Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 24, 2010, Page 19, Image 19

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    November 24, 2010
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Page 19
Raising Retirement Age Hurts
awienaU Mavd
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Savings would
be offset by
more disability
( AP) - Raising the retirement age
for Social Security would dispro­
portionately hurt low-income work­
ers and minorities, and increase dis­
ability claims by older people un­
able to work, government auditors
told Congress Friday.
The projected spike in disability
claims could harm Social Security's
finances because disability benefits
typically are higher than early retire­
ment payments, the Government
Accountability Office concluded.
The report provides fodder for
those opposed to raising the eligi­
bility age for benefits, as proposed
by the leaders of President Barack
Obama's deficit commission.
"There's more to consider than
simply how much money the pro­
gram would save by raising the re­
tirement age," said Sen. Herb Kohl,
D-Wis., chairman of the Senate Spe­
cial Committee on Aging. The re­
port shows an unequal effect on
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Trays o f printed social security checks wait to be mailed from the U. S.
Treasury's Financial Management services facility in Philadelphia.
certain groups of people, he said,
and many of them "would have little
choice but to turn to the broken
disability program."
Under current law, people can
start drawing reduced, early retire­
ment benefits from Social Security
at age 62. Full benefits are available
at 66, a threshold gradually increas­
ing to 67 for people who were bom
in 1960 or later.
The deficit commission's lead­
ers, Democrat Erskine Bowles and
Republican Alan Simpson, last week
proposed a gradual increase in the
full retirement age, to 69 in about
2075. The early retirement age would
go to 64 the same year.
Under their plan, the new thresh­
olds wouldn't be fully phased in
until today's 4-year-olds are ready
to retire.
A ARP criticized the recommen­
dations and House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi, D -C alif, called them "unac­
ceptable." Experts, however, warn
that Social Security is on a finan­
cially unsustainable path that will
worsen as people live longer and
collect more benefits.
For many workers, reducing early
retirement payments or delaying
eligibility would provide an incen­
tive to put off retiring, resulting in
more earnings and potentially more
savings for later in life, according to
the watchdog agency's report.
But it "could create a financial
hardship for those who cannot con­
tinue to work because of poor health
or demanding workplace condi­
tions," the report said.
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