Page 2 Îlîf Fortiani» (Observer October 27, 2010 Obama rallies for Kitzhaber President Obama went to bat for guber­ natorial candidate John Kitzhaber on Oet. 20, arguing that the state needs Kitzhaber’s leadership more than ever. “You need him again, you need him one more time,” Obama told thecrowdofl 0,000 at the rally at the Portland Convention Center. Kitzhaber served as governor twice be­ fore, from 1994-2002 and is running fora third term in a close race against Republican and former Portland Trail Blazer Chris Dudley. “This should not be a difficult choice,” Obama said. “1 know you have a race where both candidates are talking about change. But there’s only one candidate who has delivered change. And th a t’s John Kitzhaber. Y ou know John’s track record.” Obama’s support of Kitzhaber is seen as a needed boost to the democrat, as results from an independent poll published in Sunday’s Oregonian show that the guber­ natorial race is still too close to call. It's the fourth poll in a row - and the fifth of the last six - that show that the race is within 2 percentage points, with Kitzhaber defend­ ing a slight lead over Republican candidate and former Blazers player Chris Dudley. Seattle pollster Stuart Elway, who con­ ducted the survey, told The Oregonian that the race now appears to come down to a battle over which candidate is most suc­ cessful in getting his supporters to actually vote. "Turnout is destiny in this race," Elway said. "It's close and there aren't that many undecided voters left." The president said that it is up to voters to tell the Republicans that they have not forgotten about their time in office. “It is up to you to tell them we haven’t t Blazers waive Pendergraph President Obama and gubernatorial candidate John Kitzhaber. forgotten. We don’t have amnesia, and we don’t want what you’re selling because w e’ve tried it before and we didn’t like it because it didn’t work.” Much o f the president’s remarks were devoted to get-out-the vote efforts.. “We need you all to mail in your ballots now,” Obama said, “mail them in!” Obama called on attendees o f the rally to “keep fighting, and knocking on doors and making phone calls and mailing in your ballots ... (so that) not only are we going to elect John, but we are going to preserve that American Dream and American promise for centuries to come." Kitzhaber, elected in 1994 and re-elected four years later, is seeking an unprecedented third term. Dudley, in his first run for office, has appealed to Oregonians who think Kitzhaber already had a chance as gover­ nor, and the state needs a fresh approach to its persistent economic problems. Dudley said he's pleased to be virtually tied this late in the campaign in a state that has not elected a Republican governor since 1982. Week in The Review "People are clearly seeing, even though there is that registration edge, that what we've been doing for the last 20 years has not worked," said Dudley, who has based his campaign on the idea that Oregon is lagging economically and educationally behind the rest o f the country. "It's been a more Democratic state from day one" o f this race, Dudley added, "so obviously going into this, I would have to say I was the underdog." Kitzhaber, meanwhile, is unconcerned by this, citing his huge advantage over Dudley in terms o f political experience - he’s served 24 years in the state legislature, including seven as Senate president in addition to his two terms as governor. "That's right where we wanted to be," said Kitzhaber, adding that "we had wanted to be even going into the home stretch" after being greatly outspent in campaign advertising by Dudley over the summer and through much o f the fall. Kitzhaber is hoping Oregonians will bet­ ter relate to his laid-back, jeans- and cow­ boy hat-wearing self. The Portland Trail Blaz­ ers have waived forward Jeff Pendergraph, it was announced Oct. 25 by General Manager Rich C’ho. Pendergraph, 23, suffered a tom anterior cruciate ligament( ACL) in an Oct. 7 preseason gam e at Utah and is scheduled to undergo surgery as a result. “We want to thank Jeff for his hard work and professionalism since he arrived here in Portland, and we wish him a fast and successful recovery from his injury,” said Cho. “We sometimes have to make difficult decisions in this business, and this was certainly one o f them.” Oregon Awarded $9M for Rail Oregon Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden an­ nounced Oct. 25 that the U.S. Department o f Trans­ portation is awarding nearly $9 million to Oregon to help implement plans to bring high-speed rail to the Northwest corridor. The funds will go toward plans to increase the frequency o f rail service, reduce travel time and make necessary structural and track im­ provements to Union Station. Health Center Recognized The Virginia Garcia Memorial Health Center’s Clini­ cal Pharmacy team was recently nationally recog­ nized for dramatic improvements in diabetes control. Virginia Garcia's efforts include discussing diet, ex­ ercise, medications and lifestyle with its patients. The award was given by the Health Resources and Services Administration for Outstanding Perfor­ mance for documented results showing an increased clinical pharmacy services, improved health out­ comes, and identification and prevention o f adverse and potential adverse drug events. Local Friday, November 5, 2010 8 to 4:30 p.m. 1 ’CC Cascade Campus, Ferrell Hall 705 N. Killing,sworth Street, Portland 97217 I he conference will feature: • I,xpert panel presenters from the construction and A /F industry •. Small business resources panel to help companies move to the next level • Seminar: I fow to operate your small business sustainably in today’s economy Seminar: Preparing your financial recoi'ds to obtain a business loan ♦ © PORT OF PO RTLAND Possibility. In every direction. Information: Registration: SEA •***»<*•«« *•••*„<• ÜI BUSINESS DIVERSITY M etro ’ ÍO ’ I Í » 1 « ( S j : ö > i » i h c h Greg Wollcy, Greg.\, 503.823.6860 Gale Hussey, (.ia!e.Hussey(iZ), 503.823.5057 : Portland Community College . It O \L 'A Z ' T R I MET