^Jortlaub (Observer Page IO D ecem ber I, 2010 Í-* IM IÍ lAISHIM All-Out Tap Sensation A re Y O U the N e x t D o YOU áre you Q U E E N W A N T T O R E P R E S E N T Y O U R C O M M U N IT Y T alented . H ave a 2.5 c ? a and want H igher E ducation W e a r e A w a r d i n g S 3 . 5 0 0 in S c h o l a r s h i p s , p r iz e s . E n o o r s m e n t s a n o a Y e a r R e ig n a s : Miss Black Oretjou USA 2011 Y o u w il l r e p r e s e n t O r e g o n in the N a t io n a l C o m p e t í lion F o r $ 2 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 in S c h o l a r s h ip P r iz e s ¿ t h e C r o w n Tapping across the world and atop the Portland stage. White Bird Dance presents multi-award win­ ning tap wonder Jason Samuels Smith and his floor-rattling troupe A.C.G.I (Anyone Can Get It) at the Newmark Theatre, Thursday, Dec. 2 through Saturday, Dec. 4. Thumping his tap shoes into Broadway at the age of 15, Smith made a name for himself after win­ ning the notable 2009 Dance Maga­ zine Award, selling out shows in the summer of 2009 at Jacob's Pillow Festival, and blowing away audi­ ences after joining the cast of Tony- Award winning Bring In Da Noise, Bring In Da Funk. Miss Black USA 2011 Night of Joy, Cheer W e A ae A ccepting A pplications W ednesday * 6 ; pm - 8 pm & W illiams @ the 3RE IN FO c a l l : URSAN ». 9 71-409-<| o 87 BILLY WEBB ELKS LODGE #1050 -PRESENTS- SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 2010 Julianne R. Johnson $5.00 per person Tickets available at the Lodge I p Coming Events: AN N U AL COAT DRIVE NOVEMBER 20 th T O DECEMBER 11 th - EVERY SATURDAY BRING NEW OR CLEAN SLIGHTLY USED CHILDREN AND ADULT COATS TO THE LODGE 10:00 AM - 2:00PM DECEMBER 11, 2010 CHRISTMAS APPRECIATION DANCE Free to the public - entertainment to be announced Advertise with diversity in Tlw Portland Observer Cal 1503-288-0033 ads @portlandob scrver.com Northwest notable performer and Scroggins, Cloud 9, her band and recording artist Julianne R. Johnson a host o f talented young perform ­ presents the concert “Home for the ers. Also featured will be m em ­ Holidays/Believe” on Saturday, Dec. bers o f the PCC Voices o f Soul 4 at 8 p.m.at the Portland Center for Choir, Unity o f Beaverton Choir, the P erfo rm in g A rts, D elores and Vancouver Avenue First Bap­ Winningstad Theater. tist Church Choir. Y ou're invited to come and cel­ For tickets, contact the PCPA ebrate the season with fam ily and Main Box Office at 1111 S.W. friends as Johnson creates a night Broadway, by phone at 503-248- o f joy and cheer with artists Janice 4335 or on-line at pcpa.com . Northeast Portland resident and 9th grader at the Northwest Acad­ emy. Galatea Swart plays Mercutio in the academy's perfor­ mance of Romeo & Juliet. Price includes food - No host bar BILLY WEBB ELKS LODGE »1050, 6 N Tillamook st Questions call the Lodge 503/284/4853 * Tickets available at the Lodge Accompanying Smith, are an im­ pressive group with their own highly-acclaimed repertoire, includ­ ing Chloe Arnold, Joseph Wiggan, Sarah Reich, and "Tap Whiz Kid," Lee Howard. Performing live music for the evening, will be Theo Hill, pianist and jazz artist who leads the New- York scene, along with Jamaican native and influenced drum m er A ndrew A tkinson, and widely sought after up-and-coming bass­ ists from New York, Bumiss Earl Travis II. T ick ets are $20 and can be p u rc h a se d fro m any tic k etm aste r o u tlet. Jason Samuels Smith Romeo & Juliet Opening Young actors and actresses from Portland’s Northwest Academy will star in a stage production of Romeo and Juliet, opening Thursday, Dec. 2. The cast of middle and high school students from the school’s at the Northwest Academy's Blue Arts after Hours Project, as well as Box Theater, 1130 S.W. Main St. faculty and guest artists, will present Admission is $10 for adults and the culmination of their semester $5 for students/seniors. To reserve long drama class project with per­ tickets and m ore details, visit formances running through Dec. 12 nwacademy.org.