November 24, 2010 ^.lortlanb (Dbaeruer O pinion Page 17 New Prices Effective May 1,2010 Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG $45.00 A sm all distance/travel charge m ay be applied CARPET CLEANING 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: 1 small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area (Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs - With O ther Services): $25.00 Hunger in a Season of Plenty Area/Oriental Rugs: $25.00 Minimum Area/Oriental Rugs (Wool): $40.00Minimum A crisis we must solve Heavily Soiled Area: M arian W right E delman T h anksgiving is a season to celebrate plenty, and a day w hen m any fam ilies sit dow n to tables overflow ing w ith favorite foods to give thanks for all they have been blessed w ith. F or m any people, T hanksgiv in g d in n er is the largest m eal o f the y e a r— and by the tim e th e y ’ve finished that last piece o f pie, their stom achs are so full th e y ’ll be physically uncom fortable. B ut the canned food drives and o th er pleas fo r donations this m onth are a quiet rem in d er that for too m any fam ilies, T h an k sg iv in g w ill be like any o th e r m e a l: not a tim e o f plenty but a tim e o f w ant. S hare O u r Strength, a national nonprofit that fights child h o o d hunger, notes 50.1 m il­ lion A m ericans a re n ’t able to regularly put enough nutritious food on the table, and that food insecurity, w hich includes “running out o f food w ithout m oney to buy m ore, cutting portion sizes o r skipping m eals, and not feeding children in the fam ily b ecause there isn ’t m oney for fo o d ,” exists in alm ost 15 percent o f all U.S. h o u s e h o ld s . A lm ost 70 percent o f food insecure fam ilies live above the poverty line. T h ese num bers a re n ’t ju s t statistics. T hey reflect the reality m any o f us are already seeing in o u r ow n hom es, neighborhoods, or co m m unities right now , as fam ilies w ho w ere b lessed enough to be able to con trib u te to those can n ed food drives during by past T h an k sg iv in g s are today jo in in g the lines o f those in need. Food insecurity is esp ecially devastating for children, w hose developm ental w e ll-b e in g d e ­ pends on access to adequate nutrition. E n su r­ ing all ch ild ren access to healthy, nutritious food w ill ultim ately im prove educational o u t­ com es, reduce rates o f ch ild h o o d obesity, and en h an ce the m ental and em otional health o f our Several years ago, an advertising campaign for the Children’s Defense Fund created a new version of the moving words of Langston Hughes’s poem “God to Hungry Child: Hungry child, I did not make this world fo r you. You didn 't buy stock in my corporation. You didn’t invest in my mutual fund. Where were you when my company went public? I made the world fo r the rich And the will-be-rich And the have-always-been rich. Not for you, Hungry child. children. In addition to ev ery th in g w e know about the d ev astatin g s h o rt- and lo n g -te rm effects h u n ­ g er has on individual children, w e also know that allow ing ch ild ren to go hungry is taking an econom ic toll on o u r entire country. T his is d o cu m en ted in reports like Feeding A m e ric a ’s “C hild F ood Insecurity: T he E co ­ nom ic Im pact on O u r N atio n ,” w hich concluded “the d irect and indirect effect o f child h u n g er in the U .S. is a co n trib u tin g facto r to the n a tio n ’s econom ic w oes and puts A m erica at a co m p eti­ tive d isad v an tag e.” C h ild h o o d h unger in the U nited States is a sham eful and p reventable crisis and w e m ust w ork together to solve it right now , from indi­ vidual efforts in our ow n com m unities to sup­ porting policies that fight h u nger at the national level. A first im m ediate step is to m ake sure the m assively underutilized federal sum m er feeding program ’ s b ureaucratic barriers are elim inated so that the m ore than three m illion children w ho get free and reduced price lunches can ease h u n g er during the long su m m er m onths. H u n g er does not stop in Ju n e w hen school is out. P resident O bam a has set a goal o f ending ch ild h o o d h u n g er by 2015, and the federal ch ild nutrition program s, w hich provide n u tri­ tious m eals and snacks each day to m illions o f children, are an im portant co m p o n en t in these efforts. R ight now there is an im portant C hild N utri­ tion bill stalled in C ongress because it is c u r­ rently paid fo r w ith cuts in food stam ps. The President and C ongress m ust find an o th er w ay to pay for the bill oth er than food stam p cuts. It is all ab o u t c h o ic e s— w hat do w e value? T ell y o u r m em b er o f C ongress that hungry c h il­ dren need help but not by taking from one hand to give to another. A s w e are giving thanks to G od fo r all o u r blessings this season, is that really the m essage G o d w ants us to give to A m e ric a ’s hungry children Marian Wright Edelman is president o f the Children’s Defense Fund. Additional $10.00 each area (Requiring Extensive Pre-Spraying) UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa: $69.00 Loveseat: $49.00 Sectional: $ 109 - $ 139 Chair or Recliner: $25 - $49 Throw Pillows (With th 9 Other Services): $5.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet -"s Odor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection Minor Water Damage Services SEE CURRENT FLYER FOR ADDITIONAL PRICES & SERVICES Call for Appointment (503) 281-3949