Happy Thanksgiving •City of Roses' Celebrate with holiday recipes on page 24 hsem r Volume XXXX, Number 45 Hip Hop Dreams Female trio Rose Bent will keep you movin’ C ari H achmann T he P ortland O bserver Blooming in our own City of Roses backyard is the lady hip-hop trio, Rose Bent, featuring musical artists Kheoshi, a.k.a. Lady Trinity; Jacque; a.k.a. J-Kronic; and Rose City Miss Chief. Refusing to let bent-necked pasts hinder their dreams, these strong-minded and educated la­ dies have made it their mission to represent the silenced voices of women in hip-hop. The three Portland locals united last Febru­ ary after discovering each other’s talents dur­ ing various solo performances in venues around town. With shared musical influences like Tu­ pac, Kaaye West, Foxy Brown, Nas, and Mary J. Blige, Rose Bent offers an alter­ native to the male-dominated industry, with a w om an’s self respect being a significant theme for their songs. W ith their energizing beats, catchy lyrics, and a party-thum ping stage pres­ by Established in 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity w w w .portlandobserver.com Wednesday • November 24, 2010 ence, the fem ale rappers are celebrating their debut self-titled album , “ Rose B ent.” An official release party will take place on Friday, Dec. 3 at the Backspace. Lucky listeners ju st scoped out the g roup’s new jam s at the pre-listening party ear­ lier this month at Ash Street Saloon. “The album is very diverse...it has som ething for everyone,” said Jacque, “ It’s fun and full of energy, it'll get you m oving and even hardcore underground hip-hop fans will en­ joy dissecting some o f the m etaphors and lyrical w ord play.” G row ing up, the m em bers o f Rose Bent w eathered their own troubles; los­ ing loved ones to gang violence, teen pregnancy, friends or fam ily going to prison, and the list goes on. Yet like the bent rose, each w om an made room to flourish and on top of devoting countless hours every week to m usical collabora­ tion, rehearsals and perform ances. Rose Bent now juggles a full-time work schedule as community advocates, single motherhood, and personal pursuits of higher education. continued on page 7 Three Portland locals, Jacque, a.k.a. J-Kronic (from left); Kheoshi, a.k.a. Lady Trinity; and Rose City Miss Chief, are on their way to making a impact in Portland’s urban music scene with their hip hop group Rose Bent. < City Assembles Youth Division Kicking off a new effort to positively engage local youth in a new Youth Services Division of the Portland Police Bureau are Antoinette Edwards, director of Public Safety and Peacekeeping for Mayor Sam Adams; Joe Marziello, Portland executive director of the Boys and Girls Club; Police Capt. Kevin Modica and local Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year Joshua- John Delorenzo. M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver photo by North Precinct Capt. Módica to lead effort Police C h ief M ichael Reese an­ nounced the formation of the Youth Services Division of the Portland Police Bureau at a news conference on Mon­ day at the Blazer Boys and Girls Club on Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Bou- continued on page 6