^lortlanì» (Bbseruer Page 2 O ctober 20. 2010 Vital Health Screenings Needed Saturday marked the African American Health Coalition’s 15th annual Wellness Village, an event that has been providing vital health screenings and health and wellness information to the community. More than 200 attended the all- day event, and more than 100 uti­ lized the complimentary vision, blood pressure, hearing, dental, foot exams, and blood glucose (for dia­ betes) testing. Also offered were immunization and flu shots, and nutritional education sem inars. Forty-seven health-related vendors provided information on insurance, health care, local hospitals, and medical clinic services. Sandra Meucci, internal evalua­ tor at the African American Health Delana Maxwell (center), nutritional education speaker at Saturday's Wellness Village, jo in s African American Health Coalition staff members Sandra Meucci (left) and Edith Forthan. PHOTO BY M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver Questions? REGIONAL GREEN BUILDING HOTLINE W W W .BUILDG REEN411.CO M 503 823 5431 'ftOFFNHQTLINE@P0RTLAND0REG0N.GOV A FREE service brought to you by Metro / City of Portland / Clackamas / Washington / Multnomah Counties Coalition, said the Wellness Vil­ lage has changed over the years to better suit changing health needs, “addressing what we know to be the major health care concerns af­ fecting the community.” The Wellness Village followed Friday’s 6th annual Health Dispari­ ties conference, which focused on diabetes. Sally Norby, the executive direc­ tor o f the American Diabetes Asso- ciation, shared information about causes and preventative measures to use against the disease. Diabe­ tes has negatively affected African Americans more than any other people - diabetes-related mortality in African Americans is twice that o f white non-Hispanics, and 2.7 times greater than Asians. Week in The Review Jobless Rate Unchanged Oregon's seasonally adjusted un­ employment rate was 10.6 percent in September, unchanged from Au­ gust. The rate has been between 10.5 and 10.7 percent for the most recent 11 months. Missing Boy Found Lok C h an te Marcellay, 11, was found safe and unharmed in Washington on Thursday. Marcellay went m issin g two days earlier after getting off o f his school bus in front o f his north Portland home. The circumstances surrounding his disappearance are still being investigated. OHSU Doctor on Breast Cancer Panel > - '£» Dr. Brandon * * Hayes-Lattin, a professor at m edicine at 1 O H SU , has V A . been named to the C en ters V for Disease Control committee on Breast Cancer in Young Women. The group will be developing initia­ tives to increase knowledge ofbreast health and breast cancer, particu­ larly among those under the age o f 40 and those at heightened risk. A H o w to Do Business w ith Local Public Agencies Friday, November 5, 2010 8 a.in. to 4:30 p.m. PCC Cascade Campus, Ferrell Hall 705 N. Killingsworth Street, Portland 97217 1 he conference will feature: • Expert panel presenters from the construction and A /E industry • Small business resources panel to help companies move to the next level • Seminar: Flow to operate your small business sustainably in today’s economy • Seminar: Preparing your financial records to obtain a business loan © PORT OF PORTLAND Possibility. In every direction." Information: Registration: 01 BUSINESS DIVERSITY M etro F I O R I »IA C IS a O F IN S»AC»$ Greg Wolley, Greg.Wolley@portlancloregon.gov, 503.82,3.6860 Gale Hussey, ( iale.i lussev@portlandoregon.goy, 503.823.5057 Portland Community College ....... T R IM M E T