Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 27, 2010, ARMED FORCES Special Edition, Page 4, Image 4

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Lim its
ch o o se
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S p e c
C u s to m S tic k e rs, B a n n e rs ,
S ig n s, B u tto n s , a n d M ore!
off your
first order!
1703 N E A lberta - 503-360-1066
October 27, 2010
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Recruit Finishes Basic Training
Navy Seaman Recruit Dylan
S. Cumbo, a 2008 graduate of
Franklin High School, recently
completed U.S. Navy basic
training at Recruit Training
Command, Great Lakes, 111.
During the 8-week program,
Cumbo completed a variety of
training which included class­
room study and practical in­
struction on naval customs, first
aid, firefighting, water safety
and survival, and shipboard and
aircraft safety. An emphasis
was also placed on physical
The capstone event of boot
camp is "Battle Stations." This
exercise gives recruits the skills
and confidence they need to
succeed in the fleet. The in­
struction is designed to galva­
nize the basic warrior attributes
of sacrifice, dedication, team­
work and endurance in each
recruit through the practical
application of basic Navy skills
and the core values of honor,
courage and commitment. Its
distinctly "Navy" flavor was
designed to take into account
what it means to be a Sailor.
School Board OKs
STARBASE contract
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Jaquiss said that the program ’s
hands-on math and science educa­
tion helps the budget-strapped dis­
trict, and revealed that his students
showed a 59 percent improvement
from pre- to post-science trip scores.
M any co m m u n ity m em bers
spoke out against the program, say­
ing it was a means to recruit impres­
sionable and economically vulner­
able youth into joining the military.
Most o f the schools participating in
the program are Title 1 schools, with
high percentages o f minority stu­
dents, and high poverty rates.
Anne Trudeau, a PPS parent,
spoke in opposition to the program,
pointing out that photos from the
STARBASE site - showing stu­
dents being instructed by teachers
in uniform and students climbing on
a tank - are means in which the
military is targeting low-income or
at-risk youth under the guise o f
education. Those photos, she said,
are in contradiction to what board
members claim happens on the base.
“It has happened. It is recruit­
ment,” Trudeau told the board.
She also inquired about alterna­
tive curricula for parents who opt-
out their child, and requested that
equal school time be given to other
career options, since STARBASE is
defined as a “career program.”
Board member Di lafruz Williams
also expressed concern over alter­
native education for opt-out stu­
dents, and said more steps needed
to be taken to ensure equal oppor­
tunities are available.
The board confirmed that par­
ents were sent home documenta­
tion in both English and Spanish
about STARBASE’s location on the
Portland National Guard Air Base.
Member Bobbie Regan also related
her trip last school term to the base,
saying it allies closely with PPS’s
outdoor school program.
Student rep resen tativ e Dina
Yazdani repeated past students’ tes­
timony about their enjoyment of
STARBASE, mentioning that they
said they “had no idea” that the pro­
gram took place on a base. She was
encouraged by these statements, as
she - and several board members -
also spoke out about the Afghani­
stan and Iraq wars. However, she was
concerned that a former teacher at the
base did say that he was interested in
recruiting students.
Board members Williams and
Ruth Atkins voted no, with student
representative Yazdani unofficially
voting yes, and member Martin
Gonzalez not present.
Marine Learns Engineering
Marine Corps Pfc. Nigel L.
B liss, a 2006 graduate o f
Woodrow Wilson High School,
recently completed the Basic
Engineer Equipment Electrical
Systems Technician course.
During the classroom instruc­
tion and practical application at
Marine Corps Engineer School,
Marine Corps Base, Camp
Lejeune, N.C., Bliss received
training on the operation, main­
tenance and repair of field power
generating equipment.
He also studied electrical
theory, operating principles of
alternating and direct current
generators and control devices.
Bliss joined the Marine Corps
Reserve in January.