-------------------------------- glorila nò (ßbacrucr October 20, 2010 SAFEWAY WE DELIVER GRO tn votif Home or Ingredients for life.. Roasting Pumpkin Seeds G e t FREE ° on y o u r 1 Earn GAS REWARDS E ach tim e y o u □ to S afew ay s p e n d * S 5O o r m o r e in a s in g le t r a n s a c t io n . Only w ith your R a n c h e r’s R e s e rv e * B o n eles s B e e f P e tite S irlo in o r Top S irlo in S te a k perfest! P o r k S h o u ld e r C o u n t r y S t y l e R ib s Bone-m Extrem e Value Pack Or Bono-in Shoulder Blade Roast. Extreme Value Pack equal OR LESSER VALUE Club Price EATINGi OEM E a tin g R ig h t* B o n e le s s S k in le s s C h ic k e n B re a s ts o r T h ig h s 9 3 % o r 9 0 % S irlo in Lean G ro un d B e e f Or Tender or Thin Sliced. Extrem e Value Pack. Johnsonville Bratwurst or Italian Sausage Jum bo R aw Shrim p or Yellowfin Ahi Tuna Steaks 5-lb. Box Seedless S atsum a M andarins 21 to 25 ct Shrimp 2 I ) bag Frozen Previously frozen Tuna SAVE up Io $2 50 6 Spread the seeds in a single layer on a baking sheet an< bake for about 45 minutes or until golden brown; sti occasionally. Spicy Roated Pumpkin Seeeds Gieal for snacks or lunches' SAVE up to $4,01 ea. Bar S Smoked Sausage Links 3-lb package Selected varieties. SAVE up to $1 50 ea Club Prie» Ingredients: • • • • • Club Prie» B I I9.76-OZ. Selected varieties SAVE up to S t 00 ea. Hi Club Prie» 10-lb Bag Russet Potatoes Red Tomatoes on the Vine Great lot Burgers or Salads' SAVE up to$1 3011) 3 cups pumpkin seeds 1/2 cup butter, melted 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon seasoned salt Good Source of Cartwhydrates' SAVE up to 61 t e a Hill German Sausage Club Prie» 3 «i. or Franks or Hoi Links. SAVE « t o $2.00 n D irections: 1. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees F ( 150 degrees C). • '«»A 2. In a medium bowl, mix together the pumpkin seeds, butter, garlic powder, salt and seasoned salt until the pumpkin seeds are evenly coated. Spread in an even layer on a cookie sheet. 3. Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes, stirring every 10 to 15 minutes until toasted. Cool completely on the baking sheet, then transfer to a serving dish. Silva Linguica yvtW T Sausage Rice A Roni or Starkist Albacore Tuna Dairy Glen M ilk Gallon Whole, 2% . 1%, or FatEree Club Price U 13-oz package. Fu»y cooked. Club Price : $150 ea. Ragu Pasta Sauce 3 8 lo 7 2-oz Pasta or R«« o, i n Sow White Tuna. Selected varieties SAVE up to J t.tl SAW up lo $1.98 on 2 1 6 to 2 6 -o z Selected varieties Club Price $1 25 ea SAVE up kl $ 2 9 6 on 4 Club Price B 18-Pack Coors, Chateau Ste Michelle or Yellow Tail 750'« Cfeteu Stelle*« Cinnasweet Pumpkin Seeds 4 cups pumpkin seeds, rinsed and dried 1/2 cup margarine, melted 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup white sugar, divided 12-oz. betdas. Selected varieties R ib Pepes* In Oregon. SAVE « lb $130 or 1.5-faerYe*tw Tai Sete» vanetals SAVE jp lo Í 5 00 In g redients • • • • • • Bud or M iller Single Bottle Six Pack Sale Price CarrierPrk 8" 82° Quilted Northern or Cottoned« Bath Tissue or Viva Paper Towels Lucerne* Shredded or Chunk Cheese 32-OZ Medium Only SAVE up k) 50« Club Prie» U 12 Ho« Tissue or 6 Roll Towels Selected varieties SAVE up kl $ 3 0 0 Club Price 12-Pack St. Pauli G H or Sam Adams th » dBpo$i- iripegát 12-oz. lot««« Selected ranete. Plus deposit ei Oregon. SAVE $300 SAVf jfj- S 3 W i” 4 mk D irectio n s 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). 2. C ombine the pumpkin seeds, margarine, brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt in a bowl; stir to coat the seeds. Spread the seeds in a single layer in a 1 Ox 15 inch jelly roll pan. 3. Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes; stir and return to oven for 15 minutes more; remove from oven and sprinkle 2 tablespoons sugar over the seeds; stir to coat. Return to oven and bake another 15 minutes before removing again to sprinkle with remaining sugar and stirring. Bake another 15 minutes. Allow to cool before serving. Store leftover seeds in an airtight container. 22E e ^3E B 3 i V*- EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Club Prie» 0H„ 12 ■ * * ’ .__ zer wrth S a t . » . , Cub Cwd b ., w , . n 10.ZO/td .< M * „ d _______________________ h o « « °1 N a b i s c o S n a c k C ra c k e rs 5 .s to to oz « , O x , Co,. ,Z p M k, , „ 0 lw > « h o .., o f N ,b ,u o < ,« k « v bv p , i „ b ^ a tingle transaction Customer pays tan and deoom wnere applit.ibie um it two (2) Tree Crackers per transaction That's our promise... that's Ingredients for life, H I H l R l ER ESI EH OCTOBER a E H li l H l Kill E m eothuw FRI SAT sun mo « ... . Prices o n th is p a g e a r e e ffe c tiv e E m Wednesday, October 20 thru Tuesday, October 26, 2010 ru ts A L L L IM IT S A R E PER H O U S E H O L D , PER D A Y . S e le c tio n v a rie s b y s to re sales at licensed Saleway s to re s ™ © T O “ y U " S X ° " * * "qUW