D e ce m b e r I, 2010 $3ortlanò (Obstruer Page 17 O pinion OëÏAtNEfc “VHRpWôM "TofCTÛR^ NovJ A v rô T fë P ÎH VS; O>\>v{^- tk PARM A\E j/,1 attack ^ Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG $45.00 A sm all distance/travel charge m ay be applied REST my 0 ÛZSE (Includes: I sm all H allw ay) m 0 S j 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 O O Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area (Hallway Extra) û t> V '- T Stairs (12-16 stairs - With O ther Services)-. $25.00 6UAMTAHW NBMMHM M NNNMNHNBNHI ■M Good-for-Nothing Commission Heading toward disaster D onald K aul W e h av e seen the future and it is grim. T hat glim pse o f the road ahead a r­ rived in the form o f a preview o f the B ow les-S im pson C om m ission's re­ port on the kinds o f things g o v e rn ­ m ent has to do (and not do) if w e w ant to avoid econom ic doom . T hings like giving up tax breaks w e never even knew w ere breaks, extending o u r w orking years to the cusp o f senility, abso rb in g even higher gasoline taxes, accepting (if you're a gov ern m en t w orker) a pay freeze and (if you're w ell-off) paying m ore into Social Security but taking out less. O h, it's going to be a fun tim e, the future is. I can hardly w ait for it to get here. N ot. T h e c o m m is s io n —o f f i c i a l l y nam ed the N ational C om m ission on Fiscal R esponsibility and R efo rm — w as created by President O b am a to by CARPET CLEANING 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas Z Z May 1 ,2 0 1 0 Cleaning HE ALS o FT é ADS G u K t / FbP. HURRÎ9AN& KATRÎNA ? THE HAITIAN ^RTAQUAKS AND MOUNT VIMATUBoS ERUPTION « Effective Martin M evjs /y o U R honor ,-ffie .. PENDANT PL^\P5 ô ü ltfy To KlVUNG A U.S. S o t P i ^ OH W B£ î î £ < -. 'B'ÉU>,AlP»H0' > v AU'QÆPA 4Hp. New Prices find w ays to avoid the 12-car w reck o u r eco n o m y is h eaded for. It's o s ­ ten sib ly a b ipartisan group, m e an ­ ing that it's m ade up o f partisans on both sides o f o u r political divide. Its c o -c h a irm e n a re E rs k in e B ow les, a C linton apparatchik, and A lan S im pson, form erly a m av erick R epublican Senator from W yom ing- -now ju s t strange. T h eir report, a trial balloon desig n ed to see w here the shooting w ill com e from w hen the foil report co m es out, is w hat w e're talking ab o u t now . A s it turns out, the shooting w ill co m e from everyw here. T he D em o ­ crats hate the cu ts in program s. T he R ep u b lican s are angry about the tax hikes. T he m ilitary -in d u strial c o m ­ plex loathes the cuts in m ilitary spending. F arm ers can't abide d o ­ ing aw ay w ith farm subsidies. O ld p eople o b ject to losing th eir Social S ecurity co st o f living increases, and the m id d le-ag ed are ap p alled at the thought o f w aiting until they're 69 to collect retirem ent benefits. T h e good new s is, I suppose, that none o f the above has even a rem o te chance o f being m ade into law. N o sane politician w ould vote fo r any o f that, unless he o r she is planning on an early retirem ent. T he A m erican people have m ade it plain that they don't w ant d raco ­ nian sacrifice; they don't w ant any sacrifice at all. T hey w ant all the benefits due them (plus 10 percent) and they w ant som eone else to pay fo r it. T he bad new s is that even if all o f those things w ere d o n e -a ll the c u t­ ting, all the tax in g —it still w ouldn't be enough to m ake the loom ing budget deficits go aw ay. T hat's because the plan d oesn't serio u sly ad d ress the co n tin u in g ex p losio n o f health care costs, p a r­ ticularly fo r a rapidly aging p o p u la ­ tion. the reduction o f m ortgage interest deductibility) are aim ed at the m iddle class. In return, the plan w ould cut the upper incom e tax rate from 35 to 23 percent and corporate tax rates from 35 percent to as low as 26 percent. E verybody likes low er taxes but that represents a shift from the not- so-rich to the rich and very rich. So w e'll blu n d er ahead. W e'll do nothing, argue about everything, and slouch tow ard disaster. T he w orst is w hat's happening to the states, w hich is n ’t dealt w ith in the B ow les-S im pson report. T heir revenue sources are tapped out, so they're cutting to the bone and then It assum es that politicians w ill cutting the bone. A nd the last slice slow the rise by "establishing a p ro ­ co m es from education budget. c e ss to re g u la rly e v a lu a te c o st Y ou k n o w , w e can treat old g ro w th " an d ta k in g "a d d itio n a l people badly, w e can deny the rich steps as needed." th eir second hom es, w e can leave A lan, E rsk in e .. .if they co u ld do farm ers to their ow n devices, and we that, w e w ouldn't be in this m ess in can lim it ourselves to one w ar at a the first place. tim e. W e can even (sob) let our As it is, the plan is a deep ly national parks go to ruin. c o n s e rv a tiv e d o c u m e n t. It c u ts B ut w hen w e fail to ed u cate our sp en din g tw o d o llars (som e say children, w e m aim the future. three) fo r ev ery d o llar it asks in tax If w e have a future. increases. A nd w hile som e o f the OtherWords columnist Donald taxes fall on the w ealthy, m ost (like Kaul lives in Ann Arbor, Mich. Area/Oriental Rugs: $25.00 Minimum Area/Oriental Rugs ( Wooly. $40.00Minimum Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $10.00 each area (Requiring Extensive Pre-Spraying) UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa; $69.00 Loveseat: $49.00 Sectional: $ 109 - $ 139 Chair or Recliner: $25 - $49 Throw Pillows (With Other Services)'. $5.00 % ADDITIONAL SERVICES • Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning • Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning • Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment • Spot & Stain Removal Service • Scotchguard Protection • Minor Water Damage Services SEE CURRENT FLYER FOR ADDITIONAL PRICES & SERVICES Call for Appointment (503) 281-3949