Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 06, 2010, Minority and Small Business Week 2010 special coverage issue, Page 16, Image 16

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% Minority & Small Business Week
October 6, 2010
C lassifieds / B ids
The S ub sid ized P roject Based w aitlists are closed as of
S e p te m b e r 30, 2010 for the fo llo w in g properties:
Multnomah County - East County Courts
Gresham, OR
The Admiral
Marion Street
Ritzdorf Court
Bid Date: October 12, 2010 at 2:00 PM
Th ese w aitlists are closed due to e xce ssive ly long w ait tim es.
P lease ch eck our w ebsite at w w w .reachcdc.org periodically for
t u
Howard S. Wright
updates and openings. These buildings are
m anaged by REACH CDC.
Now Leasing!
Ph (503) 802-3688
Opening December 2010
Documents available after September 27, 2010 at local plan centers or
online at www.bxwa.com
<A> G U A R D IA N
425 NW 10th.Ave. Suite 200-A
Portland, OR 97209
Phone (503) 546-6180; Fax (503) 546-6181
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all DBE, MBE. WBE,
and ESB firms and SBA recognized firms including VOSB, HUBzone, SDB, WOSB,
and SDVB.
Creekside woods
a senior living com m unity
CCB #186801 / WA HOWARDSW960R2
7825 SW Wilsonville Rd
Wilsonville, OR
To Place Your
Classified Advertisement
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
Klamath Hall General Chemistry Teaching Lab
The O regon U n iversity System (OUS) is a cce p tin g sealed bids fo r a
public im provem ent project at the U n iversity o f O regon Facilities
S e rvices O ffices until 2:00 PM. Pacific Tim e, Th u rsd a y O cto b e r 28,
2010 for the Klam ath Hall G eneral C h e m istry Teaching Lab project
located on the cam pus of the University.of Oregon, in Eugene, Oregon.
The project includes the remodel of existing laboratory and office space in
Klamath Hall for new teaching laboratories and support space.
A mandatory pre-bid conference and examination of the site and conditions
will be cond ucted at 10:00 AM , Th u rsd ay O ctober 14th, 2010.
B id d e rs shall m eet w ith O U S ’ R e p re sen ta tive at th e first floor
(second floor above ground level) of Klam ath Hall for that purpose.
A tte n d a n ce will be docum ented through a sign-in sh ee t prepared
by the O US representative. Prim e bidders w h o arrive m ore than 5
m in u te s a fte r s ta rt o f tim e o f th e m e e tin g (as sta te d in th e
solicitation and by the O U S re p re sen ta tive ’s w atch) or after the
discussion portion o f the m eeting (w hichever com es first) shall not
be perm itted to sign in and will not be perm itted to su b m it a bid on
the project.
Bids will be opened and p ublicly read aloud on Th u rsd a y O ctob e r
2 8 ,2 0 1 0 at 2:00 PM, at the University o f O regon Facilities Services
O ffices by the O U S rep resentative or designee.
Bids will be received on a lum p-sum basis for all o f the w ork. Bid
packets m ay be obtained on the OUS Procurement Gateway website.
All bidders m ust co m p ly with requirem ents o f the prevailin g w age
law in O R S 2 79C.800 through O RS 279C.870. All bidders m ust be
registered with the C o nstruction C o n tra cto r’s Board at the tim e o f
bid subm ission. No bid will be considered unless fully com pleted in
the m an ner provided in the "In stru ction s to B id de rs" upon the Bid
Form provided and accom panied by Bid Security. OUS e ncourages
bids from M inority, W om en, and E m erging Sm all B usinesses.
By: Frances Dyke
Vice P resident fo r Finance and Adm inistratio n
N OTICE IS H E R EB Y GIVEN that sealed bids will be received until
10:00 AM, Thursday, October 21,2010 by the City o f Battle G round at
the City of Battle G round City Hall, 109 SW 1st Street, Suite 127,
Battle Ground, W ash ington 9 8 604, for the SE 1st Street Pedestrian
Improvements (TRO110) project and other related work; then publicly
opened and read aloud at the City of Battle G round C ity Hall, 109
S W 1st Street, Suite 127, Battle G round, W ashington.
The construction to the south side o f SE 1st S tre et Pedestrian
Im provem ents, between S Parkw ay and SE 2nd Avenue, will consist
o f im provem ents to storm water, construction o f curb and gutter,
sidewalk, and planter strip. Additionally, the roadway will be widened
to cu rren t stand ards and stre et lights will be installed.
