October6 . zoio__________________ M inority & Small Business W eek___________ Page 23 ^FA TH ER’S M IN IS T R IE S Join us for our 3 Ydat < sex •_____# — F l Hdbtf IP * * > -WJ A kitchen equipped with energy-efficient appliances marks one of two energy-efficient row houses built in north Portland as affordable housing by the nonprofit Portland Community Reinvestment, Inc. ■ 1 ■ $ TA1.V r versary with Music Worship, Fellowship and more! s The City of Portland, Portland G en eral E le c tric and the Homebuilders of Metropolitan Port­ land held an open house Sept. 30 to celebrate completion of the first energy-efficient electric row houses built through the city’s Energy Effi­ ciency Home Pilot. The two hom es at 5107 N. Fessenden Ave. were built by Terrafirma Building Inc. for Port­ land Community Reinvestment Ini­ tiatives, a local non-profit commu­ nity development organization. Two additional homes, located three blocks away, are still under con­ struction with completion expected in October. All four homes are expected to earn LEED Silver/Gold and North­ west Energy Star certification. The homes, which will be sold below market rate thanks to grants from the Portland Housing Bureau, have been built to be at least 15 and 30 percent more efficient than the 2008 Oregon Energy Code. Additional benefits to prospec­ tive buyers include property tax abatements and closing cost assis­ tance as well as pre- and post-pur- ch ase h o m eb u y e r e d u ca tio n through PCRI. "This grant-funded project pro­ vides the affordable housing indus­ try with efficiency strategies that are cost effective for both the builder and the homeowner," said Commis­ sioner Randy Leonard. "Through their contributions, our private sec- tor partners have taken a leadership role in bridging the gap between efficiency and affordability in resi­ dential construction." "We are proud to partner with the City of Portland and Terrafirma to build affordable, energy effi­ cient hom es that help custom ers save money and protect the envi­ ronment," said Carol Dillin, PGE's vice president of custom ers and econom ic developm ent. "By in ­ s ta llin g h ig h -e ffic ie n c y h eat pum ps in these hom es we are able to add value for the builder and long-term energy cost savings for residents." Portland Community Reinvest­ ment Initiatives provides afford­ able, scattered-site single- and m ulti-fam ily housing and associ­ ated resident services tailored to achieve fam ily stability, self-suf­ ficiency and wealth creation. Additional inform ation about PCRI can be found at pcrihome.org. -, Oct>22V1Cl5t?7PM ’ Affordable, Energy I I ? Efficient Housing Open house celebrates completion Ì * New Song Community Center Pastors Jerrys Annie 25H NE Martin Luther King Blvd Gutierrez ___ Comer of Nt IHUtHIM and Russell S t■ Doors open at 6pm for every service I For directions or more information, call 503-488-5481 or log on to www.mfhmportland.com Advertise with diversity in 71K Portland Observer Call 503-288-0033 ads@portlandob server.com H®T TUBBING BY THE H®MB IND00R/0UTD00R HOT TUBS PRIVATE ROOMS Check out our new private nightclub suite. 8 0 2 8 SE S ta r k S t. Portland, Oregon 503.261.1180 www.tubandtan.com