Page 22 ®‘i' Fortiani» (Observer October 20. 2010 H ealthmätiebs Seedlings of invasive plant develop quickly Portland property owners are re­ porting more sigh tings of pokeweed, an invasive and poisonous plant relatively new'to the area. Pokeweed is native to the southeastern United States, and is also found in the Mid­ west and all along the East Coast. Now it's popping up around the Pacific Northwest. Pokeweed grows from a large, carrot-shaped tuber to a three to eight-loot tall shrub with reddish stems and bright green leaves. It has white blooms in summer that develop into clusters of dark berries when the plant matures in late sum­ mer and early fall. Seedlings de­ velop quickly, and become difficult to dig up after two or three years. Problem If you spot pokeweed on your property, you should clip the berry • r » « *- » * clusters or blooms and put them in the trash, not in your yard debris container. it The city of Portland ’ s Early De- 'i ? tection/Rapid Response program may be able to help with removal. The early detection staff is m ap­ •• »“ I ping known plants, rem oving ber­ •'.4. ries from those plants, and re­ searching more pokeweed m an­ agem ent methods. It you th in k y o u ’ve seen pokeweed growing in Portland, or you think it’s growing on your prop­ r**" erty, call the early detection pro­ gram at 503-823-2989. The invasive Pokeweed plant takes root in Portland gardens. All parts o f the plant are toxic to people. For more information, visit the 4- County Cooperative Weed Man­ Birds often eat the berries and whelm native vegetation. the plant (poke salad is an ex ­ ag em en t A rea w eb site at carry the seeds to new locations, Although birds seem to be im- ample). But preparation is tricky 4countycw m and click on including natural areas. Left un- niune to the berries, every part o f and ingesting improperly prepared checked and unmanaged, pokeweed the pokeweed plant is toxic to pokeweed can cause severe nau- “Weed of the Month,” or download a p o k ew eed fact sh eet at can form dense patches and over- people. Some people eat parts o f sea, or even death. f vu.; .4 5« THE LAW OFFICES OF Patrick John Sweeney, PC. . '• - 4 Patrick John Sweeney Attorney at Law 1549 SE Ladd Portland, Oregon • Portland: Hillsoboro: Facsimile: Email: (503) 491-5156 (503) 615-0425 (503) 244-2084 Sweeney @ V « 1/ Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his shilled s ta ff are ready to help those in need THE____________ SPIN At COOJMN An ongoing series of questions and answers about Am ericas natural healing profession Part 24. Osteoarthritis: you needn’t be frightened about a frightening problem anymore Sweet Street Food Cart on the corner of MLK and Lombard Monday - Saturday, 11:00am - 9:00pm Wednesday Special: 3 Wings $2.00 Friday Special: Rib Sandwiched Beef or Pork $4.00 call 503-995-6150 to place order I have been having a lot of pain in my neck. The ! doctor said that it was osteoarthri­ tis and that I would have learn to live with it. What is your opinion? : As you m ight know , th ere is a trem en d o u s amount of health research going on today Much relates to the spine and nervous system. You might ask your doctor if he has read the latest study on osteoarthritis. The study showed that there was no correlation between the amount of osteo-arthritis and the amount of pain a person suffers. In fact it has been found that pain and osteo­ arthritis are both caused by the same problem. Mechanical stress on the bone and joints is the biggest cause of pain and also the cause of that deformity of the joint your doctor calls osteoarthritis . In Chiropractic we evaluate where the joint and bones are stresses. Our chief purpose then is to rem ove the stress or irrita­ tion from the jo in t (and nerves) - not only to reduce pain but to allow the bones to be as healthy as possible as well. If you have jo in t pain, is n 't it tim e you stepped up to , effective C hiro­ practic? Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 N.E. Hancock Street Portland Oregon 97212 Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4