Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 06, 2010, Minority and Small Business Week 2010 special coverage issue, Page 8, Image 8

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    ìfj) Minority & Small Business Week
Page 8
Tips to Improve Your Business
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improving brand
Church of God in
Christ United
4800 NE 30th Ave. Port­
land OR 97211
Businesses that focus on inno­
vation and improvement are more
likely to survive— and thrive— in
today's economy.
"When times are tough, some
businesses freeze up," said Robert
W.G. Andrew, chief executive officer
of the Better Business Bureau serv­
ing Alaska, Oregon and Western
Washington. "However, now is the
time to be competitive, get their name
out there and improve their brand."
BBB offers guidance on how to
improve your business:
Build trust. Establish and main­
tain a positive track record in the
You are cordially invited
to worship with us in
these services:
Sunday Service
Sunday School 1():(X)A.M
Y.P.C.E. 6:30 P.M
October 6, 2010
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Bishop & Mrs. A.L. Wright
Worship Service 12:00 Noon
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Weekday Service
Tuesday Night: Bible Study 7:00 P.M.
Friday Night: Regular Service 7:30 P.M.
Prayer Meeting & Seminar: Monday - Friday 12:00
marketplace. BBB encourages ethi­
cal business practices through
BBB's Standards of Trust.
Create an experience. Hire the
right staff and empower employees
to carry out your company mission.
Encourage internal and external
Focus on custom er service.
Strengthen policies concerning
guarantees, exchanges, refunds and
other forms of customer care. De­
fine customer service values, and
then train employees on how to
handle various scenarios. Customer
service doesn't stop at the point-of-
sale; it should be an ongoing effort
to ensure satisfaction— which in­
evitably generates repeat business.
Think creatively. Delight custom­
ers with special incentives, dis­
counts, coupons, rewards cards or
loyalty benefits programs.
Get involved. Giving back to the
community builds good values and
can improve your business' image.
Reach out to Rotary Clubs, Kiwanis
Clubs and other service organiza­
tions. Participate or volunteer at
goodwill events and fundraisers.
Form partnerships and network.
Explore relationships with Better
Business Bureau, Cham bers of
Commerce and other professional
business associations.
Develop an online presence. Stay
involved and converse with your
customers. Businesses can use the
Web to connect with current con­
tacts and reach out to new ones.
Businesses of all types can benefit
from having a website and many
social networking sites offer free
account profiles.
Minority Business Up 46 Percent
The number of minority-owned lending partners are 3 to 5 times
businesses increased by 46 percent more likely to make a loan to minor­
from 2002 to 2007, according to new ity-owned small business than a
figures from the Census Bureau.
conventional bank, according to the
The increase is welcome news for Urban Institute.
the Small Business Administration
Moreover, enhancements made
which leverages three core mission possible by the Recovery Act have
areas - access to capital, opportuni­ helped SBA provide support for
ties in federal contracting, and busi­ more than 14,(XX) Recovery loans,
ness counseling - to build on the worth $5 billion, to minority-owned
growth in minority business owner­ small firms.
The Recovery Act has been a
Although minority-owned firms critical tool in helping minority-
struggle with access tocapital, SB A owned small firms compete for and
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win federal contracts. Billions of
dollars in Recovery contracts have
been awarded and the SBA and its
resource partners counsel thou­
sands of minority business owners
each year.
From loans, to contracting, to
counseling, SBA officials say they
will continue to ensure that minor­
ity-owned small businesses and
entrepreneurs have the tools to
grow, drive our economy and create
Diversity Drives Innovation
Com panies that are hesitant to
em brace the diversity of thought
that accom panies the increasing
demographic diversity in the work­
place are destined to lose their
com petitive edge, contends Jim
O. Rodgers, diversity coach and
president at J.O. Rodgers & As­
Diversity, when managed well,
presents various points of view that
can drive new ideas, innovation and
better business results, Rodgers
say s.
B u sin e sse s
such as
McDonald’s, where 40 percent of
restaurant ow ner-operators are
women and minorities, are experi­
encing the business benefits of di­
versity. However, some industries
are still struggling to acknowledge
and leverage the positive attributes
embracing diversity.
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