Page 14 3'*’e ^ortlanb (Bbseruer November 3, 2010 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to A Modern-Day Bull Connor Sheriff’s abusive law enforcement F o rty -sev en y ears later, in Maricopa County, Ariz., there’s an­ other police official who seems bent on defying the Constitutional rights BY M A R C M O R IA L of non-white, law-abiding citi­ In April 1963, zens. while confined tojail For more than a decade, in Birmingham, Ala. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe for leading peaceful Arpaio has been the subject of civil rights demon­ numerous investigations and strations in what was lawsuits for his inhumane treat­ then considered to ment of prisoners and over- be the most segre­ zealous enforcement of immi­ g ated city in gration laws, including Arizona America, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. statues that amount to outright ra­ wrote an open letter challenging a cial profiling. group of local ministers and the Since M arch, 2009, the Justice nation to speak out against the bru­ Departm ent has been investigat­ tal, segregationist tactics of the in­ ing Arpaio for violating the Civil famous Birmingham police commis­ Rights Act, which forbids discrimi­ sioner, Bull Connor. nation in program s receiving fed­ eral funds. Investigators have re­ quested docum ents and in te r­ views to ascertain whether the aggressive search and seizure tac­ tics of Arpaio's office during its pursuit o f undocum ented im m i­ grants, violated the civil rights of law -abiding Latino citizens. For more than 18 m onths, Arpaio has refused to cooperate with the probe. In early September, the Jus­ tice Departm ent filed suit against Arpaio. M aricopa County stands to lose $ 113 million in federal funds if Arpaio doesn't produce proof that he's not engaging in racial profiling. Arpaio's obstinate refusal to co­ operate with this federal investiga­ tion is virtually unprecedented. According to the Justice Depart­ ment, Arpaio is the first local law enforcement official in 30 years to refuse to provide documents in a federal civil rights inquiry. Arpaio's actions follow a longstanding pat­ tern of abuse of power and anti­ immigration behavior. In 2008, a fed­ eral judge ruled that M aricopa County jails failed to meet constitu­ tional standards. Moreover, Arpaio has publicly admitted that for years he has been employing many of the tactics con­ tained in Arizona's controversial new immigration law, which the Jus­ tice Department has said illegally conflicts with federal statutes and undermines the nation's foreign policy. Joe Arpaio is becoming a symbol of rising anti-immigration fever throughout the nation. He's a throw­ back to the days when powerful and arrogant police officials openly blocked racial progress and defied federal law. Arizona ACLU Legal Director Dan Pochoda has said, "Sheriff Arpaio does not have the right to profile people because they look Latino regardless of their immigra­ tion status. His job is to uphold the law, not violate people's rights." I agree. Joe Arpaio calls himself the "toughest sheriff in America." But his abusive law enforcement and anti-immigration tactics make him look more like a modern-day Bull Connor. Marc H. Morial is the president and chief executive officer o f the National Urban League. Living the Baptismal Promises With love and support for sexual minorities by K elly B urd Sharing in the sacra­ ment of baptism was one of my favorite aspects of parish ministry. When I baptized infants, I got to hold them in my arms and look into their bright eyes as I proclaimed God’s abundant love for them in Christ. I would turn to the congregation and ask, “Do you, who witness and celebrate this sacrament, promise your love, support and care to this one?” They always affirmed, “We promise our love, support and care.” Grace abounds in a community bound together by faith, sharing responsibility for the new life in our midst. and siblings. for suffering, alienated youth in our commu­ Inevitably, each cooing infant becomes a As individuals, we have the power tQ do nities? Are we speaking with a loud, pro­ teenager with a changing body, an increas­ something vitally important: shape the per­ phetic voice on issues of justice for LGBT ing awareness of his or her sexuality and a spectives of young people in our lives. Every people? Are we taking a public stand against peer group whose acceptance is of utmost moment of every day, our language, atti­ other forms of intolerance? importance. Most will be straight. And many tudes and actions concerning sexual orienta­ All of these actions are pastoral and pro­ will be lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or tion and gender identities (as well as race, phetic expressions of love, support and care, transgendered, whether or not they have culture, religion and other forms of diversity) and they are but a few possibilities. What can recognized it, accepted it, or begun to live convey a message. From simply watching us our churches do that not one of us could into it. they will learn either the way of Christ’s accomplish alone? Let’s dream big, collabo­ Those young people we’ve been reading inclusive compassion or the way of exclusiv­ rate, and live into those baptismal promises about in the headlines - they are our children. ity and hate. Which will they learn from you? with faith, courage and action. We have held them, loved them, baptized As the church, we are challenged to keep The United Church of Christ offers LGBT them - both the bullied children who may those baptismal promises in tangible ways. justice and anti-bullying resources at contemplate suicide and the bullying chil­ Do youth experience our love, support and lgbt. LivingWorks1 Applied Suicide Inter­ dren who mob and taunt them. They belong care for them when they are struggling with vention Skills Training helps people to rec­ to our churches and go to our schools. They their sexual identity? What does love look ognize and competently respond to persons live in our homes and just down the street like when we witness them acting with malice at risk of suicide. For information, visit from us. They come over for sleepovers and toward kids who are different from them­ birthday parties with our children and grand­ selves? Kelly Burd is the minister fo r leadership children, our nephews and nieces, cousins Are we offering a safe place (sanctuary) development fo r the United Church o f Christ. HOT TUBBING TOI IND00R/0UTD00R HOT TUBS PRIVATE ROOMS Check out our new private nightclub suite. 8028 SE Stark St. 5 Portland, Oregon 503.261.1180 PORTLAND TUB: and TAN