Page 8 November IO, 2010 Education Careers Voices of the World Unite “Voices of the World,” a series of events to honor International Education Week, will take place Monday, Nov. 15 through Friday, Nov. 19 at Clark College in Vancouver, 1933 Fort Vancouver Way. All events are free and open to the public. The ability to identify, analyze and demon­ strate how culture shapes world perceptions, values and behaviors is one of Clark College’s educational priorities. This year, 71 international students are at­ tending Clark. They represent countries in­ cluding Canada, France, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Portugal, Romania and Vietnam. More than 800 Clark students are currently studying En­ glish as a Second Language. Nearly 150 immi­ grant students learned English as a Second Language through corporate and continuing education classes because of Clark College. The upcoming events are being coordi­ nated by the Clark College Office of Student Life and Multicultural Student Affairs, Clark's Service Learning Program, and the Clark Col­ lege Office of International Programs. For more information, visit ieweek. * a 1 “ r i "" * ¡ Parfait Bassale, an artist, activist and m aster’s degree candidate in International Conflict Resolution, will perform during International Education Week at Clark College in Vancouver. A native o f Benin, West Africa who was raised in Senegal, he paints a message o f truth, inspiration and hope through his music. Finding the Right College High school students and their parents are invited to an inform ative program at the Kenton Library on choosing the right college. A successful college expe­ rience happens when a stu­ dent is well placed academ i­ cally and socially. But m any students discover only after enrolling at a par­ ticular institution that it does not match their personal pref­ erences and academic needs. This unhappy situation can be a v o id e d by c o n d u c tin g a thoughtful search for the right college. Saturday’s session, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. will review the steps involved in a responsible search process. The Kenton Library is located at 8226 N. Denver Ave. «g DE LA SALLE NORTH CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 14 de n o v ie m b r e de 2 0 1 0 1 : 0 0 P .M .— 4 :0 0 P .M . College Help for Adult Learners The State of Otegon will host a booth for adult learners on ac­ cessing college, Friday and Sat­ urday, Nov. 12-13, at the College Fair held at the Oregon Conven­ tion Center. The booth will be staffed by rep resen tativ es o f the Oregon Adult Learner College Line, a free phone line for prospective stu­ dents needing college guidance. Funded through a $ 1.4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education, the Adult Learner Line is specifically for Oregonians ages 25 and older who are interested in going to college, but need some help and direction on how to en­ roll, seek financial aid, and gener­ ally navigate the process. The booth will be open on Friday from 9 a.m. to noon and Saturday from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The college fair is free and open to the public. Supporting Careers in Health Care ¡Tu fu tu re ceknignz^ inherit,! Preparando a los jóvenes a ser llenos de fe, ser competentes, y listos para el colegio. Lisa Gates Directora de Admissions» 7528 North Fenwick Avenue Portland, OR 97217 T 503-283-9385 Ext 140 F 503-283-9546 C IgatesQdlsnc org Manana Parra Asistente de Admisiones 7528 North Fenwick Avenue Portland, OR 97217 T: 503-283-9385 Ext 135 F: 503-283-9546 C: mparra@dlsnc org Se Habla Español It’s common knowledge that there’s a national shortage of cer­ tain types of health care profession­ als. For example, not enough physi­ cians are going into the field of primary care. The nursing popula­ tion is aging; many nurses will be retiring in the next 5 to 10 years. Kaiser Permanente Northwest is partnering with the Oregon Health Career Center to help remedy the situ atio n by h elp in g stu d en ts achieve their dreams of becoming health care professionals. For the third year in a row, Kaiser is funding more than 100 college scholarships of $2,000 each for high school seniors in Oregon and Wash­ ington planning to go into the medi­ cal or dental field. The scholarships will be focused on students who demonstrate fi­ nancial need or are first-generation college-bound, bilingual or from ethnic or racial minority groups cur­ rently underrepresented in health professions. More details can be found at k p .o rg /c o m m u n ity b e n e fit or Ques­ tions can be sent to Sara Diaz, schol- arship program coordinator at or by calling 503- 682-1300, extension 113.