October 20. 2010 ^.lorthinò (Observer Page II ^ u rtla n h ffibseruer ¿D Lim its Sustainability ; C llS tO m choose local tifk 'é * F C R 'J Mr*o C u sto m S Stickers, B an n ers, Signs, B u tto n s, an d M ore! 15% off your first order! u1703 N E A lberta- 503-360-1066 A better Future for All Oregonians with John S w eeney Candidate for Director # 2 at Large East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District Erin Stan forth (right), sustainable practices coordinator for Portland Community College, shows off the rocket composter to staff and faculty at its unveiling ceremony on the Rock Creek Campus in northwest Portland. John Sweeney is an advocate and defender of the American Way of Life Rocket Composter Boosts Recycling Device is the fourth of its kind in country Portland Community College is proving that composting and creat­ ing an effective closed loop recy­ cling system isn't rocket science. Last week, the college's Rock Creek Campus joined a select few institutions o f higher learning in the United States in im proving its sustainability by unveiling its new rocket composter. The rocket, which will help recycle post-consumer waste, is the fourth o f its kind in the U. S., the only one west o f the M is­ sissippi River and the lone rocket composter in the country being used for post-consumer waste like plas­ tic and paper service ware. "We really walk the talk," said Rock Creek President David Rule. "People talk about sustainability, but PCC, and Rock Creek in particu- lar, are really doing it. “ plates. Before the rocket composter, The composter was entirely a the campus had to send all o f its student-driven process. post consumer waste to the local "A lot o f us have been looking landfill. forward to this day for quite awhile," As a benefit to student learning, said J e f f C h ristia n , stu d e n t the rocket composter, which is a sustainability volunteer. "It repre­ long metal cylinder, will have a data sen ts te c h n o lo g y th a t is log computer on it to monitor real underrepresented and fairly new in time sampling o f conditions inside it the United States." for use in biology, environmental In e s s e n c e , th e ro c k e t science, chemistry and landscape com poster is a self-contained, technology classes to further their c o n tin u o u s -c y c le c o m p o stin g research. unit, Christian said. It allows daily By creating four stages o f micro­ feeding o f service ware and the bial decomposition, the rocket is harvest o f com post. To speed up able to compost faster and in greater the process, it regulates water, volume than other technologies. It tem perature and hum idity to fa­ will fit well into the Rock Creek cilitate four stages o f the break­ Campus's loop system where stu­ down o f the com post. dents grow produce in the campus' The Rock Creek Campus already learning garden for use in cafeteria has an award-winning loop system and then recycling pre-consumer featuring red worms that break down food waste using a composting leftover food scraps. But as Chris­ worm bin. The loop is completed, or tian said, the 40,000 worms in the closed off, by using the compost campus composting bins have their produced by the worms to fertilize limitation and cannot break down the garden. Promoting Good Soil, Water A north Portland resident who sees the prom otion o f good soil and w ater as m ajor factors in the livability and stability o f local neighborhoods is a candidate for the East M ultnom ah Soil and W ater Conservation District in the Nov. 2 vote-by-m ail election. Chris Jackson, has lived in the city since 1983. He has worked in the Portland Bureau o f E nviron­ m ental Services as an electronic ______ _ system specialist for the past 15 Chris Jackson years. His jo b duties include in­ spection work at soil and erosion prevention sites. He is continu­ ing his professional education by enrolling in the Clean W ater pro­ duction program at Clackam as Com m unity College. Jackson said he w ould like to see more m icro farm ers and com ­ m unity gardens in the m etro area. A nother priority is encouraging the building o f w ell-designed, soil erosion controls. Voting is hiring! Hire John Sweeney by voting! Vote for John Sweeney! Call 503-548-7198 orjsweeney88@gmail.com Have computer questions? LB3 Computing Solutions Support for you, your business, and your home w w w .lb3com putingsolutions.com (503) 6 2 1 -6 3 6 8 info@ lb3com putingsolutions.com EMMANUEL C hurch of God in C hrist United 4800 NE 30th Ave. Port­ land OR 97211 503-335-8772 You are cordially invited to worship with us in these services: Sunday Service Sunday School 10:00 A.M Y.P.C.E. 6:30 PM Pastor & Wife Bishop & Mrs. A.L. W right' Worship Service 12:00 Noon Evangelistic Service 7:00 PM. \ Weekday Service Tuesday Night: Bible Study 7:00 P.M. Friday Night: Regular Service 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting & Seminar: Monday - Friday 12:00