$3ortlanh (Observer Page 6 November 17, 2010 Education ^Careers •4» 1 «WBICeHíWMBÍfies ••An Interdenominational Church" Cascade Connections by A lgie C. G atewood Partnership w ith Jefferson Career & Technical Education certifi­ open. Its rela- cate, for those interested in moving From the time it was established tionship with into the workplace after one or two in 1908, Jefferson High School has CascadeCam- years of technical training. Ambi­ been an integral part of its north pus will broaden and deepen in the tious, well-prepared students willing Portland neighborhood. As the coming years, but the two institu- to prioritize college-level coursework Jefferson community has changed tions will remain distinct from one may be able to earn up to an over the years - from the postwar another. Associate’s degree by the time they era, when many African Americans In October, the Portland Public graduate from high school. settled in the area, on through its Schools board approved a series of Regardless of his or her choice of present-day multiethnic incarnation resolutions designating Jefferson educational pathway, every Middle - the school has remained at the as a pre-college focus high school College students will receive the same center of the neighborhood’s iden- with a robust Middle College pro- array of wraparound services that fastv* Sfofiop SH. A ££erZ £ady Panlean & Siodye tity and character. gram. Students living in the Jefferson have helped make the program such Paalun / STeacfai f fteuwaliat In recent years, as attendance neighborhood will make an affirma- a success: individual advising and has declined, various reorganiza- tive choice, after eighth grade, ei- counseling support, academic sup­ Sundays: Worship Service — 12:00-2:00 P.M. tions have been attempted and prin- ther to enter one of three compre- port in the form of tutoring and group Bible Study— Wednesdays— 6:00— 8:30P.M. cipals have come and gone, many in hensive high schools, based on study sessions, help with navigating J3/J3 F R S T A N N U A L C H U R C H M U S IC A L J3J\0 the community have worried, quite address, or to attend the Middle the college admissions and registra­ N ovem ber 2Otfi@ 6 P M justifiably, about the venerable College program at Jefferson. So tion processes and - throughout high Lurtfier H all, A insw orth to 27th tu rn l e f t to school’s future. Speculation has what does this mean, exactly? school - help with researching col­ Uhiv. c a r p u s to 1st p arking lo t on rig h t! abounded as to whether the school For several years now, in part- leges and careers, finding college would be shut down or, perhaps, n ersh ip w ith P o rtlan d P u b lic scholarships, and choosing the right Location: Concordia University Campus somehow annexed or taken over by Schools, the Middle College pro- post-secondary training to put them 2800 NE Liberty (The GRW Library, Room 303) the community’s other educational gram at Cascade Campus has en- on track for a 21 st-century career. Portland, OR. 97211 a n ch o r, P o rtlan d C o m m u n ity abled students from Jefferson to Of course, participation in the College’s Cascade Campus. enroll in college classes, and earn Middle College won’t guarantee that To inquire about our Church please call: (503) 863-6545 or I’m here today to tell you that’s college credit, while they’re still in hodgchspks@msn.com www.nwvoiceforchrist.com a student’s every dream will come just not the case Jefferson will remain high school. The program helps stu­ true. Nor will the program absolve dents acclimate to the pace and rigor them of the need to work hard to of college-level studies and - per­ achieve success. It will, however, haps more importantly - helps them give them the opportunity to be some­ to see college as a place where they thing that many perhaps never imag­ belong and can succeed. ined they would be - college stu­ The program is a success, and has dents. been since its formation in 2005. In And therein lies the greatest ben­ fact, since 2007 - when the Middle efit of the Middle College program, in College partnership with Portland my opinion - belief. Many young Public Schools was established in its people, particularly those from tradi­ current form - 133 of 135 Middle tionally underserved backgrounds, College students have graduated see college as something that is out from high school, for a graduation of reach, something reserved for rate of 99 percent. Of these, 96 have those with more advantages. But gone on to continue their college- when the Middle College puts them j\. level studies the following year, for a into college classrooms, alongside Come to an information college-going rate of 73 percent. real college students, something re­ session in Portland and By way of comparison, both of markable happens - they begin to X learn how to earn an these figures - a 99 percent gradua­ feel like they belong. College becomes tion rate and a 73 percent college­ not a far-off dream, but the natural OSU master’s degree, a going rate - far exceed the statewide next step in their personal evolution. teaching license, and an averages of 66 percent and 48 per­ The transformation of Jefferson to endorsement to teach cent, respectively. a pre-college focus high school does So what does this mean for not herald the end of a longtime neigh­ English-language learners Jefferson and its students? So far, the borhood cornerstone, nor does it sig­ ... in just 11 months. 446 NE Killingsworth St. Middle College has been an “opt-in” nal the school’s absorption by PCC. Portland, Oregon program - the only participants have Rather, it marks a unique and valu­ been those students who have cho­ able opportunity for the young people Contact: Ken Winograd, 541-737-5988 sen to do so. Starting in the fall of of our community to take their lives in 2011, incoming freshmen will choose exciting new directions. Jefferson with aclear expectation that Planning to attend the info session? A wise American, Chief Justice they will participate in the Middle Oliver Wendell Holmes, once said Let us know by registering online. College program. Jefferson students that a “mind stretched to a new idea will access college-level coursework never goes back to its original di­ as they demonstrate readiness for it. mensions.” If you are a current or Most Jefferson students will pur­ future Jefferson student - or the sue one of two primary educational parent of one - I urge you to grab goals: the Oregon Transfer Module this opportunity with both hands, (which is essentially half of a two- and stretch your mind to new ideas. year Associate’s degree), for those Dr. Algie Gatewood is president U N IV E R S IT Y interested in eventually moving on to o f Portland Community College’s a four-year college or university; or a Cascade Campus. by I) r . A lgie G atewood Interested in becoming a teacher in less than a year? N o v e m b e r 18, 2 0 1 0 4:30 - 6 p.m. Reflections Coffee House e c a m p u s .o r e g o n s t a t e .e d u /m a t /in f o 0carnpus.oregonstate.edu extendingosuworldwide Oregon State