Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 29, 2010, Minority and Small Business Week 2010 special coverage issue, Page 8, Image 8

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    Minority & Small Business Week
In Loving Memory
Amazing Wife, Mother
Darlenette Richardson
D arlenette R ichardson, the daughter o f Fred and
G eneva H icks, w as bo m A pril 1,1941 in U rbana, Ark.
She graduated from G ardner H igh School in Strong,
A rk. and earned an a sso c iate ’s degree at Philander
Sm ith C ollege in L ittle R ock, A rk., w here she studied
business adm inistration and also spoke French.
M other R ichardson m oved to P ortland shortly after college and
becam e very m uch a part o f h er extended fam ily in O regon. She m arried
E lder M errill R ichardson on Jan. 15, 1974. She had tw o children and 10
grandchildren. She loved the Lord and w as faithful to h er church w here
she w as filled w ith the B aptism o f the H oly G host at the age o f Siunder
the leadership o f P astor C ook at the C hurch o f G od in C hrist in Strong.
D uring M other R ich ard so n ’s early years o f serving at the St. Paul
C hurch o f G od in C hrist under the leadership o f B ishop J. C. Foster, she
jo y o u sly enjoyed singing in the choir and w as one o f the lead singers.
In addition, she w orked w ith the youth; and using her G od given talents,
she helped to form the ch ild re n ’s singing group know n as the Starlites,
and also w rote, directed and produced plays.
In her dedicated faithfulness in the service o f the Lord, M other
R ichardson later received license o f certification as E vangelist M ission­
ary in the C hurch o f G od in C hrist. From that tim e, she began to launch
out into other m inistries.
In 1975, she w rote and produced an album “T he L a m b ’s C ry ” and
sponsored a sum m er feeding program for children. T elecast M inistry
was introduced to her in 1984 by her good friend w hom she often referred
to as her pastor— P asto r M ary O verstreet, (T elecast M inistries co m ­
prised o f such program s as the R ichardson Fam ily P raise H our and
Prayer C en ter V ariety G ospel H our). She w as ap pointed Shepherdess
by the late B ishop H. B. D aniels Sr. on A pril 2 ,1 9 8 7 . M other R ichardson
held gospel concerts in C anada and traveled abroad w here she visited
the H oly L and and w as baptized in the Jordan River.
She leaves to m ourn h er children, L am ar and A ngie (K evin) o f
Portland; granddaughter, Loretta; grandsons, A nthony, G abrielle, Kevin,
N evin, M ichael, D avid, C hristopher, Jerem iah and Joseph; siblings,
C urtis, L arry, Pearl, and V irgie Sue, all o f A rkansas, Z ella o f O akland,
C alif., G odsister, Z ola H arris o f Portland; and a host o f fam ily, friends
and loved ones.
A rrangem ents by N eal's C o m p assio n ate H eart F uneral H om e.
1093 SW Tobias Way
Aloha, Oregon 97006
(503) 642-4620
(Only 20 minutes from Portland)
Community Funeral Directors!
Providing the best service!
Whether it be a cremation, earth burial, graveside or memorial service, etc.,
we will be there for you.
Lorrie Marie Alba
Date of death: 9-19-2010
Lorrie Marie Alba was
bom on Nov. 3, 1957 in
A lham bra, Calif, to Jim
and Roann M oran. She
died on Sept. 19,2010.
She w as an am azing
wife, mother, sister, rela­
tive and friend, w e all
loved and admired.
Lorrie was som eone w ho w as very
loving, caring and sweet with a golden
heart. A very unique w om an w ho had
a style o f her ow n, so talented and
Regardless o f w hat you w ere g o ­
ing through or w hat she m ight be den, decorating her house, spending
going through, Lorrie alw ays took tim e w ith her husband, children and
tim e to help you. She ex­ grandchildren. A long w ith any one
pressed her love in so m any she cam e in contact with. She had a
w ays, w hether it be by get­ gift o f not only touching the lives o f
ting you a birthday card or others, but w hatever she touched
c e le b ra tin g h o lid a y s to ­ she m ade it special from w ithin how
gether as a fam ily, she was she thought it should be.
never too busy to go that
L o rrie le a v e s to c h e rish h e r
ory, her husband Pedro Alba;
extra mile. Even if she spoke
her m ind to you, it d id n ’t m ean she daughters Lisa and Jessica; grand­
d id n ’t love you, it show ed uncondi­ children M egan, H unter, Jim m y,
tional love w ith a touch o f tough­ C laudia, Ju lie and A bby; sisters
ness. She was never one to ju d g e Y vonne and A nnette; brother Rick;
people and w ould say to you "open and other relatives and friends.
your heart and love your family."
A rrangem ents by N eal's C om pas­
Lorrie enjoyed w orking in her gar­ sionate H eart Funeral Hom e.
O n e in a M illio n
Roscoe Warfield
R oscoe W arfield w as
one o f a kind. He w as a
very independent m an. He
loved to dance, listen to
m u s ic s u c h a s C o u n t
B asses, ja z z and the blues.
