Fortiani» (fthseroer Decem ber I, 2010 Page 15 Arts ¿ X IMII JVeal'ô omímio U Stewd r$unvtal3hune Sylvester Has New CD T he first tw o songs from the N orm an S ylvester B a n d ’s new est reco rd in g project have ju st been released. R ecorded live at north P o rtlan d ’s E thos, Inc., the new C D features Fine as Frog H air and Please L ie to Me. C opies are on sale at M usic M illennium and at N orm an S y lv ester B and gigs. D ow nloads are also available on iT unes and C D B aby, but the physical C D w ith photography by K im A lm aise, p u b lisher o f K im ’s B lues L etter in E ugene, m akes it a nice c o lle c to r’s item and ideal stocking stuffer for C hristm as. B oth o f the singles are o riginals w ritten by S ylvester, straight-up blues num bers, one fast and one slow , one telling a story o f grow ing up in the south, one a tale o f love and love lost, as only N orm an can w rite them . T he tw o cuts are perform ed by the basic four piece co re band w ith great piano playing by Frankie R edding Jr., great gu itar playing and singing by N orm an, and solid backing by the father and son rhythm section o f R ob and Paul Shoem aker. A portion o f the proceeds from this recording will be d o n ated to E thos, Inc to support youth m usic education. N o rm a n S y lv e s te r 1093 SW Tobias Way Aloha, Oregon 97006 (503) 642-4620 (Only 20 minutes from Portland) Community Funeral Directors! Providing the best service! Whether it be a cremation, earth burial, graveside or memorial service, etc., we w ill be there for you. To accomodate you the family who have lost a loved one, we will come to you so that the arrangements being made will be personalized with compassion. Wc Offer The Best Prices & The Friendliest Serviee In Town. Margaret Gibbs-Ncal, Funeral Director X Owner License#: 0445 .lenirne Coa-Tanner, Funeral Director l icense #: 0382 * I his Facility is licensed by the Oregon State Mortuary X Cemetery Hoard (Certification #8407) Jammin’ For Justice Kirk Green A rea residents are invited to jo in the staff and board o f O regon A ction for a n ig h to fb lu esy rock with the Kirk G reen B and and others - all in the nam e o f ju s tic e ! W ednesday, Dec. 8 from 6 p.m. to 8 pm. at C urious C om edy T heater, 5225 N.E. M artin L uther King Jr. Blvd. Seating is limited so RSV Ps are highly e n c o u ra g e d . C o n ta c t K y n a H a rris (k y n a@ o reg o n actio n .o rg ) o r call 971 - 634-0005. O regon A ction is a statew ide n o n ­ profit com m unity ju stic e organization dedicated to building pow er for m o d er­ ate incom e progressives on issues o f racial, econom ic and social ju stice. Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled s ta ff are ready to help those in need. THE TM SPINACOLt JMN An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Part 31. Treatment for Lower Back Injury : My lower back has been invasive treatm ents help control injuries, and who works closely aching for months. But I’m most back pain. If you have recur­ with other specialties related to atraid of chiropractors, so I haven ’ t back pain that makes it diffi­ the spine. A chiropractor will ring seen a doctor. What should I do? cult or uncom fortable to com plete first rule out any serious condi­ Back pain is one of the your day-to-day activities, experts tions you m ight have, and then ost common medical com­ suggest you see a doctor who work with you to determ ine the plaints for people ages 45 to 65. specializes in spine diseases and best way to treat you pain. It’s also one o f the most com ­ mon reasons people miss work. Fortunately, not many people 2124 N .E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon97212 need back surgery because non- Q 7 2 2 N. Sum ner St. (near the corner o f Albina & Sum ner) Mon-Sat 9am -8pm Sun 10am -7pm . THANKSGIVING SPECIALS!! Bunch Collards & Mustards 89