Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 06, 2010, Minority and Small Business Week 2010 special coverage issue, Page 18, Image 18

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    Page 18
Minority & Small Business Week
D r . R ichard N. W aldman
Keep Cool during Menopause
Hot fla sh e s, n ig h t sw e a ts ,
mood sw ings, and vaginal d ry ­
ness are n o to rio u s sym ptom s
a sso c ia te d w ith m enopause
the tim e in a w o m a n ’s life when
her o v aries stop producing eggs
and m enstrual periods cease. An
estim ated 6,000 w om en in the
US reach m enopause each day,
and m ost o f them will experience
sym ptom s to som e degree.
Simple lifestyle changes can help
reduce menopause symptoms and
lower the risk of disease in the fu­
ture. Consume a healthy, calcium-
rich diet that includes plenty o f fruits,
vegetables, and grains. Exercise
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regularly to improve mood, slow
bone loss, and fight the mid-section
weight gain that increases the risk
o f heart disease. Avoid common
hot flash triggers such as alcohol,
caffeine, hot beverages, and spicy
food. Quit smoking. Dress in layers
so you can quickly cool down when
you feel a hot flash coming on. If
vaginal dryness is a problem, try an
over-the-counter lubricant cream or
gel to restore moisture, especially
before sex.
If your symptoms are intense
enough to interfere with your qual­
ity o f life, talk to your doctor. Hor­
mone therapy, which replaces the
hormones no longer made by the
ovaries with synthetic hormones, is
an effective treatment for some
women. Antidepressants may be
prescribed to help with mood, hot
flashes, and vaginal dryness.
Because certain types o f hor­
mone therapy have been linked with
an increased risk o f health prob­
lems— such as blood clot, stroke,
heart attack, and breast cancer—
hormone therapy is not the best
choice for everyone. Women who
are good candidates for hormone
October 6. 2010
therapy should take the lowest dose
necessary to relieve symptoms for
as short a time as possible.
Compounded menopausal hor­
m one th erap y (o r so -c a lle d
“bioidentical” hormones) are plant-
derived hormones, hand-mixed by a
pharmacist and marketed for the
treatment o f menopausal sym p­
toms. The manufacturers o f certain
compounded hormones claim that
their products offer relief from meno­
pausal symptoms as well as preven­
tion or treatment for serious dis­
eases. However, the US Food and
Drug Administration has stated that
these claims are false, misleading,
and a violation o f federal law. Nei­
th er co m -p o u n d ed nor herbal
supplements, such as black cohosh
and soy, are regulated by the FDA.
Using substances that have not
been tested for safety can result in
negative health consequences.
For m ore inform ation, visit
pause.acog.org, the website de­
voted to menopausal and midlife
Dr. Richard N. Waldman is presi­
dent o f the American Congress o f
Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
H ealth A
T uesdays | 5 :3 0 -7 :1 5 p m
P arenting Classes - Newborns don’t come with instruction manuals but
5 3 2 9 NE M LK Jr. B lvd, 2 n d Floor, | parents and parents-to-be can learn about a variety o f topics from pain and
Public Health
P o rtla n d , 97211 | childbirth to breastfeeding to infant CPR and much more. For a schedule
Se habla español; other interpretation by appointment.
o f events, call 503-574-6595 or visit: providence.org/classes.
Cardiac-Rehab Exercises — A medically supervised exercise program for
people dealing with heart conditions. For information, call 503-251 -6260.
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Stroke Alert Screening -- Check your carotid arteries with a painless
ultrasound to assess your risk. Fee $40. To schedule a screening, call 503-
Empowerment through Relaxation—Free informal meditation classes that
address breathing techniques, some gentle ancient African yoga poses
and mental balancing techniques- People have left these classes joyful
and with a peaceful view o f their lives. We have these sessions bi­
m onthly- Call Dr. Marcelitte Failla at 503-228-6140.
Powerful Tools For Caregivers - 6-week educational series designed to
help family caregivers take care o f themselves while caring for relatives or
friends with chronic illness. Class size is limited, and registration is
required. Call 503-413-8018.
Leg Alert Screening - Check for peripheral arterial disease with this safe,
simple screening using ankle and arm blood pressure. The fee is $40. To
schedule an appointment, call 503-251-6137.
Smoke-Free Support Group - Meets Mondays, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. For
information, call 503-256-4000.
Heart Talk Support Group - Meets on the second Monday o f each
month; from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For more information, call 503-251 -6260.
Family Caregiver Support Group - This topic-oriented group offers a
safe place to discuss the stresses, challenges and rewards o f providing
care to an older relative or friend. Meets the first Thursday o f each month
at 3 p.m. at Legacy Good Samaritan Hospital.
Chronic Pain Support Group - Meets the first Wednesday at 4 p.m. to
5:30 p.m. and the third Wednesday o f each month, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
For more information, call 503-256-4000.
C holesterol Profiles — Get the resources to help you keep an eye on your
cholesterol and other indicators o f heart health. Educational material
provided. For more information, call 503-261-6611.