September 22. 2010 JJortianb (Dbsemer ' Page Arts XfNTFDl ENTERTAINMENT presents A Night You are invited to join us for A night of Praise & Worship "God will take away your u a Garment o f Praise" Vincent ‘DJSpinna’ Williams East C oast Tum tablism E ast C o ast in d ie -p o w e red tumtablism invades the Someday Lounge, downtown on Friday, Oct. 1 for a double bill that is sure to be a dance party-of-choice. Vincent “DJ Spinna” Williams is a humbling example o f what it takes to truly succeed within the frame­ work o f multiple fields. An emcee in New York city, he was a cornerstone o f Hip-Hop’s late90’s indie-uprise, making much o f his first impression on listeners as the musical back­ ground o f his group The Jigmastas. Everyone from Mos Def, Talib Kweli to Pharaohe Monch boasted Spinna beats to prove their worth to the scene. The other headliner coming West is Rob Swift, a former member of the tumtablist group The X-Ecutioners who continues his relentless pur­ suit o f fresh directions as a walking encyclopedia o f the craft. , ISOx. » a s i o í i au ertiia c (e s Celebrating First FruitsTOffSring Friday, September 24th at 7pm New Song Community Center 2 5 11NE MLK Blvd. Corner of NE MLK Blvd and Russell Street Hip Hop versus Punk Rock Black M arket, Portland's own u n d e rg ro u n d c o n s c io u s an d hyper-intelligent hip hop crew, gets pitted against The T axpay­ ers, the c ity ’s sm art-as-hell punk band during a hip hop versus punk rock concert, Saturday, Sept. 25 at Salmon Street Studios. U seless State R ecords has been putting on hip hop versus punk rock shows for the last few years at punk houses and park shows, but this one m arks an his­ toric occasion: the first hip hop versus punk rock show on hip h o p ’s own turf. Salm on Street Studios, a w are­ house at 109 S.E. Salmon St., is home to the Zulu Nations and tons o f incredible hip hop shows. And rum or has it that The Taxpay­ ers' horn section ju st might back UP Black M arket la Fam ilia for a song or two. Doors open at 9 p.m. gSd. Or fV ) i u> Check out our new private nightclub suite. I I SOT Atttr ¡^inscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 a INDOOR/OUTDOOR HOT TUBS PRIVATE ROOMS Fill Out & Send To: 0099 For directions or more information, call 503-488-5481 HOT TUBB9H© BT THE HOUR iC n k o p r ik p l lò llU S C n DCl Doors open at 6pm fo r every service (Obserner subscriptions are just $60 per year (please include check with this subscription form) N ame : ________________________________ ________T elephone : A ddress :