October 6, 2010 Page 17 C lassifieds / B ids I Advertise with diversity Volunteers to Serve on Portland City Auditor’s Independent Police Review Division’s CITIZEN REVIEW COMMITTEE The Independent Police R eview (IPR) division receives and screens ^ P o rtla n d Observer co m plain ts ab out Portland Police Bureau (Police B ureau) officers. Th e C itizen R eview C o m m ittee (CR C) is a nin e-m em b e r ad viso ry board to IPR. Th e C ity A u d ito r and IPR D irector are se e k in g three vo lu n tee rs to se rve th re e -ye a r term s, p ositions co m m e n cin g on F eb ru ary 10, 2011. I I G all 5 0 ^2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 C o m m itte e m em bers hold public appeal h ea rings o f co m m u n ity or Police B ureau m e m b er co m p la in t in vestigation decisions. CR C m e m bers also participate in review s o f IPR co m p la in t-h a n d lin g p roced ure s and m ake public recom m en da tions fo r im provem ent. ads@porüandobserver.coin ca se h a n d lin g and in te rn a l p o licie s. IPR has th e a u th o rity to in vestigate, m ediate, dism iss, or refer co m p la in ts to th e Police Bureau. IPR oversees investigations, analyzes com plaint patterns, Advertisement Contact: la thy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 and co n d u cts policy review s. Candidates m ust be Portland, O regon residents or business owners w ith a lack o f real or p erceived co n flicts o f in terest for o r aga in st law enforce m en t. A p p lica tio n s m ust be received at the IPR office in C ity Hall by 5 :0 0 p m o n W e d n e s d a y , O c t o b e r 2 0 , 20 1 0 . Delivery can be done by: mail or in person at 1221 S.W . 4th Avenue, 35 3 0 . Q uestions, please call IP R ’s m ain line 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -0 1 4 6 . position reports to the D irector o f C a m pu s C onstruction and w orks in c o n c e rt w ith th e D ire c to r to de ve lop and im plem e n t policies, processes, and p roced u re s th a t support tim ely contracting services a n d a c h ie v e b e s t p r a c t ic e s ta n d a rd s . The C o n tra c ts A d m in is tra to r is re sp o n sib le fo r h a n d lin g a w ide va rie ty o f public im p ro v e m e n t tra n s a c tio n s fo r c o n s tru c tio n , re c o n s tru c tio n or m ajor renovation on real p rop erty fo r th e U n ive rsity o f O regon. For q u a lif ic a t io n s , a p p lic a t io n p r o c e d u r e s a n d a c o m p le t e description o f duties, go to http:// h r .u o r e g o n .e d u / io b s / undassified.php?sufc^pe=administrativ5. W om e n and m in o rity a p p lica n ts e nco ura ged to apply. EO /A A /A D A in stitution co m m itted to cu ltural diversity. M etro and its contractors will not discrim inate against any person(s), em ployee or applicant for em ploym ent based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, m arital status, fam ilial status, ge n d e r id e n tity, se xu a l o rie n ta tio n , d is a b ility fo r w h ich a re a so n a b le a cco m m od a tion can be m ade, o r any oth e r sta tu s protected by law. M etro fully com plies w ith Title VI o f the Civil R ights A ct of 1964 and related statutes and regulations in all p rogram s and activities. For m ore in form ation , or to obtain a Title VI C o m p la in t Form , see w w w .o re gon m e tro.go v. M etro m ay a cce p t or reject a n y or all bids, in w h ole o r in part, o r w aive irregularities not affe ctin g substan tial rights if such action is deem ed in th e public interest. M etro e xte n d s equa l o p p o rtu n ity to all p erson s and sp e cifica lly e nco ura ges m inority and w om en-ow ned b usinesses to access and p articipate in th is and all M etro projects, p rogra m s and service s. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS Our legacy is a healthier community. You want to make people feel better. Improve their health and their lives. Then you should know about Legacy Emanuel Medical Center. Founded in 1912 by the Lutheran Church, Legacy Emanuel Medical Center occupies a vital role in the metropolitan area and in the region as a medical center with around-the-clock expertise for critical health conditions. With leading care of trauma, burn and intensive care, as well as serving as the hub for critical care transport, Legacy Emanuel is central to high-acuity care. Legacy Emanuel also promotes prevention efforts and catalyzes support for neighborhood development and growth. Ours is a legacy of health and community. Of respect and responsibility. Of quality and innovation. It's the legacy we create every day at Legacy Health. And, if you join our team, it's yours. The University of Oregon Capital Construction Department seeks a Contracts Administrator. The Proposals are due no later than 4:00 p.m., Friday October 15.2010 at Metro Regional Center, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, 0R97232-2736. Details concerning the project and proposal m ay be obtained by contacting Jodi W ilson at 5 0 3 -7 9 7 -1 7 2 3 o r io d i.w ilso n @ orego n m e tro.gov