November 24, 2010 tßortlanb (Observer Page 13 ENÏERIAINMENI Afte Y O U World Religions United in Art Exhibit comes to North Portland Library th < O o YOU w a n t TO R e F R e S £ N T YOU« COMMUNITY Ass voy T alçnteq , H avs a IS gpa anq want H igher E ducai W e A « e A w a h o in u S 3 5 O O « i S c a o t A R S i m . p * u ¿ e s What happens when the visual vocabu­ laries of different religions are unified in an art piece? Award winning artist Tamara English dis­ covered similarities in the decorative ele­ ments of Islamic tile-work and Christian me­ dieval illuminated manuscripts. She began exploring how these elements worked to­ gether and the result is “The Universal Book of Hours,” a series of oil paintings on paper which will be exhibited from Dec. 1 to Dec. 20 at the North Portland Library, 512 N. Killingsworth St. Each piece references a specific time of day for prayer and contemplation according to different religions, including the five daily prayers in Islam and the monastic schedule of prayer in the Christian tradition. “The paintings are explorations of what is sacred to each of us, beyond religion,” says English, “I was curious about how we engage E n o o r s m é n í s a n o a Y e a h R ëksn a * Miss Black Oreyoti USA 2011 Y o u w iu . «fcPHtSûNr Q h ë o o n ehë N a iio h a l C o M P t n r w « F o n $ 2 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 in S c h o c a h s h ìp P n u e s & rwe C r o w n Miss Black USA 2011 W e A ré A ccepting A pplica bo ns ÊRY W dO N Ê SO A Y * O P M - ä PM . & W illiams @ Thg URBAN W ftfoRe INFO cauv 9 7 1 -4 O 9 -á o 3 7 QTt| A G n n o u n c in g rano O p en in g with our own understanding of Spirit, and draw from what is important to us to shape this understanding.” She explains how the controversy over the Islamic commu­ nity center near Ground Zero in New York illustrated the lack of tolerance among different religions. Her Universal Book of Hours explores the meeting place of these differing belief systems, ultimately asking the viewer to examine his or her own understanding of what is sacred beyond label or doctrine, to allow more respect and tolerance for different paths. English has exhibited extensively in the Pacific Northwest. In the last year her paintings have been exhibited in New York and Chicago. new n . e . location 1 . A P i t S«. w u t s S how D ogs G rooming S alon A nd B outique ‘M ahgrib’ ‘None/As ' N eX T Q U Ç & N H ours ; a o o am — 7 0 0 M on -S at m W e D o urnes too ! NEAR NE M.L.K. & FREMONT A*R LOAN - SERVING PORTLAND SINCE 1 9 7 9 - OREGON UY ©OLD! LOAMS NOV 26 to JAN 2 J g W lL m r HERE! 503.542.2251 3609 NE MIK BLVD. PORTLAND. OR * »«vice OF MITRO WITH SUPPORT FROM (Oregonian 5SSJ (£ *4 ) SB )£££ Take MAX to the zoo. T R I0 M E T