The City Council shall proceed to aw ard the contract to the low est
bidder and best bidder but m ay reject any or all bids if, in its opinion,
good cause exists, therefore, to w aive inform alities in the bidding;
and to acce pt the bid from the low est responsible bidder.
as of Thursday, September 30,2010 from the C ity o f Battle G round
Public W orks - Engineering D epartm ent at 109 S W 1st Street, Suite
127, Battle G round, W A 9 8 6 0 4 upon a non-refundable dep osit in
the exact am ount of Sixty One Dollars ($61.00), check only, m ade
payable to the C ity of Battle G round.
All bid proposals shall be accom panied by a bid proposal dep osit in
cash, certified check, cashier's check, or surety bond in an am ount
equal to five percent (5% ) o f the am o u n t o f such proposal. Should
the successful bidder fail to ente r into such contract and furnish
s a tis fa c to ry p e rfo rm a n c e bond w ith in th e tim e sta te d in th e
specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the City
o f Battle Ground Transportation Fund.
The City o f Battle G round in acco rd an ce with Title VI o f the Civil
Rights A ct o f 1964, 78 Stat. 2 5 2 ,4 2 U.S.C. 2000d to 2 0 0 0 d-4 and
Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Departm ent of Transportation,
subtitle A, O ffice o f the Secretary, P art 21, n ondiscrim ination in
fed erally assisted program s o f the D e pa rtm en t o f Transportation
issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders th a t it will
affirm a tively Insure th a t In an y co n tra ct entered into p ursua nt to
this ad vertisem ent, d isad vantaged business e n te rp rise s will be
afforded full opportunity to subm it bids in response to this invitation
and will not be discrim inated aga inst on the grou n d s o f race, color
or national origin in consideration for an award.
Inform ational co pies o f m aps, plans, and sp e cificatio ns are on file
for inspection in th e Public W orks - Engin eering office in Battle
G round, W ashington.
For project inform ation, please contact Ryan M. Jeynes PE, Associate
City E ngineer at (360) 342-5070.
DATED this 23rd day o f Septem ber, 2010
Senior Management Analyst
The S enior M a nagem en t A n alyst
Is responsible for d e sign in g and
c o n d u c t in g s o lid s t a t is t ic a l
research that results in policy and
procedural recom m en d a tion s to
p ro a c tiv e ly a s s is t th e P o rtla n d
Police Bureau im prove services to
th e p u b lic .
D u tie s in c lu d e
com piling data and providing well-
researched recom m en da tions on
internal practices and procedures,
based upon best p ra ctice s and
p r e s e n t in g
r e s e a rc h
recom m endations effectively both
orally and in w riting. A d d itio n a l
d u tie s in c lu d e d is s e m in a t in g
research results to internal bureau
c u s to m e rs ; p e rfo rm in g s tro n g
q u a n t it a t iv e a n d q u a lit a t iv e
r e s e a rc h a n d w o r k in g a s a
m anager on projects. The S e n io r
M anagem en t A n a lyst is expected
to carry out his or her individual
re s p o n s ib ilitie s w ith in itia tiv e ,
independence and creativity while
e x e rc is in g s o u n d p ro fe s s io n a l
ju d g m e n t an d p ro b le m -s o lv in g
A pp roxim a te M onthly Sa la ry
Range: $4,763 - $ 6 ,359
A pplication dead line is 4 :3 0 P M ,
M onday, S e ptem ber 11, 2006.
To learn m ore ab out this position,
or to apply online, visit our website
at w w w .ci.p ortland .or.us/iobs/ or
pickup an application at 1120 SW
5th Ave. Portland, O regon 97204
Plaza Townhomes subsidized housing
wait list to open October 11,2010
through October 15,2010
Plaza Tow nh om es Is pleased to
an nounce th a t the w a it lists fo r 2
a n d 3 b e d ro o m s u b s id iz e d
h o u s in g a p a r tm e n t s w ill be
a c c e p t in g a p p lic a t io n s fro m
October 1 1 ,2 0 1 0 through October
15, 2010. A pp lica n ts m ust m eet
incom e guidelines.
A pp lica nts m ust a p p ly using the
P la za T o w n h o m e s a p p lic a tio n
form available starting October 11,
2 0 1 0 o n o u r w e b s it e a t
w w w .hapdx.org o r a t th e P la z a
T o w n h o m e s le a s in g o f f ic e .
A pp lica tion s will on ly be accepted
by m ail, fax, or in person at the
Plaza Tow nhom es leasin g office,
lo ca te d a t 5802 N Michigan Ave,
Portland, OR 97217. C a ll P la z a
T ow n h o m es at 503-280-3890 o r
visit our w ebsite at www.hapdx.org
fo r co m p le te d e ta ils on h ow to
a p p ly for th is w aitin g list.
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