or by visitin g the w e bsite at h ttp ://w w w .o re go n m e tro .go v Room 320, Portland, OR 97204; e-m ail at c rc@ p o rtla n d o re g o n .g o v; or fa x at 5 0 3 -8 2 3 - M anager of D iversion S e rvice s M ultnom ah C ounty R ecruitm ent #96 1 5 -5 2 For full jo b posting, including salary and qualifications, V isit o u r w e bsite at: w w w .m u ltco job s.o rg or call (5 0 3 ) 9 8 8 -5 0 3 5 . The Hum an Resources departm ent of M etro, a m etropolitan service district organ ize d und er the law s o f th e S ta te o f O re gon and th e M etro Charter, located at 6 0 0 NE G rand Avenue, P ortlan d, OR 9 7 2 3 2 -2 7 3 6 , is re q u e s tin g p ro p o sa ls fo r a F le xib le S p e n d in g Account and CO B R A Adm inistrator for em ployee health and w elfare plans. They also assist the IPR Director in m aking policy recom m endations to the Police Bureau and m ake recom m en dations to IPR regarding To Place Your Classified REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS METRO FSA & COBRA ADMINISTRATOR RFP11-1760 Director of Clinical and Support Services Portland, Oregon Legacy Emanuel Medical Center has an exciting and challenging opportunity for a seasoned Director of Clinical and Support Services. The qualified candidate will direct all aspects of multiple hospital clinical and support service lines in alignment with the mission, values, and objectives of the department and organization. This position will report to the VP of Hospital Operations and have responsibility for the following areas:* Support Services (Housekeeping, Patient Transport, Laundry/Linen, Recycling), Food and Nutrition, and Adult Inpatient and Outpatient Rehabilitation Services. The ideal candidate will have: • A Bachelor's degree in a related field or equivalent experience required; Master's preferred. • Previous business/administration experience required. • A minimum of six years progressively more responsible experience within health care environment, including multi-hospital or integrated delivery system models with managed care. • Experience working in successful partnership with physicians. • Experience working in leadership role with clinical specialty areas and support services. ■ ■ ■ Relocation Assistance is available! To learn about Legacy and for a complete listing of employment opportunities, please visit our website and apply online at www.legacyhealth.jobs Questions? Contact Maria Gonzalez, Legacy Employment Services, at 503 415-5982, mgonzaleralhs.org or toll-free at 866 888 4428. AA/EOE • www.legacyhealth.jobs I LEGACY H EALTH Jeanne Anne Apartments Phase II JOB NO. RFB 10/10-114 Sealed bids will be received at th e H o u sin g A u th o rity o f P ortland (HAP), Procurem ent and Contracts Departm ent, 135 S W Ash Street, Portland, O regon 97204, 5th floor, until 2:00 pm,Thursday, November 4,2010. S h o rtly thereafter, bids will be opened and p ublicly read in the M etolius Conference Room . The First Tier Subcontractor List, HAP- 421, must be received by 4:00 p.m. the same day. No bidder m ay withdraw th e ir bid a fte r the hour se t fo r op e n in g until a fter th e lapse o f sixty (60) d a ys from the bid opening. Th e basic w ork co n sists o f va rio u s typ e s in terior re m o d e lin g w ork at the Jeanne Anne Apartments 17802-17892 East Burnside, Portland, OR. Th e a p a rtm e n t co m p le x co n sists o f 46 units. W ork will include a s b e s to s a b a te m e n t, re m o v in g an d re p la c in g m e ta l ra ilin g s, flooring, doors, kitchen cabinets, appliances, toilet and bath fixtures, light fixtu re s, and p a in tin g th ro u gh o u t. In ad dition th re e (3) units will be co nverted into A D A units and one (1) unit will be co nve rted into an office /co m m u n ity sp ace unit. Bid D ocum ents will be available O ctober 7 ,2 0 1 0 at Ford G raphics, 1431 N W 17th Aven ue, Portland, OR. 9 7 209, phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 7 - 3424, w w w .fo rd gra p h ics.co m . A $50 d e p o sit for on e se t and $ 20 (tw enty) fo r each additional se t is refundable w hen do cu m e n ts are returned w ith in 10 d a ys a fter bid open ing. Th e re w ill be a pre-bid tour at th e a p a rtm e n t co m p lex at 1:30 pm, Thursday, October 14, 2010. Q u e stio n s posed d u rin g th e tour, not a d d resse d in th e d o cu m e n ts, w ill be an sw ered by ad d e n d u m . T h is is a p ublic w o rks p ro je ct su b je c t to BOLI and u sin g a D avis- B acon p re va ilin g w a ge d e te rm in a tio n . T h e H o u s in g A u th o rity o f P o rtla n d m a y re je c t a n y bid n o t in c o m p lia n c e w ith th e p r e s c r ib e d b id d in g p r o c e d u r e s a n d re q u ire m e n ts a n d m a y re je c t a n y o r all b id s a n d w a iv e all in form alitie s if, in th e ju d g m e n t o f HAP, it is in th e public interest to do so. Q u e stio n s re ga rd in g th is p ro je ct sh ould be d ire cte d to C in n a 'M o n W illia m s at 5 0 3 -8 0 2 -8 5 3 3 o r c in n a m o n w @ h a p d x.o rg. H O USIN G A U T H O R IT Y O F PO R TLAN D