Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 24, 2010, Page 22, Image 22

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    Page 22
®*!i 'Portiani» (Obserocr
Patrick John Sweeney, P.C.
Patrick John Sweeney
Attorney at Law
1549 S E L a d d
Group Helps Homeless Youth
Goal is finding
a sustainable
food source
C ari H achmann
T he P ortland O bserver
P o rtlan d , O regon
Each day in downtown Port­
land, 40 to 60 homeless young­
sters walk through the doors of
P:ear, a non-profit hub for
hom eless youth o u treach ,
where they can count on vol­
unteers to provide them with
nutritious meals and free op­
portunities for education, art,
and recreation.
This fall, Portland State stu­
(503) 491-5156
(503) 615-0425
(503) 244-2084
Your Care
Our First
To Place Your
D r. M a rc e litte
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
We are located at
1716 N .E . 4 2 nd Ave.
P o rtla n d , O R 97213
e -m a il:
(Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd. )
• Automobile accident injuries
• Chronic headache and joint pain
• Workers Compensation injuries
Call for an appointment!
November 24, 2010
dents are teaming up with the
organization to make sure
P:ear’s pantries and refrigera­
tors are stocked with a steady
supply of food groups, so that
transitional youth can continue
to have nourishing foods on the
table all year long.
Students are inviting the sur­
rounding Portland community,
including local farmers and
farmer’s markets, to help pro­
vide nutritional and locally-pro­
duced foods for those living
without stable meals and a roof
over their head.
As of now, P:ear lacks regu­
lar donations of whole grains,
beef, poultry, and dairy prod-
ucts. If those interested in
supporting the mission of P:ear
and our homeless youth com­
munity, are able to donate any
of these items, it would be help­
ful and appreciated by the stu­
dents, staff, and cooks in the
If you are interested in a
sustainable partnership with
P:ear, please contact Jared
Frasier at 541-910-5984 or e-
mail frasierj@pdx.edu.
For more information, visit
P :e a r’s
w ebsite
pearm entor.org. M onetary
donations can also be made
online, and donations are tax
C lassifieds / B ids
Jam es W F o w le r C o.
( haieral ( a »111 rn clo rs
Project No: E05510
Project Owner:
City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services (BES)
Project Contractor:
James W. Fowler Company (JWF)
Submit Proposals to Project Office:
T erry F amily
F uneral
H ome
2337 N. W illiams Ave,
Portland, O r 97227
5 0 3 -2 4 9 -1 7 8 8
W e m ake the service personal,
You m ake the tribute personal. .
Every time we arran g e a personalized funeral service, we take special pride going
the extra mile. W ith o u r online M em orial O bituary, now we can do even more.
Friends and family can find out service inform ation, view photos, read obituary,
James W. Fowler Company
3123 NW Industrial St.
Portland, OR 97210
PHONE: (503) 209-2758
FAX: (503) 823-2074
Please submit bids to JWF via fax or email b y
Thursday, December 16,2010 at 2 PM
James W Fowler is requesting prime contractor bids for the Shaft B
Build-Out and Restoration on the Balch CSO Project. Work includes
dem olition, sew er work, crane work and road resto ra tion .
Contractors must be prequalified with the City of Portland for Sewer
work up to $500,000. A 100% performance and payment bond
will be required. Prime contractors are required to follow the City of
Portland Good Faith Efforts Program as part of this solicitation.
o rd er flowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anyw here, anytime.
Sim ply go to o u r w ebsite.
w w w .terryfam ilyfuneralhom e.com
"D ed ica ted to p ro v id in g excellent service
a n d su p erio r care o f y o u r lo ve d one "
Dwight A. Terry
Oregon License CO-3644
Amy S. Terry
Oregon License FS-0395
Bid packages are available at the Balch project office and via email
by contactingjoshk@jwfowler.com.
There Is a mandatory Pre-Bid Meeting at the Balch Project Office on
Thursday, December 2,2010 at 2 PM,
A field visit will be made after the meetings. Contractors must bring
hard hats, safety glasses, safety vest and safety toed boots in order
to take part in the site walk.
Subcontractors are encouraged to contact JWF for a list of attendees
at the Mandatory Pre-Bid meeting after December 2,2010. Possible
opportunities include paving, concrete pumping, concrete work,
crane service, demolition, excavating, hauling, sewer and traffic
Work is scheduled to begin January 2011.