October 6, 2010 % Minority & Small Business Week Navigating Inequity Author of inspirational book to speak Cedric Jennings, the urban high school student who became the subject o f the inspirational book “A Hope in the Unseen,” will speak at Warner Pacific College on Tues­ day, Oct. 12 at 10:30 a.m. followed by a brown bag lunch Q & A session at 11:30a.m. Both events are free and open to the public. The campus is located at 2219 S.E. 68th Ave. and Division Street. Currently a social worker and speaker, Jennings came into the national spotlight through a 1995 Pulitzer Prize-winning article by “Wall Street Journal” reporter Ron Suskind that profiled Jennings’ uphill battle as a top high school student in one o f Washington D.C. ’s most dangerous neighborhoods. Jennings weathered the ridicule o f his peers and gained entrance into Brown University, in Rhode Island, only to discover how poorly prepared he was academically and socially. He eventually graduated with a bachelor’s degree in educa­ tion and later earned m aster’s de­ grees from Harvard University and the University o f Michigan. Mr. Jennings’ story provides an intimate perspective on the chal­ lenges that face urban students as they navigate a world o f educa­ tional, racial, and economic ineq­ uity. The book has had such a pow- Police Review Board Openings Three volunteers are needed to serve on a panel reviewing com­ plaints about Portland Police Bu­ reau officers. The nine-m em ber Citizen Re­ view Com m ittee works with the Independent Police Review Divi­ sion o f the city ’s auditor’s office which oversees police com plaint in v estig atio n s, an aly zes co m ­ p la in t p a tte rn s and c o n d u c ts policy reviews. The committee monitors and ad­ vises IPR, hears appeals, and re­ ceives public concerns. Candidates for the committee must be Portland residents or business owners — with a lack o f real or perceived con­ flicts o f interest. A pplications are available at the IPR office in City Hall as well as on I P R ’s w e b s ite at portlandoregon.gov/auditor/ipr. Applications must be received at the IPR office in City Hall by 5 p.m. on Wednesday Oct. 20. For more information, call 503-823-0146. erfui influence on Warner Pacific President Andrea P. Cook that she has used it as a textbook in past courses, and has distributed a copy to each college employee in prepa­ ration for Jennings’ visit. “As an urban, Christian liberal arts college, Warner Pacific has an important role to play in transform­ ing the lives o f students,” said Presi­ dent Cook. “As we live into our urban mission to be Tn the City, For the City,’ we have much to learn from Cedric’s experience.” Cedric Jennings Page 9 THE LAW OFFICES OF Patrick John Sweeney, P.C. Patrick John Sweeney Attorney at Law 1549 SE Ladd Portland, Oregon Portland: Hillsoboro: Facsimile: Email: (503) 491-5156 (503) 615-0425 (503) 244-2084 Sweeney@PDXLawyer.com BROOKS STAFFING Jz A D ivision of S. Brooks & Associates, Inc. A Full Service Staffing Company T hink B rooks , T hink J obs ! Experienced employees are carefully screened and unconditionally guaranteed. G et it Right th e First Tim e! No surplus labor • No insurance costs • No interviewing • No tax records Apply Test Online! Serving the Pacific Northwest Since 1981 O U R S T A F F IN G S O L U T IO N S • Temporary Services • Recruitment & Executive Searches • Consulting • Federal Government Contact us at: 503.284.7930 FAX: 503.284.7977 1130 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 jobs@sbrooks.com www.sbrooks.com MEMBER m m « M ember American Staffing Association P O R T IA M O B U S IN E S S A L L IA N C E I fading the uwy P roud M ember Established 1981