Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 17, 2010, Page 17, Image 17

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    November 17,2010____________________________
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NAACP Denounces Lenient Sentence:
Against Bay
area transit cop
of police abuse, most of them go
unreported or unnoticed because
no one is there to record and broad­
cast them,” said Benjamin Todd
The NAACP is denouncing a Jealous, NAACP president and chief
two-year sentence handed down executive officer. “In the end, the
against a former Oakland Bay Area lack of nationally accepted best prac­
Rapid Transit (BART) police officer tices and standards on the use of
who shot Oscar Grant, an unarmed force and the lack of law enforce­
African American man last New ment accountability undermines not
Am erica today, the life of a young
father, son, and brother is worth
so little, and the officer who took
that life can get off with a mere
slap on the w rist,” said Alice
Huffman, President of the Califor­
nia S ta te C o n fe re n c e o f the
NAACP. “The sentence is a slap
in the face not only to the Oakland
com m unity, but to justice itself.”
Police misconduct is not a new
concept in the African American •
community. A Department of Jus­
tice survey in 2005 showed that the DOJ would conduct an indepen­
African Americans (4.4 percent) and dent investigation to determine if
Hispanics (2.3 percent) were more the evidence merits federal pros­
likely than whites (1.2%) to experi­ ecution.
ence use of force by police. African
“The NA ACP applauds the DOJ
Americans accounted for 1 out of 10 for this decision and we hope that
contacts with police, but 1 of 4 in­ their investigation will finally bring
stances where excessive force was justice for Oscar G rant and his
fam ily ,” said H ilary S h elto n ,
After the Mehserle verdict in NAACP W ashington Bureau D i­
July, a spokesperson for the De­ rector and Senior Vice President
partment of Justice announced that for Advocacy.
at the end of the state prosecution.
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Protesters in Oakland, Calif., lie down in the middle o f the street;
face down with their hands behind their backs, in the same
position that Oscar Grant was in when he was shot by an Oak­
land Bay Area Rapid Transit police officer. The photo was taken
during a protest last February.
Year’s Eve.
only the integrity of law enforce­
Grant, 22, was shot in the back as ment itself, but the safety of all of
he lay handcuffed on the floor of the our communities. Sadly, we see this
BART platform. The scene was to be true in the case of Oscar Grant.”
captured by numerous cell phone
Johannes Mehserle, who could
cameras and immediately broadcast have received anywhere up to a 14-
on the worldwide web.
year sentence, received two years -
“Although our communities un­ with credit for time served.
fortunately suffer many incidents
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B U S IN E S S D z r e c to ry
Armed Bank Robbery Arrests
Portland police have made three
arrests in connection with the two
take-over style bank robberies.
Stanley Noel Ames, 31, Pamela
M arie M cGow an, 25, and Eric
Steven W ilcoxson, 27, are charged
in the Sept. 18 robbery o f the U.S.
Bank on Southeast W oodstock
Boulevard and the Oct. 8 robbery
o f the U.S. Bank on N ortheast
42nd Avenue.
In both robberies, two suspects
entered the bank wearing theatrical-
type masks and fired shots before
robbing the bank.
On Nov. 9, the Portland Police
State Firm1
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Special Emergency Response Team
served a search warrant in the 9200
block of Southeast Mitchell Street,
where Ames and McGowan were
taken into custody. On Nov. 10,
authorities arrested Eric Wilcoxson
at his Tigard residence.
Evidence recovered during the
search warrants included several
semi-automatic handguns and as­
sault rifles, masks and ballistic body
Robbery detectives were as­
sisted in this investigation by sev­
eral members of the public who pro­
vided information to police.
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