Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 22, 2010, Page 7, Image 7

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    September 22. 2010
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Page 7
VA Medicai Center Targets Hearing
Testing booth
opens to the
general public
The National Center for Rehabili­
tative Auditory Research at the
Portland VA Medical Center has
unveiled a computer-based, multi-
media hearing loss prevention edu­
cation program to encourage and
teach Veterans and Soldiers to pro­
tect their hearing.
The project is collaboration be­
tween the Department of Veterans
Affairs and the Department of De­
"The idea is to provide an inter­
active self administered testing plat­
form for Veterans and active duty
Soldiers to learn about noise in­
duced hearing loss and tinnitus and
how to prevent further damage to
their hearing," said Dr. Robert Visitors to the Portland VA Medical Center can find out how loud their m usic is on their iPods or MP3
Folmer." Hearing loss and tinnitus players as part o f a new hearing loss prevention booth
Disposal of Old
Prescriptions Urged
drives on
On Saturday, Sept. 25, law en ­
forcem ent agencies will help re­
move potentially dangerous con­
tr o lle d s u b s ta n c e s fro m o u r
n a tio n ’s m edicine cabinets by
collecting old prescriptions at the
Interstate Fred M eyer store in
north Portland and the M ultnomah
county Sheriff s Office, 12240N.E.
The collection activities will take
place from 10 a.m. through 2 p.m.
Prescription drug abuse is on
the rise across the country. The
National Take-Back Day provides
an opportunity for the public to
turn in expired, unwanted, or un­
used pharm aceutical controlled
substances and other m edications
for destruction.
These drugs are a potential
source of supply for illegal use by
children and adults and are an
unacceptable risk to public health
and safety.
The program is anonym ous.
Prescription and over the counter
solid dosage m edications, like,
tablets and capsules will be ac­
cepted. Intravenous solutions,
injectables and needles will not
be accepted.
Illicit substances such as mari­
juana or methamphetamine are not a
part of the collection drive.
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Brain Power for Kids
N utrition and learning go hand but also pack m eals that are
in hand.
easy to prepare and fun to eat, as
As kids go back to school, well as healthful, safe and nutri­
Providence dieticians say children tious.
who are nutritionally fit are more
For exam ple, sandw iches, raw
likely to have the energy, stamina veggies, crackers, string cheese,
and self-esteem that enhance their whole fruit and pudding are fun
ability to learn.
foods that still supply good nutri­
D on’t forget a good breakfast, tion.
are the two most prevalent service-
connected disabilities in the VA
system and the two most prevalent
service-connected disabilities suf­
fered by troops returning from Iraq
and Afghanistan."
Inside the booth, one participant
at a time can use a computer touch
screen to select among activities
including a hearing screening test,
how loud sounds damage hearing,
types of hearing protection and
several other interactive programs.
On an outside wall of the booth,
visitors can find out how loud their
music is on their iPods or MP3 play­
"Any sustained exposure to
noise levels above 80 decibels can
cause perm anent hearing loss,"
Folmer said. "Hearing loss is not a
reversible condition.”
Anyone can visit the booth lo­
cated at the VA center’s specialty
care clinic area located at 3710 S. W.
Veterans Hospital Rd.
of Oregon
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