rt lattò (Observer Page 2 Voters Cast Ballots 50 Cent, died Monday in New York of acute myelogenous leukemia, a common type of cancer among adults, but rare among children. Week ¡n Review Oregon Secretary of State Kate Brown predicted a 72 percent turn­ out of voters in the general election Tuesday. Mid-term elections see a bit of a decline from presidential Suspect Cargo on Plane problem. NASAdecidedearlyTues- election years. In the presidential U.S. Customs and Border Protec­ day evening to bump liftoff until at race of 2008, the turnout was 85 tion, the FBI, the Transportation least Thursday. Security Administration, the Port of percent. Portland and Delta Airlines investi­ Ducks No. 1 in BCS Lion King gated an incident Tuesday involv­ O re g o n Actress Dies ing suspicious items found on a jumped Au­ S h a n n o n Delta flight originating in Tokyo, burn in the Tavarez, the 11- Japan. The items were not explo­ BCS stand­ y e a r-o ld who sive. Passengers and crew members ings a fte r starred on Broad­ were being interviewed. putting the way in "The Lion hurt on the Shuttle Launch Delayed K ing" and former Pac- The final launch of space shuttle w hose b attle 10 top dog USC 53-32 in Los Ange­ Discovery has been delayed again, with cancer won the hearts of many, les last Saturday. For the first time in including Alicia Keys, Rihanna and this time because of an electrical www.legacybealtb.org November 3. 2010 the 115-year history of Oregon's football program the Ducks are No. 1 in all of the major football polls. Homeownership Flat July-September quarter, the Cen­ sus Bureau said Tuesday. Video Game Law Review The Supreme Court on Tuesday expressed sympathy for a California law that aims to keep children from buying ultra-violent video games in which players maim, kill or sexually assault images of people. But ju s­ tices seem ed clo sely split on whether the restrictions are consti­ tutional. The nation's homeownership rate remained at its lowest in more than Traffic Stop Finds Pot a decade, hampered by a rise in A Saturday morning traffic stop by foreclosures and weak demand for Oregon State Police near Medford housing. The percentage of house­ led to the discovery of approximately holds that owned their homes was 40 pounds of marijuana and the ar­ unchanged at 66.9 percent in the rest of three people from W ashing­ ton State. Beauty with a Cost Hair treatment contains formaldehyde Learn about pelvic issues Are you facing pain, heavy bleeding, frequent urination, hysterectomy, fibroid removal or uterine prolapse surgery? Legacy Health features board-certified OB/GYN doctors who are helping women of all ages with these issues. Among the options is robotic-assisted surgery, which offers less pain and quicker recovery than traditional surgery. Legacy is a regional leader in robotic surgery. (Please visit www.legacyhealth.org/roboticsurgery.) To learn more, please attend a free talk in your community. O ut legacy is yours. Free class ÄTe Pelvic Issues Affecting Y out Quality O f Life? Monday, Nov. 1.5 • 7:30-9 p.m. Legacy Emanuel Medical Center To register, call 503-335-3500 or visit www.legacyhealth.org/classes M elissa C havez T he P ortland O bserver by Beauty cam e with a cost, ac­ cording to recent findings con­ firming that the popular Brazilian Blowout hair treatment contains high doses o f the chemical form ­ aldehyde. Hundreds o f sam ples o f the p ro d u ct, w hich salon w orkers m ust becom e certified to use, were confiscated by OSHA offi­ cials from dozens o f salons across the state for testing. Specific sa­ lons were also selected to un­ dergo an air quality test, where workers perform ed the treatment while officials gathered air samples to see what exposure to form al­ dehyde levels occurred. Though OSHA released its fi­ nal findings confirm ing the un­ safe chemical in the hair treat­ ment on Friday, it had reported initial concerns in September. Anette Lucius Halek, a m an­ ager at Toni & Guy in Lloyd Center, said that after seeing a local TV report on the product, the salon emailed their corporate headquarters. “W ithin days, they made the call to take it out o f every (Toni & Guy) salon across the country,” she said. “It was actually scary.” Formaldehyde in any dose can cause immediate irritation o f eyes, skin, nose and upper respiratory tra c t, co u g h , ch est p ain , and asthm a-like reactions o f short­ ness o f breath and wheezing. If a product used in a workplace con­ tains more than 0.1 percent form ­ ald eh y d e, O SH A req u ires the m anufacturer to list it. Findings for Brazilian Blowout showed that m ultiple sam ples contained be­ tween 6.3 percent and 10.6 per­ cent o f the chemical. Halek said one client did have a reaction to the treatment. Over the past few weeks, sa­ lon owners across Portland have been scram bling to reassure cus­ tomers and em ployees about the safety o f the popular service, while trying to find out how a product la b e le d “ f o r m a ld e h y d e - f r e e ” could contain it. “My sample came back from the lab containing 8.5 percent form­ aldehyde,” said Escapade in Holly­ wood owner Doreen Clark. At her Hollywood neighborhood salon, she and two other stylists were certified in the treatment. Typically costing $250, the 2-hour Brazilian Blowout gained national attention after celebrities Halle Berry, Lind­ say Lohan, and Nicole Richie en­ dorsed it. The treatm ent turned “really curly, coarse, fuzzy, or thick hair” a straight, super shiny ap­ pearance, said Clark. “The Brazilian Blowout was probably more popular than any other service I’ve offered in here,” she said. “You could run around in the rain and it w ould stay straight. You w ouldn’t have to even comb it.” T hough C lark loves the re ­ sults, and even used the treatment on her own hair, she has had to turn aw ay clients recently b e­ cause o f the findings. “I’ve had several say ‘I don’t care, I want it.’ We have aw e­ some clients. But I don’t care. I’d rather lose them than kill them ,” Clark said. “I can’t ethically keep doing it. M orally, I can ’t keep using it.” Despite the confirm ed hazard­ ous findings, salons could still offer the treatment. “We don’t actually ban prod­ ucts,” said M elanie M esaros, a spokesperson with the O regon D ep artm en t o f C onsum er and Business Services, which oper­ ates under a state-plan agreement with federal OSHA. “If you do use products with hazards, then you have to take m easures to protect w orkers.”