O ctober 27, 2010 Portland (Observer Zoo Hosts Howlin’ Good Time Trick-or-treaters can fill their bags w ith goodies and learn m ore about w ildlife on Saturday, O ct. 30 and Sunday, O c t. 31, d u r in g “ H ow low een at the O regon Z o o ,” presented by S terling Savings and F edE x in association w ith the N a­ tional Safe K ids C oalition. The event runs from 11 a .m .to 4 p .m .a n d isfre e w ith zoo adm ission. “ M ost kids love trick-or-treat- ing, and H ow low een at the zoo p ro ­ vides a safe place for them to w ear their costum es, have som e fun and learn about anim als,” said Kim Smith, zoo director. T he celebration aim s to be edu­ cational as w ell as fun. A n intrigu­ ing scavenger h unt w ill direct trick- or-treaters to easily accessible ac­ tivity stations throughout the zoo. A ctivities are them ed to teach kids about anim als around the zoo, and th e ir h a b ita ts a n d a d a p ta tio n s . G oodie bags filled w ith candy and prizes w ill be given out for co m ­ pleted hunts at the z o o ’s exit. T h ro u g h o u t the w eek en d , v isi­ to rs can w atch the z o o ’s e n ric h ­ m en t team p ro v id e an im als w ith h o lid a y -th e m e d treats like p u m p ­ k ins stu ffed w ith snacks. E n rich ­ m en t item s such as p u m p k in s — p ro v id e d by A l’s G ard en C en ter - - h elp keep the zoo ’ s anim als m en- Animals and visitors receive treats during the Oregon Zoo's tally and p h y sic a lly stim u lated . ‘Howloween ’ celebration. Page II NAACP Special General Membership Meeting October 30 at PCC 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM Terrell Hall Room 112 Rl IRlliw* «»»I PERFI PUBLICATIONS »IF P S DON? rO vO U R E . w istw*;', < * rcs • FKMt» MAI • OPY, FAX, FRINÌ IH . • CU5TOH IHVOJCF <*»,• m u • FAMS, tlIAN» T'*l< AW’ • FORM*. I l I H P HI Al i • nMVITAIKim, PI' •' AHI».. • MEMORIA' FW»4'AM. • AWi SCmjIMK’X bwyivii vi I Love My Hair Curly-haired Muppet is role model A brown muppet representing an African- American girl is shown during the taping o f the 'I Love My Hair,' video for the children's program, 'Sesame Street.' (A P) - A plucky little m uppet in a pretty pink dress, h er brow n h air a p erk y 'fro, is helping little girls — and their m om s — to accept them selves ju s t the w ay they are by loving th eir hair. T he nam eless m uppet m anages to trim aw ay generations o f yearning fo r long, silky locks w ith h er song, "I L ove M y Hair" and has becom e an Internet sensation. N ow h er creato r w ants to give her a life b eyond Y ouT ube. "I really w ant to sit dow n w ith the w riters and figure ou t w hat w e can do w ith h er and give h er a nam e, and really expand her out," said Jo ey M azzarino, head w riter for "Sesam e Street," w ho co-w rote "I Love M y H air" w ith co m poser C hris Jackson. The video is being shared on T w itter, and posted on gossip sites and blogs. It is p opping up on F acebook pages and d iscussed in the com m ents section on Y ouT ube, w here the original clip gets a steady stream o f view s. "It struck a particular chord w ith A frican-A m erican m om s like m e," said au th o r D enene M illner, a colum nist fo rp aren tin g .co m and the creato r o f parenting blog M yB row nB aby. "I think that at som e point, if you have a little girl, w e all deal w ith the d ay your child com es hom e from school and says, 'I don't w ant m y hair to look like this; I w ant it to look like A nnie's.' A nd A nnie's hair is blo n d and long and not w hat she has." M eanw hile, a little M uppet girl in pretty pink dress says it all: "I love m y h a i r ... there's nothing else that can com pare, I love m y hair." PERTECTION H US HJOUCATtONS COME ON IN AND check us o u n a m a 328 N t FADING ST SUITI 10? POfiTIAt"1 •1» *«: WJ.Vl.b'ftlIfAt KUHA» Wo The C a n d y K ° r n e r has what you NEED! Cfincdate) TM ■ 1 ìé MW i 4606 NE MLK Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 503.281.7000 www.candykomer.net è*