September 29, 2010 Minority & Small Business Week Page 31 Thank You to Our Local Minority Business Advertisers from JJ art lanb (Observer HAP City of Portland Multnomah County Walsh Construction Neil Kelly Portland Development Commission Brooks Staffing AACC North by Northeast Community Health Center Oregon Cultural Trust Black United Fund Business Diversity Institute Inc. Portland Public Schools Tri-Met Music Millennium Alberta Street Market L egal N otices Service Master Moonstar Dwell Realty Energy Trust A Step Above Lifework’s Northwest Chase & Weil JJ Locksmith H A R HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND Need to publish a court d o c u m e n t or n o tice ? Need an a ffid a v it o f publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: The Portland Observer Advertise with diversity I |K ^ P o rtla n d Observer C all 5O3S288-OO33 ads@portland( zJsiAK-fc -to Ao business ¿s>í-tk uou. The Housing Authority of Portland provides safe, decent and affordable housing to individuals and families in Multnomah County. Contracting plays a vital role in this process and contributes to the fulfillment of our mission statement through fair contracting practices and inclusive procurement processes. We are working to increase the numbers of minority, w om en-ow ned and em erging sm all businesses involved in HAP contracting opportunities through our innovative procurement practices and policies. We frequently have opportunities in: • Professional services • Construction services • Social services We can help businesses and individuals enter the construction and professional services arena with resources such as free tra in in g o p p o rtu n itie s, technical assistance, and w orkforce hiring and training programs. Contact our agency for specific opportunities. Visit our website for information on current solicitations, pro­ grams to support diversity in contracting, and links to our partnering agencies. Y o u r C o n ta c t at H A P To Place Your Classified Cinna'Mon Williams, CPPB, MCA Procurement and Contracts Manager 503-802-8533 Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 w w w .h a p d x .o r g