W hen he w ould hear a tune he liked, he w ould
stand up and start dancing. He d anced up until
the age o f 97. H e also enjoyed going to the park,
looking around and ju s t observing the su rro u n d ­
ings and living life as it w as. T his very p rotective
m an also loved to dress, and loved to w here
T uxedo’s in his earlier years. W e will m iss him , for
w e enjoyed him for w ho he w as. H e w as one in
a m illion. A rrangem ents by N eal's C om assionate
H eart Funeral H om e.
100 Years Old Strong
A historic birthday salute g o es out to
Mrs. J e w e ll “M am a "F erg u so n , a rem ark ­
able w om an w ho celebrated her 100th birth­
d ay on Sept. 5.
A fo rm er resident o f P ortland for m ore
than 50 years, she has a lot to be thankful
for. H er m ind is still sharp and she has fond m em o ries o f her
life experiences, living to see the historic election o f a black
m an as President o f the U nited States.
A s she w akes each m orning, she p ro claim s jo y for her life
and says, “ T he m ost rem ark ab le thing is to be aliv e.”
H er son Ervin G arnett o f Texas; and a surprise visit by the
C hurch o f the G ood Shepherd Pastor Rev. W illie B Sm ith and
M rs. R honda Sm ith, and church m em bers, B enny and M arsha
C arson, Jane and C hyerel M ayes, traveled from Portland to
Reedsport to jo in Ferguson for the 100th birthday celebration.
Ferguson has been a resident o f R eedsport for over 10 years.
A C ounselor G od’s Way
B e h a v e life s tr e s s o r s & d is e a s e in t o d a y ’s c o m p le x so c ie ty , life ca n be o v e r w h e lm ­
ing. I n te r n a l c o p in g sk ills ca n g e l u s th r o u g h c r is is h o w ev er, w e m a y n o t h a v e th e
n e c e s s a r y to o ls to c o p e ffe c tiv e ly .
C o u n se lin g a s a so u n d in g b o a r d o r a n id e n tif ie r in r e la tio n s h ip issu e s ca n b e v i ta l
in h e lp in g y o u f i n d th e b e s t w a y to o v e r c o m e l i f e ’s d is e a s e f o r in s ta n c e a b u se ,
d e p e n d e n c y , a d d itio n s , d e p r e s s io n , a n d o th e r v o litio n a l d is o r d e r s . Bfe o f fe r th e
a v e n u e f o r o v e rc o m in g , w ith th e m o s t e f f e c tiv e g u a r a n te e d m e th o d o lo g y .
C h o o sin g c o u n se lin g ca n b e th e k e y to m a k in g y o u a n d y o u r f a m i l y ’s d r e a m s a
re a lity . B e u se th e m o s t e f f e c tiv e c u ttin g e d g e te c h n iq u e s o f o v e r c o m in g , w e d o it
G o d ’s w ay.
Io accomodate you the family who have lost a loved one. we will come to you
so that the arrangements being made will be personalized with compassion.
We Offer The Best Prices & The Friendliest Service In Town.
September 29, 2010
. ------------
Services include«
Finding Solutions to Life’s Problems
Relationship Counseling
Stress Management
Grief Counseling
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Healing from Past Hurts
___________________ : _____________ - . - . . . . 2
H o d g e C o m p r e h e n s iv e C o u n s e lin g S e r v ic e
Providing cognitive behavioral services from a Itlbllcal
perspective with sound psychological principles.
Margaret Gibbs-Neal, Funeral Director & Owner
Licensed: 0445
Life Change Specialist
Licensed Pastoral Counselor
Motivational Speaker
Over 20yeara o f addressing
Life Stressors
.1 crome Cox-Tanner, Funeral Director
License d: (1382
•This Facility is licensed by the Oregon State Mortuary & Cemetery Board
(Certification #84(P)
- b y A ppointm ent O n ly -
D r. I I . L . H o dg e, P h . D .
Portland Congress Center
1001 SW Fifth Ave. Suite 1100
Portland, OR. 97204
(503) 220-1790
i iiv
v v iiiiiiu iiiiy
ebrate Dr. H azel B ro w n’s 80th birth
day d u ring a special ch u rch servici
o n Saturday, O ct. 30 at F irst A M I
Z ion C hurch, 4304 N .E. V ancouve
A ve.
Dr. B row n and her husband, th<
late Rev. V icto r R. B row n, are tht
founders o f
the C o m m u ­
nity C hurch
G od
w here th eir
so n , R ev,
F ra n k lin
B row n is the
Dr. Hazel L. Brown
p a sto r.
The B row n fam ily has extended ;
special invitation to all o f o u r pas
tors and w ives, fam ily m em bers ant
ex ten d ed fam ily m em bers, siste
ch u rch es and co m m u nity leaders.
For m ore inform ation or to R SV P
co n tact M in ister H azel “ H o n ey ’
B row n at 503-684-3300 o r 5 0 3 ^ 9 5 -