Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 22, 2010, Page 18, Image 18

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September 22, 2010
Idealism’s High Price
from front
It was not surprising that the
play had difficulty finding a venue.
The play has been turned down or
shut down from New York to
Ashland. Because it contains criti­
cism of Israeli policy, it is assumed
by some to be anti-Israeli or anti-
Semitic. A Vancouver, B.C., the­
ater board member opposed the
play’s staging there while admit­
ting he had neither read it nor seen
it performed. A critic dismissed it
as “unvarnished propaganda.”
“I don't see this as anti-Israeli
or anti-Zionist at all,” Walton says.
“What I’d really like, is to see this
generate discussion.”
“I don't see this as anti-Semitic
at all,” Ward says. “To me, this is
just depicting (Corrie’s) experi­
ence there, not picking sides. She
was acting out of humanitarian
motives and lived with the Pales­
tinian people.” Along the way,
she engaged in an ongoing dia­
logue with an Israeli army ser­
The play also celebrates Corrie
as “an idealistic young person
trying to make a difference,’’ Ward
says. “She was saying some in­
credibly articulate, perceptive
things. She was trying to educate
people back home.”
Ward, the play’s director, and
Walton both have extensive the­
McLaughlin’s only experience so
far is as an audience member.
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However, she is a veteran peace
activist and, like Corrie, in her
youth traveled to a foreign coun­
try for idealistic purposes, in her
case serving with the Peace Corps
in Morocco.
“I like the idea of an idealistic
young woman who takes action
for change,” she says. “I saw simi­
larities with the life of Ben Linder,”
who was murdered while doing
humanitarian work in Nicaragua.
“I admire people who could do
that on their own.
“What Rachel was doing was
really a humanitarian mission. This
doesn’t cast blame on the Israeli
people. We encourage people to
come to the play, and there’ll be
discussions to follow.”
Corrie is played by Madeleine
Rogers, 16, a junior at Grant High
School, and Amanda Jensen, 30,
two actresses to represent a
younger and older Corrie.
“The more I read the script, the
more I was sucked into this,”
Rogers says. “(Corrie) was such
an incredible girl, such a strong,
creative person.”
The play will debut on Thurs­
day night with repeat perfor­
mances at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays
through Saturdays; and 2 p.m:
Sundays through Oct. 3O.Tickets
are $ 18 general, $ 15 students, se­
niors and teachers.
For more information call 503-
293-3062, or visit nwctc.org.
Dwight A. Terry
Oregon License CO-3644
Amy S. Terry
Oregon License FS-0395