$îortlanb (Obstruer Page 4 November 17, 2010 fERS Graphic Warnings Due for Cigarettes Images part of new regulations Services on Wednesday to reduce tobacco use, which is responsible for about 443,000 deaths per year. "Some very explicit, alm ost (AP) — Corpses, cancer patients gruesom e pictures may be neces­ and diseased lungs are among the sary," FDA C om m issioner M ar­ images the federal government plans garet Hamburg said in an inter­ for larger, graphic warning labels view with The A ssociated Press. that would take up half of each pack "This is a very, very serious pub­ of cigarettes sold in the United lic health issue, with very, very States. serious medical consequences," W hether smokers addicted to such as cancer, heart disease, nicotine will see them as a reason to strokes and lung diseases. quit remains a question. The share of A m ericans who The images are part of a new sm oke has fallen dram atically campaign announced by the Food since 1970, from nearly 40 percent and Drug Administration and the to about 20 percent, but the rate Department of Health and Human One o f the proposed warning graphics that will appear on cigarette has stalled since about 2004. packaging as part o f the government's new tobacco prevention efforts. About 46 million adults in the U.S. smoke cigarettes. In the same period, the average cost per pack has gone from 38 cents to $5.33. Much of those increases are WHAT KIND OF CITY CAN WE BECOME? LET’S TALK ABOUT IT. COME BE PART OF THE DISCUSSION AS WE HEAR FROM SOME OF THE WORLD’S BEST AND BRIGHTEST ON URBAN ISSUES. from state and federal taxes. 7 :0 0 -9 :0 0 P.M. FEATURING SPEAKING ABOUT AT The new prevention plan is part WEDNESDAY DR. ROBERT OGILVIE HEALTHY COMPLETE KAISER TOWN HALL BALLROOM DECEMBER 1, 2010 PUBLIC HEALTH LAW AND POLICY COMMUNITIES o f a law passed in June 2009 that 3704 N INTERSTATE AVE PSU-LINCOLN HALL* WEDNESDAY JUDITH BELL gave the FDA authority to regu­ EDUCATION RECITAL HALL (ROOM 75) DECEMBER 8. 2010 POLICY LINK 1620 SW PARK AVE I—.......... -........... .... j late tobacco, including setting OR. JULIAN AGYEMAN HOLLYWOOD THEATER* WEDNESDAY guidelines for m arketing and la­ RE-IMAGINING (E)QUALITY MAIN THEATER DECEMBER 15. 2010 TUFTS UNIVERSITY URBAN AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND PLANNING DEPARTMENT L 4122 NE SANDY BLVD beling, banning certain products MONDAY JANUARY 10, 2011 CYNTHIA GIRLING AND RONALD KELLETT UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE MONDAY JANUARY 17, 2011 BOB WEISSBOURD RW VENTURES DESIGNING FOR ENVIRONMENT AND COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT MULTNOMAH ARTS CENTER* AUDITORIUM and limiting nicotine. The law doesn't The FDA is proposing 36 labels for public com m ent. They include phrases like "Smoking can kill you" and "Cigarettes cause cancer" and feature graphic im ­ ages to convey the dangers of tobacco. Some o f the labels include a man with a tracheotom y sm oking a cigarette, a cartoon of a mother blowing smoke in her baby's face, rotting and diseased teeth and gums, as well as cigarettes being Hushed down the toilet to signify quitting. The agency will select the final labels in June after reviews o f sci­ entific literature, public comments and results from an 18,000-person study. C igarette m akers will then have a year and three m onths to start using the new labels. Zak Hoffman of Cincinnati, who has been smoking since he was 14. "I think more tax increases would have more of an effect than scare tactics," said 20-year-old G ina Gatano, a student who works at a downtown Cincinnati coffee shop. 7 6 88 SW CAPITOL HWY MERCY CORPS ACTION CENTER 1 ACEH COMMUNITY ROOM 28 SW 1ST AVE GREAT CITIES DON'T HAPPEN BY CHANCE. COME BE A PART OF WHAT’S NEXT FOR PORTLAND. The Portland Plan team will make reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities. Please notify us no fewer than five (5) business days prior to the event by phone 503-823-7700, by the TTY line at 503- 8 2 3 -6 8 6 8 , or by the Oregon Relay Service at 1 8 00-735-2900. www.pdxplan.com THE PORTLAND PLAN Take Action Get Tested j HIV Community Test Site offers j confidential HIV testing j M u ltn o m a h C ounty Health D epartm ent's with or without your name | at these locations: I Free Cervical Cancer Screenings The OHSU Center for W omen’s Health offers free cervical cancer screenings for women who’ve en­ countered barriers to receiving a Pap test and pelvic exam. Typical barriers include lack of insurance or insurance that does not cover Pap tests. The Free Screening Program at OHSU offers 25 free screening ap­ pointments each month on a first- come, first-served basis. Screenings are by appointment only; call 503 MMM MM 346-1212 to make an appointment or for more information. “A Pap test can detect small changes in the cervix. Usually these small changes, or abnormal cells, are not cancerous but if left un­ treated some may develop into cer­ vical cancer. Cervical screenings can identify changes in a woman ’ s body even when there are no symptoms to warn when something is wrong,” explained Dr. Michelle Berlin of the OHSU Center for Women's Health. M M I Downtown Com munity Test Site Call 503.988.3775 for an appt. Mon |Thurs | Fri | 426 SW Stark St., 6th Floor, | Portland, 97204 | j Northeast Health Center Just walk in ■ Tuesdays | 5:30 - 7:15 pm ■ 5329 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, 2nd Floor, | with this coupon” Pfntrrl Portland, 97211 | Se habla español: other interpretation by appointm ent. Visibility is Key to Road/Bike Safety Riding a bike or walking are h e alth y and fun w ays to get around, but dangerous situations can occur when m otorists d o n ’t see bicyclists or pedestrians. U nfortunately, not all people who share the road are conscious o f their surroundings. R esponsi­ bility falls back onto each o f us to h elp m ake trav e lin g accid en t free. V isibility is im portant for bi­ cycle and pedestrian safety. O r­ egon transportation officials en­ courage bicyclists, pedestrians and m otorists to “See, and Be Seen.” Pedestrians and bicyclists need to take steps to make sure m otor­ ists can see them, and m otorists need to make sure they see bicy­ clists and pedestrians.