Page 30 Minority & Small Business Week Local Printer Hires Manager C o m m u n ity activ ist L ibby U pham has jo in e d W itham & D ickey P rinting, 4 8 2 4 N.E. 42nd St., as the co m p an y ’s new accounts m anager. O v e r th e p ast 10 y e a rs, U p h a m h a s w o rk e d as a fundraiser for several nonprofit organizations and political cam- paigns. T he o rg an izatio n s in­ Libby Upham c lu d e G r o w in g G a r d e n s , M orrison Child and Family Ser­ v ices, N A R A L P ro -C h o ice O regon, N o on M easure 43 (2 006) and H ooley for C o n ­ gress (2000 and 2004). “W e are fortunate to have Libby U pham - with her skills and contacts - jo in our sales team ,” said W itham and Dickey principal Bill Dickey. “M any or­ ganizations m ay not be aw are how cost efficient and sim ple it can be to print donor-targeted m aterials for fundraising. N ew technologies allow us to person­ al ize m ass printed m aterials in a variety o f ways. U pham ’sback- ground m akes her the perfect person to carry that m essage.” September 29, 2010 Serving Women and Children in Kenya c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 28 BROOKS STAFFING A D ivision of S. Brooks & Associates, Inc. A Full Service Staffing Company T hink B rooks , T hink J obs ! Experienced employees are carefully screened and unconditionally guaranteed. G e t it R ig h t t h e F irs t T im e ! No surplus labor • No insurance costs • No interviewing • No tax records "Serving the Pacific Northwest Since 1981." O U R S TA FFIN G S O L U T IO N S Temporary Services Recruitment & Executive Searches Consulting Federal Government Contact us at: 503.284.7930 FAX: 503.284.7977 1130 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 MEMBER M ember American Staffing Association a P O R T L A N D B U S IN C S S A L L IA N C E leading the uuy P roud M ember “That w as powerful,” she said ofthe w om an’s testimony. “D o­ m estic v iolence w as the norm . The training (in the sew ing pro­ gram ) changes the dynam ics o f their families.” T he M olly H ig h to w er E n­ dow ed S cholarship w as estab ­ lished by the C lass o f 2 0 1 0 in m em ory ofHightower, w ho died in the Jan u ary earth q u ak e in H aiti w h ile vo lu n teerin g w ith special-needs orphans. N o stran g e r to activ ism and volunteerism , from her first day at the north P ortlan d school, H oxw orth w as m o tiv ated by theuniversity’sm issionofteach- ing, faith and service. In h er three years on cam pus, she has served locally, n atio n ally and g lo b ally thro u g h the M oreau C enter for Service and L eader­ ship. Apply K Test Online! • • • • to w ork in the v o catio n p ro ­ gram w hen she heard a K enyan w om an d escrib e how she had rep eated ly been b eaten by her husband. But o n ce the w o m an had an ab ility to earn m oney, the beatings stopped, H oxw orth said. • • Assistingpeople with disabili­ ties in Portland, helping rebuild a flo o d -rav ag ed rural O reg o n tow n, leading groups o fU P stu­ dents on trips w ith H ab itat for H u m an ity , tw ice trav ellin g to K enya, ex p lo rin g agricultural com m unity issues-H oxw orth’s ex p e rien ce is as d eep as it is varied. “She is truly a servant scholar and global citizen m otivated by a sincere com passion and c o n ­ cern for o th e rs,” said L aura G oble, d irec to r o f the M oreau C enter. “ She has a v ib ran t e n ­ ergy that lights up the w orld and has - and w ill co n tin u e to - perpetuate M o lly ’s legacy.”