it to rejoining the JT T F at its
Dec. 8 city council m eeting, saying,
“W e need to m ove forw ard, we m ust
not delay w hen the safety o f our
residents is at stak e.”
The Associated Press contrib­
uted to this report.
2337 N. W illiams Ave,
Portland, Or 97227
w ith leaders o f the Som ali co m m u ­
nity at C ity Hall for a peace rally to
discuss the B lack Friday scare and
its afterm ath.
A lso at the rally w as Jam a, acting
as a spokesm an for the Som ali co m ­
m unity.
“T he m ay o r’s office and A m anda
F ritz ’s office have been very h elp­
ful. W e ’re really grateful for their
support,” he said. “C itizens have
been calling o r em ailing asking how
they can h elp ...ev ery o n e is being
very su p p o rtiv e.”
M o h a m u d , a g r a d u a te o f
B eaverton’s W estview H igh School
w ho had been en ro lled at O regon
State until O ctober, w as first co n ­
tacted by an und erco v er FB I agent
in June, though he had been m o n i­
tored by investigators fo r at least
m onths prior.
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