Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 27, 2010, ARMED FORCES Special Edition, Page 17, Image 17

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    October 27, 2010
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Health Care Reform and You
For Your Health
L arry L ucas
From last summer’s town hall
meetings to this fall’s mid-term elec­
tion ads, no doubt you’ve heard a
lot about health care reform. But
what does it mean for you? It’s time
to stop the rhetoric and get the
facts. Thanks to new provisions
and discount programs introduced
in the landmark legislation, more
Americans than ever before will
have access to improved health care,
including their prescriptions.
Today’s tough economy has
forced many to make difficult deci­
sions about their health, like choos­
ing to go without needed medicines
so they can pay for food. This is a
choice no one should have to make,
and both lawmakers and those in the
health care industry recognize that.
The new coverage gap discount
program in the Medicare prescrip­
tion drug benefit will help prevent
seniors from ever having to make
that choice. The coverage gap, or
“donut hole,” occurs when patients’
insurance may rely on emergency
rooms or free clinics for care.
Critically, the new health reform
law expands the health workforce
and increases funding for commu­
nity health centers to provide care
for everyone - no matter how much
they are able to pay.
Access to quality medicines takes
more than just dollars and cents; it
takes an enormous investment in
the research and development of
new and better treatments - to the
tune of 10-15 years and more than $ 1
billion for a single medicine.
Long before health care reform
was a reality, patients could turn to
the Partnership for Prescription
Assistance for help. Today, this
nationwide effort sponsored by
Am erica’s biopharmaceutical re­
search companies is still providing
access to patient assistance pro­
grams that provide free or nearly
free medicines to patients in need.
For more information, call 1-888-
4PPA-NOW or visit pparx.org.
prescription costs
reach a limit under
th e ir
c o v e ra g e
plans, forcing them to pay for the
remaining costs of their medicines
up to a certain point.
To help reduce the out-of-
pocket costs facing M edicare ben­
eficiaries within the coverage gap,
beginning in 2011, A m erica’s bio-
pharm aceutical research com pa­
nies will provide a 50 percent dis­
count on brand-nam e m edicines
to eligible beneficiaries. When
com bined with governm ent con­
tributions, the coverage gap will
be effectively closed over the next
10 years.
But the Medicare coverage gap
discount program is only part of the
larger health reform overhaul. An­
other important issue is working to
bridge the huge disparity between
those who have access to health
Larry Lucas is a retired vice
care and those who do not - a par­ president fo r the Pharmaceutical
ticularly profound problem in our Research and Manufacturers o f
community where patients without America.
Page 17
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ready to
help those
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An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession
Part 25. Chiropractic and Fitness:
The way to wellness in the eighties
: I continue to hear that
diet and exercising are help­
ful in maintaining a strong body.
But where do I begin? There is so
much literature and when I ask my
doctor he seems unconcerned.
How can I get started?
' : A good way to begin is
with the basics. Since 1895
Chiropractic has been the leader
in teaching the basics of health to
our society. Good health must in­
clude proper nutrition. A general
rule of thumb is that foods high in
fiber are best for you. Limit your
neats and refined foods as well as
alcohol. Get plenty of exercise. For
most people it only takes an hour or
so a week to stay fit. Walking at a
brisk pace with good arm swing is
excellent. Rest is paramount. Every­
one feels better after a good nights
sleep. In Chiropractic, we will often
recommend relaxation exercises as
well. Have a joyful spirit. Scien­
tists know now that our attitudes
actually affect our entire chem is-
try. F in a lly , alw ay s keep a
healthy nervous system . C hiro­
practic is especially suited for
u n d e rsta n d in g the e ffe ct o f
stress on the nervous system
and how to elim inate it. Total
fitness can be only a call away
and worth so much more than
ju st another pain prescription.
Isn 't it time you stepped up to
safe effective Chiropractic?
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon97212
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