Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 27, 2010, ARMED FORCES Special Edition, Page 8, Image 8

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October 27, 2010
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Sustainability «
Home Repair
Grocery Goes Green
Program targets
The Portland Housing Bureau
has funding to help approximately
32 homeowners in the Interstate
corridor and 15 homeowners in the
Lents Town Center make critical
repairs to their homes.
Homeowners can borrow up to
$15,000, but the Home Repair Loan
Program doesn't require monthly
payments or charge interest. At
the beginning o f the 1 1th year o f
the loan, 20 percent o f the loan
will be forgiven. After the 15th
year, the loan will be com pletely
The Ioan is a zero-percent de­
ferred payment loan with an annual
percentage rate of .0012 percent,
which results from $400 in fees the
housing bureau charges to admin-
ister each loan. PHB allows these
fees to be financed.
Funds must be used to make
critical repairs like fixing electrical
hazards, replacing leaky roofs, re­
A significant remodel at Fred
moving mold, repairing failing
porches, and addressing other M eyer’s southeast Hawthorne lo­
health and safety items or building cation attained a Silver-LEED certi­
fication for the 128,000-square-foot
code violations.
Funding is limited to home own- building.
The new design m aintained the
ers who own and occupy proper-
ties located in urban renewal areas. same footprint as the site’s original
1950s Fred Meyer, and The Kroger
The program is an urban renewal
strategy to improve the housing Co., which operates all Fred Meyer
stock and address blighted homes stores, reports that it has deter-
m ined that for every dollar spent
within these areas.
To learn more or to request ap­ on the rem odel, nine dollars in en-
ergy consum ption would be saved
plications, call 503-823-3400.
dow n the road.
The two-story remodel, designed
Fred Meyer earns
LEED Silver rating
__________ __
s o u th e a s t H aw thorne Fred M e ye r’s rem odel b y M ulvannyG 2
A rchitecture earne d it a LEED S ilver ce rtifica tio n , m a kin g it one o f
the m o s t su sta in a b le superm arkets in the U nited S tates.
by M ulvannyG 2 A rch itectu re, c e rtifie d su p e rm ark et am ong
added 3,000 square feet and in- Kroger’s 2,500 stores nationwide,
creased the store’s programmatic
LEED certification provides in-
density. The design is projected to dependent, third-party verification
reduce utility costs by between one that a building project is environ-
and two percent. It’s the first LEED- mentally responsible, profitable and
Y o u r f a v o r it e n e i g h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s t o r e n o w d e liv e r s
a healthy place to live and work.
“While there are about a dozen
LEED-certified supermarkets in the
United States, mostly smaller, niche
grocers such as Whole Foods and
Washington state’s-PCC Natural
Markets, Fred Meyer serves a more
broad-based dem ographic,” said
R andy S au er, P rin c ip a l at
MulvannyG2. “And this brings
green architecture, and the expecta­
tion to have green architecture, to
g r o c e r i e s r ig h t t o y o u r h o m e o r o f fic e .
Seed Fund
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you click, we deliver, (or pull up for pick up)
Jim Huston and Angela Jackson
o f Portland have been selected to
manage the Portland Seed Fund.
This fund is an economic develop­
ment tool proposed by Mayor Sam
Adams to provide capital to entre­
preneurs and early stage start-ups.
Huston and Jackson will estab­
lish and manage the fund, which will
receive the city’s initial $500,000,
and actively work to identify addi­
tional investors to reach the tar­
geted goal o f $ 1.5 million in capital.
The lack o f seed funding has
long been an issue for high-growth
start-ups and entrepreneurs with
innovative product ideas. Portland’s
emphasis on entrepreneurship in
the city’s Economic Development
Strategy has led to the emergence o f
a seed fund as a critical initiative to
spur job creation and economic
growth in the city.
Additional information can be
found at portlandseedfund.com.