Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 01, 2010, Page 13, Image 13

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    ®*!* $ lo rtla n b (©bseruer
Decem ber I, 2010
Page 13
H oliday L ight Show -
Jubitz W inter W onderland,
the largest drive through an i­
m ated light show in the N orthw est,
returns for its 18th season at P ortland Inter-
national R acew ay, pow ered by C om cast. R uns through
Dec. 26, w ith show s 5-9 p.m. Sun., M on., W ed., T hurs.,
and 5-11 p.m . Fri. and Sat. R ates are $ 1 6 e a c h car load.
Ebenezer Ever A fter ~ Stum ptown
Stages presents an original h o li­
d ay m u sic a l d ire c te d by K irk
M ouser, starring M argie B oulé
and W rick Jones. Perform ances at
T heater! T heater! on S outheast
Belm ont through Dec. 24. Purchase
tic k e ts
o n lin e
stum ptow nstages.com o r call 503-381 -8686.
M ars on L ife - L ive! - P ortland a c ­
tress and singer S usannah M ars lifts
her voice and charm s audiences into
banishing their holiday baggage and
em bracing the season in this holiday
show. Perform ances run through Dec.
19 at A rtists R epertory T heater, A lder
Stage 1515 S.W . M orrison. C all 503-
2 4 1 - 1 2 7 8 f o r tic k e ts o r v is it
a rtistsre p .o rg .
W orld R eligions A rt E xh ib it —
A w ard w inning artist T am ara E n ­
glish explores sacred elem en ts o f
Islam ic tile-w o rk and C hristian me
dieval m an u scrip ts, an d p resen ts
finding in a series of oil paintings
title d T h e U n iv e rs a l B o o k ol
H ours . E xhibit is on display from
through D ec. 20 at the N orth Port-
land L ibrary, 512 N. K illingsw orth.
L ast P olar B ear exh ib it - At the W orld Forest C en ter
D iscovery M useum , p h o tograp h er S teven K azlow ski
d o c u m e n ts th e d e v a s ta tin g u rg e n c y o f g lo b a l
w arm in g ’s im pact on the A rctic in the new en v iro n m en ­
tal photo exhibit. T he L ast Polar Bear: F acing the T ruth
o f a W arm ing W orld. D isplay is on view through Jan.
2. F or m ore inform ation, visit w o rld fo resty .o rg o r call
N orm an Sylvester Band -- Boogie Cat N orm an Sylvester
and his band perform Friday, D ec. 3 at W est Linn
Saloon; Saturday, Dec. 4 at the C andlelight; and Friday,
Dec. 10 and Saturday, D ec. 11, at C ly d e ’s.
M usic for th e S eason -- T he W ind S y m phony and Jazz
B and at the U niversity o f P ortland w ill p resent a fun
start to your holiday season w ith seasonal and co n tem ­
porary w orks to get you into the m ood on Sunday, Dec.
5 at 3 p.m . in B uckley C en ter A uditorium . T he ev en t is
free and open to the public.
M urals Exhibit -- The ex­
hibit “W allsof Heritage, Walls
o f Pride: A frican A m erican M u­
rals," show casing m urals from Port­
land artists and all over the country takes
place at the O regon historical Society through Feb. 13.
W in ter Social and H oliday B azaar - T he N ortheast
C oalition o f N eig hborhoods kicks o ff the holiday
season and celeb rate active civic en g ag em en t in our
n eighborhoods w ith pizza, m usic and unique holiday
g ilts by local artists, on M onday, D ec. 6 from 6 p.m . to
9 p.m. at O ld T ow n Pizza at V anport Square, 5201 N.E.
M artin L uther K ing Jr. Blvd.
A m erica ’s L argest C hristm as B azaar - H andcrafted
ornam ents, d eco ratio n s, gifts and m ore w ith 900
booths. A nnual ev en t co n tin u es Dec. 3-4, at the
Portland Expo C enter. On Friday, Dec. 3 bring tw o cans
o f food p er person and get free entry to the show .
D iscou nt A d m ission - O M S I visitors pay only $2 per
person for general ad m issio n on the first Sunday o f
each m onth as w ell as d isco u n ted adm ission o f $5 to
the Planetarium , OM1M AX T heater and USS Blueback
subm arine.
E x p lo rin g R ac e , G e n d e r - T his fall, the H offm an
Gal lery o f C ontem porary Art at Lew is & C lark C ollege
presents an exhibit investigating the w ork o f A lison
Saar, the artist w ho recently created a cam p u s scu lp ­
ture o f Y ork, the slave in the Lew is & C lark expedition.
S aar is know n for h er em otionally can d id exploration
o f A frican culture. T he gallery is open T uesday,
l^ rou8 ^ Sunday, 11 a.m . to 4 p.m .
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M el RrOw n L ive -- P ortland ja z z giant M el B row n
perform s at S a lty ’s on the C o lu m b ia every Friday and
Saturday night. K now n as the “G entlem an o f Jaz z ,”
B row n has a career spanning o v er 4 0 years,
E xplore W hat M akes Y ou T ick - O M S i’s new highly
interactive exhibit “ Identity: A n E xhibition o f Y ou”
explores the physical, p sychological and social e le ­
m ents in y o u r life and ch allen g es o u r notions o f
personal identity.
M exican E q u estrian C u ltu re - T he O regon H istory
M u seu m p re sen ts its n e w est ex h ib it A rte en la
C harreria: T he A rtisan sh ip o f the M ex ican Equestrian
C ulture. O v er 300 stunning objects, m any dating from
the late 1800s, o ffer a unique view o f the culture
surrounding the ch arro o r M exican cow boy.
L ive Ja zz — E very Friday and Saturday from 8 p.m . to
11 p.m ., the T hird D egrees L ounge at the R iver Place
H otel, 1510S .W . H arb o r W ay. N o c o v er o r m inim um
purchase. For m ore inform ation, visit p d x jazz.co m .
M usic M illen n iu m F ree S h ow s - T he M usic M illen ­
nium , 3158 E. B urnside, hosts in-house live p erfo r­
m ances. E njoy free m usic and the opp o rtu n ity to m eet
artists. C all 503-231 -8926 fo r a schedule.
4606 NE MLK Blvd., Portland, OR 97211
Check out our new private nightclub suite.
8028 SE Stark St.
Portland, Oregon 503.261.1180