ìjj) Minority & Small Business Week Page 26 September 29, 2010 A Market for Catfish About a year and a hal fago, William Gaddis noticed a void in Portland’s otherwise robust food cart scene: southern cooking, with catfish being particularly ab­ sent. He wanted to help out his granddaughter with college, so he and his girlfriend got together a food cart serving up catfish, potato salad, com and green beans. “The Best o f Shevens” is present at the King Farmers Market, Alberta Street Fair, and the Boise-Eliot O utdoor Market. Gaddis, a native o f New Orleans who moved up to Portland to escape the humidity and be with family, said that he uses a southern-style cornmeal breading for the catfish that includes garl ic and black pepper. He said that sales on some days do better than others, but overal 1 he is sti 11 doing alright. William Gaddis services up catfish and other southern cooking de­ lights from his food cart at the Boise-Eliot Outdoor Market. M ark W ashington / T hf . P ortland O bserver photo by “ You 'll he hard-pressed to find a more exhaustive selection o f music anywhere..'' -Esquire Magazine GROW YOUR BUSINESS WITH THE FLICK OF A SWITCH I------------------------------------ (| LOOKING FOR AN INSTANT-ON FOR ENERGY SAVINGS? J Sell us your used CDs, Lighting upgrades and lighting controls are the best first step to energy savings for your business. Your investment in high-efficiency lighting can generate big energy savings, put your business in a positive light and create a more productive environment for customers and employees. Cash incentives from Energy Trust of Oregon mean your investment in efficiency can pay dividends in as little as two years. I DVDs, or IPs, show us J this coupon after we’ve I I told you the total and I well pay you... For inform ation about cash incentives, talk w ith your lighting contractor. Energy Trust can also refer you to a qualified trade ally contractor. Call us at 1.866.368.7878 or visit www.energytrust.org Serving customers of Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, N W Natural and Cascade Natural Gas. EnergyTrust of Oregon Lighting is just the beginning Heating and cooling upgrades and high-efficiency equipment can boost your bottom line by reducing your energy-related operating expenses Talk with Energy Trust about solutions that can help your business thrive. ! 20% more! IliM M M • Exmires 10/31/10. | o i wHdwito auy «tuer effer. M IL L E N N IU M 32nd & L Burnside 503-231-0920 www.musicmillennium.com