^ortlanò (Observer Page 16 November 3. 2010 C lassifieds / B ids SUB BIDS REQUESTED sanctuary New Sandy High School ■ Advertise with diversity Bid Package #3 - All Other Work Pre-Bid: November 4th at 3:00PM Bids Due: November 23rd at 2:00PM arguir. laiitun*. rsotKr Awakening The Spirit Bid Documents - Ford Graphics (503/227-3424) or Evolving our C onsciousness fo r 2 0 1 2 a n d Beyond www.fordgraphics.com/oregon > Public Projects E d u c a tio n a l E x p e rie n tia l W o rk s h o p S erie s The S eco n d S unday o f Every M o n th Hoffman Construction in nie Portland Observer C all 5034288-0033 Company of Oregon Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888 805 SW Broadway. Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417 Sunday November 14th ads @portlandobserver.c< tin 3 P M to 8 : 3 0 P M We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. $ 3 3 to $ 5 5 S u g g e sted D o n a tio n Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com S pecial Presentation by A uthor and Energy Therpist, Jaya S arada Sacred Alignment- Energy Balancing for the New Age Portland Portland, Oregon < jp > Community A r College A lo n g w ith O p e n in g C irc le , M e d ita tio n , Ql Gong, S h a rin g C irc le , D in n e r, S ound H e a lin g , a n d C losing C irlce “W e ' re ali F o R MORI P o m i ami about vii k u n IS IO K M A 'lìO N C ommi s in kl ! ABO LÌ C o i li gl A M ) P O R I 'I ^ M ) , PI BASI-: VLSIi OCR » « IM I PAI - 1 WWNC.PCC.EPL S a n c tu a ry o f P o rtla n d 1 5 3 6 NW 2 3 r d Avenue P o rtla n d OR S p a c e is L im ite d - R e servatio n s R e c o m m n en d e d to Place Your For m ore in fo rm a tio n c a ll 5 0 3 . 7 2 9 . 6 3 3 2 Faculty Vacancies - Fall 2011/2012 Advertisement ortland Community College is part of a vibrant, urban community and is a P crossroads for people with many destinations. Our unique role is to make high- quality education accessible to everyone, creating opportunities for our students and contributing to the economic development of our community. PCC offers very competitive salaries and a comprehensive benefits package designed to provide employees and their families/domestic partners with a broad range of employer paid benefit options. PCC is currently accepting applications for the following full-time faculty positions for academic year 2011/2012. Classified w w w .s a n c tu a r y o fp o r tla n d .c o m G E N E R A L D Y N A M IC S Information Technology Sub-Contractors Needed Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 Subcontracting firms to build wireless sites/radio towers statewide in Oregon “Oregon Wireless Interoperability Network” (0W IN ) • Art History (2 positions) • Gerontology • Business Administration • Graphic Design • Computer Applications and Office Systems (CAS/OS) (2 positions) • Math (3 positions, • Music • Counselor • Philosophy • English - Composition/Literature • Physical Education • English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) • Sociology • Veterinary Technology Openings subject to budget considerations and approval. For most positions, file review will begin on Tuesday. November 23, 2010. For complete consideration, application materials should be received in Staff Employment on the date specified in the job announcement. To obtain complete position details and to apply online tor any of the above listed positions (and all PCC jobs), visit our website http://jobs.pcc.edu or contact PCC Staff Employment: (971)722-5857, email: pccjobs® pco.edu. TTY: (971)722-5878 h ttp ://w w w .o re g o n .g o v /0 D 0 T /H W Y /0 W IN / ( Prevailing wage rates apply) Scope includes: Tree Cutting, Access Roads, Grading, Concrete women, and individuals with disabilities to enhance its work force and to reflect the diversity o f its student Portland s \ Largest ) Garage 1 Sale . Tower Erection and Heavy Equipment Operators. V Experience in wireless construction is preferred. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and request sub-bids from all interested subcontractors including Minority/Women/ Emerging Small Business Enterprises. To apply to become a subcontractor to General Dynamics, please contact: Bemadette.Slmons@gdc4s.com 7 8 1 -4 5 5 -4 8 3 7 A s an Affirmative Action, Equal Employment Opportunity institution PCC actively seeks qualified minorities, A Foundations, Fencing, Electrical Subsystems, Utility Une Installation, OR CCB# 1 8 2 4 0 1 300 GARAGE SALES Portland’s LARGEST Garage Sale November 5th & 6th Portland EXPO Center 2060 N Marine Dr Portland OR 97217 www.portlandgsale.com body. PCC is honored to be the 2 0 0 7 recipient o f the National Equity Award from the Association o f Community College Trustees w o rl< Public Notice Worksystems, Inc. (WSI) has an allocation of Employer Workforce Training Funds from the Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Developm ent available for Incum bent worker training. Approximately $88,000 will be awarded to businesses in Multnomah and Washington counties through an open procurement. Proposals from interested businesses are requested at this time. To review the proposal solicitation and associated timeline, please go to: http ://w w w .w o r k s v s te m s .o r g /R e s o u r c e s F u n d ln g / Team ! Funding0pportunlt1es/tabld/161/Default.aspx Equal Opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. This project Is 100% funded with a grant through the State of Oregon and US Department of Labor. Worksystems, Inc. reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted. job Hotline: 503-988-5035 TTY: 503-9 8 8 -5 1 70 an equal opportunity employer M ULTNO M AH COUNTY www.multcojobs.org