O c to b e r 6, 2010 Minority & Small Business Week Page 19 Celebrate Healing, Renewal Events to promote liberating beliefs First Lady Michelle Obama joins other first ladies from Colombia and Haiti on a tour of an herb garden Tarrytown, N. Y. Her campaign for healthier school lunches has stalled in Congress after protests on using food stamps to pay for it. (AP Photo) Child Nutrition Bill Stalled First Lady Michelle Obama's campaign for healthier school lunches has stalled in Congress after anti-hunger groups and more than 100 Democrats pro­ tested the use o f food stamp dollars to pay for it. Passage of the child nutrition bill, w hich w ould im prove lunches in schools and expand feeding programs for low-in­ come students, has been a prior­ ity for Democrats and hunger groups for years. But the groups and many members of the House sw itched sides when leaders proposed a vote on a Senate- passed version of the legislation that uses future funding for food stamp programs to pay for part of the $4.5 billion cost. "It's just plain wrong," said Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., a longtime advocate for child­ hood nutrition programs. "The way you are going to pay for a child nutrition bill is by dipping into people's food stamps? Give me a break." The first lady has lobbied ag­ gressively for the legislation as part of her "Let's Move" cam ­ paign to combat childhood obe­ sity. But Democrats declined to take up the bill before the No­ vember elections, citing many of their members' concerns about the food stamp dollars. Support­ ers were working with the White House to find a new way to pay for it. Com m unity Healing Network and People C el­ ebrating People invite the com m unity to partici­ pate in a series o f Com m unity Healing Days. T he O ct. 15-17 e v en ts are d e sig n e d fo r A frican A m ericans to take the tim e, as poet M aya A ngelou has said, “to heal from the lies that have been told to us and the ones w e've told o u rse lv e s.” The goal is to replace lim iting beliefs w ith liberating beliefs through a ctiv ities ad d ressin g healing o f the m ind, body and spirit. “It is time for us as black people to come together and ‘Love each other U p’. L et’s cel­ ebrate each other!” said organizer Sheila W arren. A forum on the m ind takes place Friday, Oct. 15 w ith a book and m ovie d iscu ssio n , from 6 :3 0 p.m . to 9:30 p.m . at R eflectio n s, 446 N.E. K illin g sw o rth . P articip an ts should be prepared to d iscu ss B rainw ashed by T om B urrell, a v a il­ able at T alking D rum B ookstore (R eflectio n s). The m ovie L ack aw an n a B lues w ill be screened w ith a panel and gen eral d iscu ssio n follow ing. The focus turns to the body on Saturday, Oct. 16, from 8 am. to noon at Urban Bridges, 1465 N.E. Prescott. The same day, activities and ven­ dors relating to health will be available from 12:30 Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled staff are ready to help those in need. THE SPINA COLUMN Apology for 1940s STD Study (AP) — The U.S. government apologized to Guatemala Friday for a study 60 years ago in which American scientists deliberately infected prisoners in that coun­ try with syphilis. The 1946 experiment was un­ earthed by a Wellesley College medical historian. It apparently was conducted to test the effec­ tiveness of penicillin, which was relatively new then, in treating sexually transmitted diseases. Secretary o f State H illary Rodham Clinton and Health and H um an S e rv ic e s S e c re ta ry K athleen Sebelius said they were, in their words, "outraged that such rep reh en sib le re ­ search could could have oc­ curred under the guise of pub­ lic health." Strict regulations today would prohibit such medical research. U.S. officials are beginning two investigations to uncover exactly what happened and make sure today's rules are adequate p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the St. A ndrew s Com m unity Center, 806 N.E. Alberta. A $5 donation will be requested, but no one will be turned away. A forum on sp irit w ill take place Sunday, O ct. 17, fro m 3 p .m . to 5 p .m . at U rb an B ridges^ 1465 N .E . P re sc o tt. T he to p ic o f healing th rough sp iritu al w o rd s from spiritual leaders ol all b eliefs w ill be d iscu ssed w ith a social tim e afterw ards. P eople C eleb ratin g People w ill also host a fu n d -raisin g dance S atu rd ay , O ct. 16, from 8:30 p.m . to 12:30 a.m . at the B illy W ebb E lks L odge, 6 N. T illam o o k St. T ick ets are $30 and include hors d 'oeuvre. E veryone is w elcom e. People w ishing to reg ister and R SV P for any ol th e e v e n ts o r th e d a n c e s h o u ld v is it c o m m u n ity h e a lin g d a y s .e v e n tb rite .c o m . F or m ore in fo rm atio n , call 503-28 4 -1 4 8 1 . P eople C eleb ratin g People w as founded in 2006 by S h eila W arren, a w ife, m other, g ran d ­ m other, v o lu n teer and activ ist in o rd er to com - bat the n e g ativ ity su rro u n d in g d e cisio n s to clo se and reco n fig u re schools. The group brings to g eth er p eo p le from all w alks o f life, all ages, all co lo rs, all b eliefs, all n eig h b o rh o o d s and all careers to co n n ect w ith each other. It en co u rag es su p p o rtiv e re la tio n ­ ships to create the c o m m u n ity stren g th and unity needed to m ake p o sitiv e ch an g es in our co m m unity and o u r w orld. TM An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession. Part 22. Chiropractic and Health A way of Life... not just a passing diagnosis. : F ollow ing a thorough ough checkup should include not problem. If you have persistent check-up my doctor says only blood pressure, weight, chest aches, pains or fatigue, there is a that I’m “fit as fiddle.” If this and is eye exam , etc but should also reason for it. If you haven’t had a true, why do I often suffer pain? and prim arily include a detailed Chiropractic evaluation, you have : It is indeed interesting evaluation o f the nervous sys­ NOT been examined completely. that a doctor can give a tem ? In C hiropractic For the sake of your health now “thorough checkup” and yet fail We study the nervous system and in the future, call today. Isn’t to fail to evaluate the spine and and the spine completely to assure it time you stepped up to Chiro­ nervous system. I’m sure that you that we find the cause of your practic? w hile in school your doctor learned that the nervous system controls every other organ and 2124 N.E. HancockStreet, Portland O regon97212 function in the body. D oesn’t it make sense then that a truly thor­ P h o n e: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 * 5 5 0 4 Q A Flowers' Chiropractic Office