Page 34 % Minority & Small Business Week September 29, 2010 Helping Small Businesses Prosper SBA administrator speaks to the challenges states that have some major players, which is a good thing and a bad thing because when that industry falters it crushes the economy. What are some other advantages o f having an economy with so many small businesses? They have the potential to adapt to changing economies and industries. They can focus their attention faster and quicker. They're the jet ski versus the battleship. Bigger guys underestimated it. The small business owner who won­ ders how they're going to make payroll has to be nimble. What are some changes businesses made when the economy went sour? Some were able to add new product lines or change their expense struc­ ture. A lot of companies slowed down their inventory because that's money in limbo that can't do anything for you. Some took great advantage of it and saw it as an opportunity to fill market niches. going down one path, and it's been a successful path they can't think of where else to go. That's when it's absolutely vital to seek out counsel. What are some underutilized ad­ vantages at SBA? There are three free resources. You've got Small Business Develop­ ment Centers, which provide free by J ake T homas counseling and free training at a re­ T he P ortland O bserver duced price. It's a very underutilized. Oregon may have a couple big name SCORE is a bunch of volunteers who companies like Nike or Intel, but for the don't charge for counseling who come most part our economy is dominated by from a wide range of industries. They'll small businesses. The Small Business sit down and look at your business Administration is a federal agency that plan. A little bit smaller scale is the aids and counsels small businesses in Women Business center at Mercy hopes of helping them prosper. Corps Northwest. SCORE and SBA The Portland Observer recently sat Harry DeWolf have clients that have been going on down with Harry DeWolf, SBA district their most productive customers were for the last four or five years. Some director for Oregon and southwest Wash­ and stopped spending time on the ones clients see a counselor every quarter. ington, to talk about what the agency that weren't. Sometimes that's really This is free consulting. It's prepaid. does and what’s going on in Oregon’s hard for a small business person. Rela­ Do you have specific resources fo r business environment. tionships are great, but they don't pay minority businesses? What role will small businesses play salaries. If a business wants to get a federal in the economic recovery? What’s an example o f that? What are some o f the challenges contract we have the Central Contrac­ As far as job growth, they're essen­ There are some smaller construction small businesses face? tor Registration, where businesses can tial. They can hire faster and grow faster, firms that shifted gears from commer­ Some businesses are going to have a register as minority-owned. It's on a but their ability to get capital and infuse cial or residential real estate and started really hard time keeping up with their huge amounts of cash into an economy looking for new industries like public money requirements. A lot of businesses public website that demonstrates to any is not anywhere near what the larger works. Time is just as valuable as cash, created a capacity that has a certain federal contracting officer what they corporations can do. They're going to so how you spend your time really mat­ expense structure built into it. It's a can do and how they can get in touch. Large corporations use it when they bring us out slowly. ters. If you're chasing the same dollar, machine. You either feed that machine In Oregon about 97 percent of busi­ and it’s not there, it's going to hurt you. at the same rate or you make it smaller. want to sub-contract to meet goals. It's nesses are small. There are a lot of other The smarter businesses figured out who When businesses owners have been an excellent tool. SBA has the 8a small business de­ velopment program. It's for socially and economically-deprived business owners and it's a nine-year program. We help beef them up so that they can walk alone by offering training and guidance. We're not trying to make them dependent on federal contracts. By the end of the nine years the legs of their stool will be balanced. It's a really good program, but it's not easy. We have about 60 firms. Some shut down, but many graduate early be­ cause they got too big. How has federal legislation like the stimulus or the jobs bill done to help out Oregon? From the visibility I have on it, it has helped loans get back up to 2008 num­ bers. It's really helped with construction and infrastructure. A few agencies were Since 1947 given money for technology upgrades that were long overdue. Some firms in the engineering design have done really well. The stimulus has helped some in­ dustries, but not all. My concern comes into place when we've been doing this for well over a DESIGN I BUILD REMODELING CUSTOM HOMES year and we pull the rug out from under people who’ve become dependent on it. HOME PERFORMANCE HANDYMAN HOME REPAIR TEAM Have we solved the problem or put a big band aid on it? 503.288.7461 It has been good on the business side of banks. A lot of banks were getting sloppy. They weren't following their own OR C C B # I6 6 3 :W A Reg# 18702 historical ways of doing business. Be th e change th a t you w a n t to see in th e world. -M ohandas G andhi Neil Kelly