Page 22 % Minority & Small Business Week September 29, 2010 C h a s e & Weil, LLP Salutes Minority Enterprise Week Francisco Olivas (above) and Robert Valdez (right), owners of Olivas Valdez, Inc. of La Center, are the Minority Small Business Persons of the Year for 2010 for the Portland District of the Small Business Administration. G erald M. C hase R ich a rd L. W eil A tto rn e y s at L a w 6 2 1 SW A ld e r St., S uite 6 0 0 P o rtla n d O re g o n 97205-3621 P h o n e 5 0 3 -2 9 4 -1 4 1 4 • Fax: 5 0 3 -2 9 4 -1 4 5 5 Small Business Persons of the Year Oregon's oldest multicultural newspaper Serving Portland's communities fo r 36 years. U. W '»«* «** *'**’*' ■ y •»*' •* #"2, A \ • i»«*" v *•* f - »'£» *’rV <* Committed to Cultural Diversity 503-288-0033 w w w .p o r tla n d o b s e r v e r .c o m I Minority owners create and grow jobs Francisco Olivas and R ob­ ert V aldez, ow ners o f O livas Valdez, Inc. o f La Center, are the M inority Sm all Business Persons o f the Y ear for 2010 for the Portland District o f the Sm all B usiness A dm inistra­ tion. The award will be presented at the B usiness D iversity In­ stitute M inority E nterprise D evelopm ent W eek aw ards luncheon on Wednesday, Oct. 6, from 11:30 a.m .to- 1:30 p.m . at the O regon C onven­ tion C enter in Portland. “ Francisco and R obert are perfect exam ples o f w hy m i­ nority-ow ned businesses are growing faster than any other sector in the nation," said SB A D is tr ic t D ir e c to r H a rry DeW olf. "In this challenging recession, Francisco and Rob­ ert used their ingenuity and steadfast dedication to their business to create and sustain jo b s that support our eco­ nomic recovery.” M ED W eek offers an o p ­ portunity to celebrate the positive impact minority small business owners have on their communities across the coun­ try. “W e are honoring O livas Valdez, Inc. for their extraor­ dinary com m itm ent to excel­ lence in providing innovative services to the federal g o v ­ ernment and commercial m ar­ k ets,” said SBA R egional Administrator Calvin Goings. “Their com m itm ent to excel­ lence has helped spur jo b cre­ ation in the small business com- m u n ity and th e n a tio n ’s economy.” Held annually since 1983, M ED W eek recognizes m i­ nority busin esses’ con trib u ­ tions to the nation’s economy. In this y ea r’s proclam ation, President O bam a urged all continued V on page 25