Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 22, 2010, Page 3, Image 3

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    September 22, 2010
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Acid Attack 4 Victim’ Charged
False story
H ealth
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Prosecuting attorneys have
filed th e ft c h a rg e s a g a in st
Bethany Storro, the Vancouver
woman who falsely claimed that
a black woman threw acid in her
The felony charges filed Mon­
day by Clark County Deputy
Prosecutor Tony Golik relate to
donations collected for Storro
after she was chemically burned
Aug. 30.
A ccording to the probable
cause documents, fundraisers for
Storro reportedly raised $28,000,
o f which Storro apparently spent
about $ 1,500 on dinner for her
parents, clothes for herself and a
bill for a previous laser facial
peel. Police said Storro spent
some o f the funds she collected
on a new computer and a trip to
In a statement to media Fri-
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Bethany Storro
day, Storro's parents, Nancy and
Joe Neuwelt, claimed that the
money donated to their daughter
would be returned "in the appro­
priate manner."
"The aggravator is that the
defendant, Ms. Storro, took
money from victims who were
acting as good Samaritans when
they gave the money," said Golik.
Storro, 28, originally told po-
lice an A fric a n A m eric an
woman approached her Aug. 30
outside a Starbucks in down­
town V ancouver and asked,
"Hey pretty girl, want something
to drink?," before throwing acid
in her face.
But Storro's story began to
come undone when investiga­
tors questioned "discrepancies"
in her account o f the event. She
eventually broke down and con­
fessed to p u rc h a sin g d rain
cleaner from a local hardware
before applying the acid-like sub­
stance to her face in an effort to
commit suicide, authorities said.
Storro's parents apologized Fri­
day for their daughter's distaste­
ful hoax that garnered world­
wide attention and sympathy.
"She's obviously dealing with
some deep internal emotional and
psychological problems that we
had no know ledge of," said
mother Nancy as she stood with
her husband Joe outside their
Vancouver home Friday. "We
hope that she'll get the help that
she needs."
V a n c o u v e r p o lic e C m dr.
Marla Schuman described Storro
last week as "very remorseful."
"In many ways this is some­
thing that just got bigger than
what she expected," Schuman.
If convicted o f the charges,
she could spend a maximum o f
five years in jail.
—A ssociated Press
Fund Helps Gravely 111 Daughter
LG H arvey, a retired TriM et
bus operator and local resi­
dent, is asking for financial help
w ith his ill daughter.
N akia W atkins, a 36-year-
old m other o f eight, has been
diagnosed w ith term inal can-
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F ood
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cer. A lthough sh e’s getting dis­
ability paym ents and has health
insurance, m ost o f her income
is getting eaten up by rent,
m edicine, and supporting her
A nyone w ho w ants to do­
nate m oney can do so at the
Save a Life Fund for N akia
W atkins, w hich is being m an­
aged by Advantis Credit Union.
The transit and routing num ber
are 323 and 075181 respec­
TLW eek in
The Review
Advisor Steps Down
Brilliant but blunt-spoken White House eco­
nomic adviser Larry Summers said Tuesday
he will leave his job, marking a major staff
shake-up for President Barack Obama as he
faces growing pressure to revive the slug­
gish economy
Crash Kills 9 Soldiers
Franklin’s Son Attacked
A helicopter crash killed nine American troops
in Afghanistan on Tuesday, NBC News re­
ported. The incident made 2010 the war's
deadliest year for foreign troops, with 529
soldiers killed.
Aretha Franklin's son was severely beaten at
a gas station in Detroit Monday. Eddie
Franklin was attacked Monday night and
was undergoing surgery at a hospital. A
spokesperson for the singer said three people
may have been involved in the attack, but did
not address a possible motive.
Military Gay Ban Upheld
Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked an
effort by Democrats and the White House to
lift the ban on gays from serving openly in
the military, voting unanimously against
advancing a bill that included the provision.
Car Hits Two Cyclists
Portland Police are looking for a car driven
by a man they said may have run down two
cyclists on purpose. Two people were
injured in the incidents Tuesday m orning
on the east side near the W illam ette. Po­
lice were looking for a silver Subaru WRX
sedan with a green sticker in the back
w indow , possibly depicting the green
M onster energy drink logo.
PGE Park Groundbreaking
An official groundbreaking for PGE Park was
held Tuesday. The downtown stadium is
being transformed into a world-class venue
for major league soccer. The renovation is
expected to take six months.