September 29, 2010 Minority & Small Business Week Page 27 Bond Work for Minority Contractors continued from page 24 the business "is a family-based com pany that prides itse lf in having and building long term relationships with our clients." In Line C om m ercial C on­ struction w orks with com pa­ nies in the health care, com ­ m ercial, financial and educa­ tion fields like Portland State University, Providence Health and S ervices, O H SU and K eyB ank to nam e a few. T heir projects include a "It's been strategically-con­ trolled growth over the years," said Todd Duwe, In Line's vice president and senior project m anager. "W e have som e really solid clients that have helped us get there. Those organizations really prom ote M W ESB business participation. W e are proud o f our success and we use that to becom e m ore o f a m entor for other small businesses, and also help them by breaking dow n the scope o f projects munity it serves and works in. "W hen In Line was formed there w ere challenging times for the first 10 years, but the w hole key was to bring on really experienced people," Flint said. "It's a real team ­ work effort." Duwe said it's thanks to the college's efforts in facilitating small business participation- with a target o f 20 percent o f all contractors being MWESB - that helps firms like his have more opportunities. For more information on the PCC bond, visit p cc.ed u / about/bond. C L O T H IN G F O R M E N Winter sale, buy one suit at regular price get the additional one for half price. All spring/ summer hats are 20% o ff now. Two Piece short sleeve mens walking suits are on sale also. A Step Above now has a quaint upstairs featuring women and men resale clothing with gifts like, vases, candles, and eye wear (Glasses frames). This store has had 15 plus years experience in providing you with the best in fashion. It currently has moved into Vanport Plaza at 5233 NE MLK BLVD. Portland, OR 97211. Saluting Minority Business Week Ivan Ibanez of In Line Commercial Construction demol­ ishes a ceiling during a remodel of the Student Service Building's third floor at Portland Community College’s Cascade Campus. 2 1 ,0 0 0 -sq u are-fo o t G lisan M edical O ffice B uilding for Providence H ealth and Ser­ v ic e s ; 5 ,6 0 0 -s q u a r e -fo o t renovation o f SolarW orld In­ dustries A m erica's new p ro­ duction facility; and a 4,137- square-foot upgrade at O r­ e g o n H e a lth & S c ie n c e University's west campus. In addition, In Line is no stranger to PCC, building the new kennels for the V eteri­ nary Technology Program at the R ock C reek C am pus. into smaller sizes for MWESB subcontractors to bid on." Duw e helps the college's Building C onstruction Tech­ nology Program annually to advise new graduates on what the industry is looking for in new hires. In Line em ployees en ro ll in PCC A uto C ad classes and m anagers are h e a v ily in v o lv e d in th e H ills b o ro , N e w b e rg an d Beaverton chambers. F lint said it's a philosophy o f staying involved in the com ­ Believing that life works when you get the support you need, LifeWorks NW helps clients break down barriers and build hope for the future. ^ 1 ife W orks O R T H W E S T M ental Health and Addiction Services for a Healthy Community Six Locations'. NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. • N. Albina Avenue N. Mississippi Avenue • Rockwood Gresham • Milwaukie