Page 2 0 jp n r t la tt ò ( O b s t r u e r _____ O c to b e r 27, 2010 SAFEWAY R ecipes by A yoursitiedu^ Ingredients for life.. S afeway HelJyeredLj^t rewards Each time you spend* S50 or more in a single transaction. SAFEWAY, corn ^ m o Cod* n-h W«4 0,11« C „Ko««« O nb . «omin O'*' W ---- O n ly w i t h y o u r R an ch e r's R e s e rv e * B oneless B eef London Broil RANCHERS ¿fatter tie. Extreme Value Pack Or Top Round Roast SAVE up to $2 80 lb R a n c h e r’s R e s e rv e * B oneless B eef C h u ck Pot o r C ross Rib R oast SAVE up to $2 30 lb R an c h e r's R e s e rv e * B eef B o tto m Round or T ip R oast SAVE up to S2 80 lb ■oster ■ a rm s Ingredients • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2 cups all-purpose flour 3 tablespoons brow n sugar 2 teaspoons baking pow der 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon ground allspice 1 teaspoon ground cinnam on 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 cups m ilk 1 cup pum pkin puree 1 egg 2 ta b le sp o o n s vegetable oil 2 tablespoons vinegar F oster Farm s Fresh W hole C hicken Boneless W hole Pork Loin Locally grown Or Safeway Thighs Drumsticks or Leg Quarters. 99c lb SAVE up to 50c lb. Sold in the bag Or Boneless Pork Sirloin Chops Extreme Value Pack SAVE up to $2.00 lb. 8 0 % Lean G round Beef Or 85% Lean. $2 49 lb Extreme Value Pack SAVE up to S t.30 lb. Hershey’s, Mars or Nestlé Snack Size Bags 9.34 Io 12-oz. Selected varieties While Supplies Last. Buy 4 or more for Cooked N o rth w e s t S h rim p m e a t |H It) C lu b P r ic e RW Granny S m ith , Red Sold in a 5 -lb bag Bulk, $3.99 lb. Frozen/thawed. SAVE up to S10 00 on 5 -lb bag or Golden D elicious Apples Great for Bobbing or Dipping1 SAVE up to $1,41 lb Club Price U Directions 1. In a separate bow l, m ix together the m ilk, p um pkin, egg, oil and vinegar. C om bine the flour, brow n sugar, baking pow der, baking soda, allspice, cinnam on, gin g er and salt, stir into the pum pkin m ixture ju s t enough to com bine. 2. H eat a lightly oiled g riddle or frying pan o v er m edium high heat. Pour or scoop the b atter onto the griddle, using ap p ro x i­ m ately 1/4 cup for each pancake. B row n on both sides and serve hot. Club Price H I Red, Black or Green Seedless Grapes Imported Green or White Asparagus Great tor Lunches or Snacking! SAVE up to $1 20 lb. High in Fiber! SAVE up to $3 00 lb. medium chwdder i ■ &»> D reyer's Ice Cream Ingredients • • ’ • 3/4 cup w hite sugar 1/4 cup vegetable oil 2 eggs 3/4 cup canned pum pkin • 1/4 cup w ater • 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour • • • • • • • * if 1.5-qt Selected varieties L u c e rn e * Shredded or C hunk Cheese Club Pnce $2 50e a SAVE up to $4 98 on 2 Post Honey Bunches o f Oats 32-oz Medium Only. SAVE up to 50c 14 5-oz Orfruity Pebbles 11-02 Cereal SAVE up to $2 00 Club Price SAVE up to SU ü x J . < V ; tk.' I ^ B r JPv Mt 3/4 teaspoon baking p o w d er 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnam on 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground nutm eg 1/2 cup sem isw eet chocolate chips v I lu m m d P u ' " " S A FE W A Y ^ COUPON and flour m uffin pan o r use paper liners. 2. M ix sugar, oil, eggs. A dd pum pkin and w ater. In separate bow l m ix together the baking flour, baking soda, baking pow der, spices and salt.. A dd w et m ixture and stir in chocolate chips. w aaw ««n iii/K w SAFEWAY A COUPON W flH CARO AND COUPON cuaw K i 6 QQ VHMiMTUmtirKN SAFEWAY'% COUPON WfTM CANO ANO COUPON 1 q q CLudNKt • « ntmout colton mnwur coupon Maxwell House SUPER PRICE coupon ! or Yuban Coffee WITH CARD AND COUPON 1 7 Q u uerw u • • » > MTNOUT COUPON Fritos or Cheetos 7.75 to 9 5 o z Selected varieties. SUPER PRICE coupon ; 24-Pack Coors. Bud or M iller Safeway Apple Juice 64-or. Selected varieties n "'OÓÓÓO 2559 V Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). G rease IÖ000 2S58' Club Price B I Always great Club Card gg Specials W 3. Fill m uffin cups 2/3 full w ith batter. B ake in p reh eated oven for 20 to 25 m inutes. EQUAL 0 ft LESSER VALUE limned by £w I /111 W That's our promise... that's Ingredients for life, M ICMKIBJEUIIKI wto THim fri sat sun M on Tucs Prices on this page are effective Wednesday, October 27 thru fuesday, November 2.2010. ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY. Selection varies by store Mll,on Fre8wa,er) an() S W ^srnngtor. stores serving Wahkiakum 01 pr0dwts e [m lr i" e' Pseudoephedrne or phenyi^opanotemine